Wieneke Archive Book 3 : Moreton Galleries 1960-61 Presscuttings

4 There is a small William Daigle beach subject. A Carsintten Sadth pen and watercolour sketch is 11.11 clear as a complete st-A- mffllt, Two small inland-Austra- Ha subject -pieces, done in tine oil by Sam Fullibrook Cockatoo' and "Girl with Kanstrioryo.' stand out for the loci emotion they present. Ru itennett's "Flooded Crossing," with its amber glow and sense of nostalgia, is Tnheotable. exhibition is open for two weeks.-D.R. the show, Paintings by Maud Sherwood, Sam Fulbrook. and Dargie round off the display._ picture of The Director of THE MORETON GALLERIES cordially invites you to meet Mr. JOHN ELDERSHAW and attend the opening of his l'XHIBITION OF RECENT WATER-COLOURS by I'hc Honourable Mr. Justice C. G. WANSTALL, O.C. tit THE MORETON GALLERIES Phone 2 402 on Monday, 21st August at 1.15 p.m. AA P. 'lawmn Edward Strect Orlshane