Wieneke Archive Book 3 : Moreton Galleries 1960-61 Presscuttings

Turk. you see, reads other lue places like Venle... West, near Lek Angeles. where the SHOWY' tuts highl fashionable "centre piece' for their parties. HEYSEN WATER COLOURS TUE Mongol' (Iallerles offers all exhibition of totter 1111011M by Sir lbws Ileysen, one of the doyens of Australian landscape II am told that Sir Hans has not had a one-man show in Brisbane for 25 years). It comprises not only very recent, but also some early work. The earliest, "The Drinking Pool" (dated 1905p, is Raman gem of real- istic, lyrically -felt landscape interpretation. The colour Is rich and rare. the touch in the varied paint textures delicate, yet firm: in spite of a sug- gested misty atmosphere, there la great clarity of THE DIRECTOR OF MORETON GALLERIES ART REVIEW by Dr. Gertrude LANGER St IliV111(.111 n every detail. uud in spite a comprehen- sive attention to detail, there is a complete absence of fussiness. If one compares this early work with "Morning Mists and Sunshine" of 50 years later, one notices, of course, However. one is drawn the much broader state- more strongly to the earlier ment, the assurance, where work. technique can forget itself: but if the poetry does not come through as In the early work. it is because one feels that everything has been discovered lung ago. Sir Hans' place in the his- tory of Australian land- scape painting is well as- sured. The truth and qual- ity of his work has helped no little even in making people aware of their nat- ural environment. INVITES YOU TO VISIT AN EXHIBITION OF WATER-COLOURS SIR HANS HEYSEN ON VIEW AI THE MORETON GALLERIES OPENING MONDAY, 21 MARCH 1960 A.M.P. BUILDING, EDWARD ST., BRISBANE Phone 2 4192 4 ARTISTRY IN TWO SHOWS MELVILLE HAYSOM A collection of paintings by Sir Hans Heysen is at the Moreton Galleries, AMP Building. It is 25 years since a one-man show of his has been seen in Brisbane. No painter has depicted the Australian scene with such craftsmanship and annrecialion. The hut mks draw ing Hayward Bluff. The Wilpenas. Passing Storm Clouds, and Etochinas form a telling group of the interior. In contrast, appeal- ing poetry can be found in Morning Light after Frost, Old Gum, Wood- side Pastoral, Late Afternoon and Bills Pastoral, Ambleside. Earlier works include The Drinking Pool, Rider by the Sea. and Land- scape. Ambleside. Elms in the Cotswolds illustrates that the artist can handle with truth the individual beauty of other lands. Interesting also is The Quarry. Gifts by artists for gallery At Lemons Hotel 120 Pieces of painting and sculpture are being ex- hibited until Sunday. The works have been Riven by the artists and are to be auctioned to raise funds, for a new Queensland Art Gallery. Artists from a 1 l States have contributed, Providing a gr. at range for selection. The auction will be in the basement of the City Hall next Monday night.