Wieneke Archive Book 3 : Moreton Galleries 1960-61 Presscuttings

JAMES Cant, who is holding his first Brisbane one-man show at the of warm greys, soft yellow and green, and Clack. There is danger in relying too much on texture and re- lief -like effects and In the abandoning of formal con- siderations. AL tAmMiaw.. PAINTINGS BY JAMES CANT 26 JUNE TO 7 JULY 1961 A.M.P. BUILDING EDWARD STREET BRISBANE lf Mar. ' James Cant's landscapes Moreton Galleries, exhibits landscape and two flower pieces. His most interesting paint- ing is "In the Sand 1111' building a richly textured, over-all surface of delicate strokes and small dabs, he draws the spectator Into a microcosm of dry grasses and filtering lights. By means that may be termed he creates, never- theless, a vividly realistic mad warm sensation of "being rigt the" "Dry Onihons," "Tre.he Dead ART REVIEW' y Dr. Gertrude LA ER Bush." and "Birds in the Dead Bush" also establish a close contact with nature, but do. not envelop one In the same way. "The Orgy Vase" has much charm, Cant's work shows certain affinities with that of John Percival, but Cant is much more restrained in his col - Dula using chiefly a palette JAMES CANT EXHIBITION The Moreton Galleries are presenting our exbileition of oil paintings by James Cant. His work is not widely known in Queensland. An example appeared in a collection of entries for the Wynne Prize of 1960, selected and displayed by the Moreton Galleries recently. In most cases, the painter employes dribble or action painting as a foundation, Over this he slashes free brush strokes, using a limited color scheme of buffs, greens and black. He is seen at his best in the major works such as Birds in the Dead Bush, Dry Grasses, In the Sandhilis, The Dead Bush and the un- catalogued In the Bush. The last was the Wynne entry. The most appealing of his smaller paintings are The Grey Vase and The Dragon Fly.- -MELVILLE IJAYSOM. PRINTS OF OLD MASTERS PRINTS from well-known drawings and paintings by L Old Masters ors on show at the Moreton Galleries. Though this is by no size of the originals are re - means an instructive odd- commended, particularly. bition, an attempt has , Prints from paintings, been made to represent though much reduced in the major European size, are good ,uallty and schools at least by one or give a fair indication of the more examples. originals. By this, of course. The reproductions from are not meant those of post - drawings, which are in the, card size.-G.L. .03ETON GALLERI 7ou are cordi-1 1:: invited to attend of T.70011.71a, at the 1 OR,-d7 A. .P. Building "IdwrIrd 7,trr,etn, from 24th .Tuly to 4th kit met 1961. SHOWING OF SMALL ART MELVILLE HAYSOM The Moreton Galleries, AMP Building, Edward Street, is presenting an exhibition of small paint - "'huts in oils and water )ea colors together with some 'ietchings. The artists repre- sented are Len Annois, W. 0, Grant, W. G. Law- rence, Sir Lionel Lindsay, Norman Lindsay, Ken- neth McQueen, Santo/, Sidney Long, Maud Sher- wood. Tom Garret, Martin Hardy, Russell Drysdale, and Arthur. March. 111111111111017 e.