Wieneke Archive Book 3 : Moreton Galleries 1960-61 Presscuttings

ARTHUR MURCH 30th OCTOBER TO 10th NOVEMBER 1961 ART REVIEW by-Dr. Cier:ttudr: Linger Arthur Murch's show UNTOUCIIED by cont Murch still pursues as a pleasant Arcady. With Renoir and the 18th century bucolic painters as his mentors, he also restates In his exhibition at the Moreton Galleries the aims of impressionistic techniques. The intimately -scaled Pic- tures of landscape and bathers in the landscape, are painted in full light, which, however, Is not al- lowed to disintegrate the sensuous, full rounded forms of hills, trees, and the human body. Murch's high-keyed pal- ette of warm-cool broken colours, with a preference eniporary ideas, Arthur his vision of the world far pastel shades, has gained in unity, and in some of the paintings, In richness. It is harmonious colour on which Murch chiefly re- lies for unity. The linear structure of hi:; paintings, mainly based on curves and arabesques, is often rather disjointed. Among best offerings are "Angophyra." "Richmond River Valley," "Cliff Top." "Sheep Grazing" and "The Tree.' The exhibition will remain open until November 10, iMurch shows good drawing The Arthur Murch showing of pictures at the Moreton Galleries- open for two weeks from 30th October-furnishes ample evidence that goOd drawing has not been neglected in the artist's training. Figure pieces and landscape alike indi- cate that there has been no haphazard approach to the con- structive side of his work. But Murch is more than a mere draughts- man. Extremely sensitive to delicate variations of form and color, the artist has Portrayed these nuances with the skill of the craftsman and the soul of the poet. EXHIBITIO N AT THE MORETON GALLERIES You are cordially invited to the 1961 SPRING EXHIBITION OF PAINTINGS at THE MORETON GALLERIES A.M.P. Building, Edward Street MONDAY, 2nd OCTOBER to 14th OCTOBER