Wieneke Archive Book 3 : Moreton Galleries 1960-61 Presscuttings

I 1)1, -,:,:tor 4,1 1111- \101t1 -11/N \1.11 S tun much pleaNtiri: ii o,,, I,, nivil and attend Ihe operone THE MAX RAGI.ESS EXHIBITION on (Monday. 15111 May. at 1.15 p.m. in the lorelon Phone 2 4142 Alm rt. on sIlt.. A %I. I' 11.1i61011: I II/ KILL SHOWS IN EVERY DAB Alan linker. an Australian painter noted for his meticulous rendering of I. flower pieces, is holding an exhibition of his recent works at the Moreton Galleries in Edward Street. -7------ - .., In most cases his tech- nique In brushwork can be described ns somewhat.. Paralleling the clean in-, visite strokes on an ex-: nerienced surgeon. .1 Every dab of the brush: or swipe of the palate knife does what is ex - pitted of it. No 'dreams ALAN Raker'a oils at the Moreton Gal- leries are of flower piece And landscape. While Mr. Baker does not set the imattination dream- ing we may eniov his fluid al crisp handling of brush n MINUS knife. his fresh a la nrima technlauc, which he Implies to the creation of R realistic illusion, The result of all this perfection is inclined to, reduce the amount of warm emotional appeal in! favor of cold hard facts., It is interesting to see the painted landscapes, a side of his art activity , - that has been rarely seen here. These works, like the flower studies, cam the hallmark of bill- liant craftsmanship. In the whole display there appears only one Instance in which the artist seems a little un- sure of himself and that occurs in the major piece. Australian Wild Flowers. Here are paintings for consideration: Mount Chincoma, The Tweed River. Bettina Fishing Boats. Prospect Creek. Rose Bay, Sydney Har- bor, Morning Sky. Sydney Harbor. and Camelia In Green Harmony.-MEL- VILLE HAYSOM. YOU ARE t.,.......aLmamioAUCe. CORDIALLY INVITED TO An Exhibition of Beautiful Colour Prints front Linoleum Blocks By MURRAY GRIFFIN 29 MAY- 9 JUNE 1961 MELVILLE HAYSOM Murray GrIffen, an Australian artist who survived the hardships of Chanel during the war years, is exhibiting collection of prints from his lino cuts at the Moreton Gallei3OA, AMP Building, Edward Street. Mr. Griffon has a place in the story of art in Australia. and is recog- nised as a leading man in his sphere of expression. He is an experienced teacher and is far better known in the souther!: States than he is here. The pieces shown are beautifully designed and the color schemes well conceived. MORETON GALLERIES ART REVIEW By Dr. Gertrude Langer MURRAY Griffin, of Melbourne, ex- . Mita 22 original colour linoleum block prints at the Moreton . Galleries. They include bird and figure studies and one seascape. While other lino -cut and precise detail: he artists accept the limits- achieves rich, glowing Mons imposed by this tone, frequently with technique and make a superimposed colours, virtue of simplicity and and he explores the tex- suggestive statement, tural charm of the im- Griffin strives for rather pressions made on the richer as well as more paper. realistic effects. However, he does not lose sight of the decora- tive character of the print and freely uses arbitrary colour and form adapted to the re- quirements of balanced and expressive designs. Griffin Is a fine crafts- man, fond of delicate His fine colour har- monies are achieved with as many as six, or more, colours. Among the mat It - tractive prints MS "Golden Owls," "Consid- ering Pelican," "Bral- ess," "Dancing Pelican," and "Malay Mother." RECENT PAINTINGS BY Al -AN