Wieneke Archive Book 3 : Moreton Galleries 1960-61 Presscuttings

MODERN PRINTS ON SHOW A' people in Brisbane hove only rarely on °ppm- tunity of seeing any work of the greet modern most.,, in the original, a fine print exhibition Is well worth is visit. The Moreton Galleries has Chagalls. a nude by Modish- now an Interesting display ant, "The Purple ItoLe" by of excellent colour prints, Matisse. a Vlaminck land,eane of his Fauve per,nd most of which have not been ctsh..Kanft,,ky shown here before. Klee and Mire. "Drying It includes, among others, Sails" by Raoul Dufy. and a still life by Cezanne, two "Clown" by Rouauh early works by Picasso, five Gertrude Langer. ART REVIEW by Dr. Gertrude [ANGER Contest paintings on view... SELECTED paint- ings from the Archibald, Wynne and Sulman competitions are now on slew at the Moreton Galleries. Of the six portraits, Sall Herman's "Russell Drysdale" stands out by virtue of its sensitive realism strinned of Irrelevancies and tricks of trade. The construction, which stresses massive drical forms, has a self-con- tained strength. Dargie tells us In his por- trait of Sir Lionel Lindsay that the old gentleman is ' still hale and hearty, wears a perky beret and red scarf and possesses a large library. The general approach Is of the camera man who says "leak up and smile" (but the camera was not very can- did,. DEFECTS Walter Pidgeon's "H. B. Newman" may have a good likeness, but has many de- fects as a painting. Apart from an Ill-conceived left arm. the whole handling of the background and its re- lation to the rest Is fumbling ' and weak, Rigby's "Beryl" has In- teresting design qualities, but suffers from traffic, : with sentimentality. This somewhat spoils too, Rigby's entry In the Sulman, which has fine decorative qualities. To rouse the sentimental interest of the spectator a sad -eyed pretty face is added to portray the genii - Sent, which On case the ar- tist wishes to convey thisi should arise from the whole arrangement, but does not. MAGIC The winner In the Sulman, "Circus" by Susan Wright, generates a feeling of magic and suspense, and has a feminine grace, but could bear improvement in certain areas, especially of the ring and foreground lawn, The winner for land- scape, "Harbour Cruise," by Reinis Zusters is the most resonant painting here. Its beautifully handled colours glow and sparkle, suggesting shapes, space, light, and the emo- tion of rejoicing at the same time. The other landscapes show slices of reality too little transformed by the mind to create an Import. But Arnold Shore's "Bush Abstract" and James Cant's calligraph In "In the Bush" are more interesting than the rest. EIE &c) WY NNE HAS BEST WORKS In an exhibition of selected paintings from the recent Archibald, Wynne and Suman competitions now at the Moreton Galleries, A.M.P. Building, Edward Street, the entries for the Wynne landscape prim, transcend by for the efforts found in the other sections. Reinis Zusters, win- ner of the Wynne, has conceived and pro axed a most interest- ing and colorful Har- bor Cruise. It is com- pletly satisfyig in its transform a t 10 n of everydoy Sydney Har- bor and Bridge into a romantic dream. Ronald Steuart's Kuringai Hillside is d. beautifully painted factual rendering of nature. James Cant shows a delightful In the Bush. It is a poem carried out In silver, grey and green with dancing brush strokes. Max Ragless again captures the feeling of the interior with his Dust, Blrdsville. Scott Pendlebury also creates a spaciousness In Street Scene, Mel- bourne. Arnold Shaw. H. Pucmire and Bison show coed examples of titrir work. There is nothing ex- citing in the portraits. The winning painting by Dobell is repre- sented only by a photograph. William Pidgeon's H. B. Newman Esm., ix non as brilliant as sonic of his previous work. W. A. Dargte's Lionel Lindsay is a good likeness and is capably painted. but is not vital. Only two entries cover the Sulman PrPrr for a Gendre painting section. Susan Wright's The Circus lac'is all the deep elements which go to make slus, business. John Rigby Is strong In color. design and conception In his Street Corner.-MEL- VILLE HAYSOM. 1 , svgr anti 4, ern t A Selected Pictures from AECHIBALL, RUNE and SULMAN COMPETITIBS 26th April to 13th May, 1960 r. p. 3 klt a A yt rtes' ..