Wieneke Archive Book 3 : Moreton Galleries 1960-61 Presscuttings

X06 Ill !ON OF Pi CENT I'AL'vF NIL BY ROBERT CAMPBELL 15 SEPTEMBER 1961 YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO AN EXHIBITION OF PAINTINGS IN OIL AND WATERCOLOUR By IS - 29 SEPTEMBER 1961 VERSATILE ART BY DIRECTOR C. G. GIBBS Current art show at the Moreton Galleries presents water colors and oils by Robert Campbell. Alt. Cauulbrll is well known to the Brisbane public as former Director of the slan Art Gallery. Queen Leavingd that post to become Director of the of South National AustraliaGallery this leftist keeps well in touch nth his craft as a painter. With subject matter from the Territory of Tasmania, the present showing of some 30 works reveals a versatility and economy of means which has always chararterised Campbell's approach. His water colors, form- ing the greater number of the exhibits. fall into three categories - the typical Robert Campbell mid -tone grouome of areas wit!, stronger line accents, as in Autumn Afternoon; the exquisite dropped - in techniqu! which has produced the fluidity of Rain Shower: and the wash and line treatment of Bondi Beach and 'he City from Bal- maing Sulgety of modelling Satasfying movement of light is caught in Spring Morning and Goolwa on the Murray. Color and value juxta- position of King William Street, Adelaide. main- tain the busy feeling of a crowded city. The exhibition is open until September 15 . Subtlety of modelling is found it, the tranquil landscape 0-ey Hills. which contrasts sharply with the dir ct and stac- cato touch of Bathers- Port Elliott. A Six oils. including an r ably-handled Portrait of N Jean command attention. b 11111111111111INIIIMOISIII C. G. GIBfl After having seen the present More- ton Gallery exhibition of Vida Lahey paint- ings, one feels that there should be more shows of this kind. Hans Heysen brought flower pieces that full ex- to the drawing room the very breath of the out- doors in landscape. Here Vida Lahey does the same-but with flowers. There are no abstruse intellectual problems to worry the viewer. Painted with the tech- nical excellence for which she is so well known, Vida Lahey leads one immediately to the enjoyment of rich and varied sub- ject matter drawn dir- ectly from nature. The artist is obviously at home in both media, oils and water colors. A large figure piece and two small portarit sketches are found in the oils with smaller landscapes. - Evening Shadows, Miami, owes much in- terest to a palette knife pigment application. But it is among the A441444'44. pression is realised. Wild sunflowers Makes an irrestlstible appeal, with its warm and vibrant analogous hues. Green and Red-An im- pression, ensures visual satisfaction by a discrimi- nating suggestion of form used with complementary hues of red and green. Water color is admir- ably suited to flower painting, and the artist hat made full use of this medium to render the delicate hues and gradu- ation of values In Nar- cissus and White Roses and Peach Blossom. Major pieces are Mountain Flowers and Summer Flowers, with a smaller painting. Crocus, convincingly modelled. Fittingly presented in the spring, this show is recommended to art and flower lovers alike.