Wieneke Archive Book 3 : Moreton Galleries 1960-61 Presscuttings

Alloreton show tempting art C. G. GIBBS An established feature of the year is the Moreton Galleries Christmas showing of small paintings. Works by wc:l known Cawley., Valley, Indl- Australian artists at Teas- ct,tes a careful consider - unable figures tempt the twine -lover to make worth- ation of the deslyn ele- ments. while investment. G. K. Townshend shows A small but exquisite unusual water color hand - piece of oil painting Is ling In Isis Track To The toond In Robert Camp- Beach. hell's Venice. restrained In color and perfectly balanced in tone. Allan Raker and Vida Lahey show landscapes of more thou ordinary inter- cst - The Quiet. Creek because of it.; pattern qualA ity and Vida Lahey', Landscape through its (lancing co ora. Graeme Inson paints its a subdued tonal key with No River and Noma Heads. Rich hues by Fullbrook The Blue Pool Is a typical John Howell eon- plementary color, being used to contrast the dry terrain with the blue water of the pool. Masterly handling rich hues equating their %alum characterlre the titles Old Hunter and the Bar- minutia by Sam Full - brook. Robert Johnson shows a number of nicely -lit small land- scapes with two larger pieces. Kangaroo Val- ley has atmospheric charm awl the Road, tbg