Wieneke Archive Book 3 : Moreton Galleries 1960-61 Presscuttings

I ItS I \ I I I It I r I ( N DAVID N, srk \LIA BURLIUK 20th TO 29th MARCH 1962 THE DIRECTOR OF THE MORETON GALLERIES has pleasure inviting you to the opening by MR. LAURIE THOMAS DIRECTOR OF THE QUFENsLAND APT GALL ERY of an EXHIBITION OF PAINTINGS b, DAVID BURLIUK on Tuesday, 20th March 1962 at 1.15 p.m. at the Moreton Galleries, A.M.P. Building, Edward Street, Brisbane. The Exhibition will remain open until 30th March. Mr. Burliuk's Exhibition in Brisbane will be the only showing In Australia of this very distinguished American Artist's work. V ART REVIEW by Dr. Gertrude bryyr ARTIST AND HIS WORK ARE HERE TOGETHER IT is not a com.non occurrence to hove here in person as well as in his work a painter, who hos gone into art history as co-founder of the modern movement et the beginning of our century, who was "The Father of Russian Futurism," and member of the famous Blue Rider Group in Munich. Of course, David Burliuk's painters, will delight in the exhibition, opening at the fresh. eye that looked at Moreton Galleries today, Is these scenes. not a retrospective one. All paintings were done this year, partly on his way to and partly in Australia, But one guesses, that in order to draw attention to his early futurist style, Bur- liuk included two variations of "Dance" and "Rider with Book," painted now, from the original versions of 1910, Most of the other paint- ings are `rased partly on memories of Russia (farmer with their animals in th snow or in green meadows or sitting around their samo war), partly on Pada islands and Australl motifs. They are richly expressive and often as bright and ga as a Russian Easter Egg, But the harmonies result lint from vivid, contrastin colours are certainly th moat remarkable quality o Burliuk's art. Other qualities are the vitality of touch, the inven- tive handling of richly pat- termed and textured stir-, faces, and, last, but not, least, the naive humour and love of life. All of those qualities' make one think of Bon-! nerd. The Australian 'motifs,' such as "Rainy Day" and "On Brisbane River," will be of special Interest. Those tired of the con- ventional approach and the ready-made palette of so many of our landscape .*- Among other charmingly fresh paintings are "On The Pacific Islands" and "Fiji Regatta." 'the exhibition will be opened today by Mr. Laurie Thomas at 1.15 p.m. es Is presenting I- tIon or pain by David Burliu an adopted American artist of repute. This Brisbane sl_owing is the only one in A-ustralla. Mr. Burliuk was born at Kharkov, Russia, In Mb and is recognised as one of the early 20th century artists who helped consoli- date the revolutionary art movement of that time. Mr. Burliuk is known as a pseudo-exoressionist, a classification which seems to fit him well. The current show must be appreciated in its true perspective as a valiant effort Indeed, hut it pro- vokes rather sad thoughts. These recent paintings, together with copies or former triumphs. can give only a hint of the artist's powers in the full vigor of his creative hey - G. 2- ../