Wieneke Archive Book 3 : Moreton Galleries 1960-61 Presscuttings

1962 WATER COLOURS & DRAWINGS AT TIE MORETON GALLERIES You are cordially invited to an EXHIBITION OF WATER COLOURS & DRAWINGS at THE MORETON GALLERIES A P Building, Edward Street MONDAY, 16th APRIL to 4th MAY, 1962 RICH, OLD NOSTALGIA Drawings, Watercolors and Etchings. Moreton Galleries. Brisbane. AT the Moreton Galleries is a col- lection of works by old Aus- tralian masters including a pencil draw- ing of a landscape by Lloyd Rees, who in- this genre has had no equal. The skill with which Lloyd can encompass a vast range of country in fine detail and With a perfect sense of values with a pencil is equal to that of Streeton or Gruner in oils. The picture in the show is the "Old Road to Berry's Bay," now gone for ever in "development", done with the old skill, evocative and nostal- gic. Santry has a lovely nude in pencil, Kenneth Macquecn and Robert Camp- bell show characteristic watercolors soundly painted, Hans Heysen two gum forests in blue and black crayon, and Lionel Lindsay a number of watercolors and etchings. Wigley, the only young contemporary, holds his good promise with figures in an outback setting. It is a great pity that these masters of our recent past are nearly forgotten in the craze for subconscious aesthetic ventriloquism. J. V. DuHIG THE BULLETIN, APRIL 28, 1962 Graphic art and water colours , E4 current exhibition at the Moreton Galleries water colours by Australian traditionalists. "The piece de resistance is a small landscape by Lloyd Rya, drawn with hard pen- cil:: ,The Road to Berry's Bay" is as anachronistic as most -other works hero, and it la fascinating. Rees resurrects the spirit of Giovanni Willa the way he dwells patiently and lov- ingbr on every Minute fea- ture 'of his spacious land- scape and unites them all with an abiding light. By ART REVIEW by Dr. Gertrude LANCER comparison, other works here look "bourge&' in feeling. The- lat-E Sir Lionel Lindsay's light is Just light and not the poetry of light. Of his water colours, etch - is/ of graphic work and Ings, and wood -engravings in this show, the etching "Cobb fi co." is easily singled out for graceful and elegant rendition. Two crayon drawings of landscape by Sir HMIs Hey- sen look like earlier work of his. They have subtle qual- ities of tone and a colour- ful effect is obtained by use of colour, which is actually sparse. .._..... VARIETY IN ART DISPLAY ,,,..,,,11.1.1E 11/1110(11111 The Iteeretee Galleries, 4111' Build - log, Edward Street, is presenting no exhibition of vintereelor. etching's. awl etilawlapps by Assstralina ariisis of Nair. ---- - - - They are typical ex- The Viaduct, by eon; ark expected Garrett. Is a reminder it In none woes (71 of the artists concerned. and are relieved touchn there by an extra of cfaftsmanship. The Road 0 Berry's Bay. by Lloyd Rees. Is 'nes- tort)? pencil rendering. John Loxton's Monday di the Snow shows his ets - ficiency In depleting hi favored sublect John Santry's Figure Study reveals all is - desirable In siren un- i derma a phase although full of roman- tict poetry in paint. wine is now lost under the flood of other 'Isms.' John Eldershaw's Fishing Boats Is up to standard Sir Lionel Lindsay, Hu Hails Ileysen. Ketinetti Macqueen, George I.try- Robert Camp en. Ronald Seurat. KtsoLaanog. anti James Wigley '11 WINTER EXHIBITION 1962 YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO THE WINTER EXHIBITION AT THE MORETON GALLERIES 4.411'BUILDING, EDWARD ST BaistiANE Rth to 18th MAY 196' Paintings by MAX RAGLESS LANCE SOLOMON WILLIAM DREW SALT HERMAN WILLIAM DARGIE SIR H. HEYSEN ROBERT JOHNSON ROLAND WAKELIN ARTHUR MURCH RAY CROOKE Not new, but... The Moreton Galleries' Winter Exhibition of Paintings, in the A.M.P. Building, Edward Street, reveals nothing new or startling, but there are works that deserve attention. John Lesion's Fish- ermen, North-Western Tasmania is an out- standing example of restful low key. His large areas are handled faultlessly and with an Oriental deli- cacy. Wilson Caoper'5 Mountains. Dayboro. is freshly painted In a Painting efficiency In the detail is painted watercolor. Sir Hans Heycen's Morning Light after Frost is not an example of his best period. W. Gargle Is seen in A new light in his Vill- age in Greece. L. Solomon's Culziva- ground not resolving tion Is so tranquil that Itself with those of the it does not disturb one middle distance and way or another. background. Goorbragandra, near Turnut, Is up to the artist's standard. Vida whey shows Betty (Wilmot's a competently 'handled Monmartre, Paris, a flower piece. Blue and lively, pleasant sketch. Yellow. Ray Crooke's North Max Rimless is repre- Eastern Victoria and sented by Coollbah Tree, Wheat Farm hold their and Foreshore, Broome, own in a somewhat de- West Australia - the ceptive primitivism. better picture in every Late Afternoon, Tor- w Tayhe small paintings osa, North Coast, New by William Drew, Girl South Wales, by Robert with Butterfly and Boy Johnston. is a beauti- with Kitten seem to fully painted work but bear the imprint of an unfortunately marred by influence. - MELVILLE the plane of the fore- HAYSOM. Arthur Murch's Near Manila is a good example of his work. CZECH ARTIST creates Ii nierest THE current inked "Winter Exhibition" at the Moreton Galleries includes only one painter creating in a contemporary idiom. He Is 7.denek Rada, a, Czech. who has lived In Bris- bane for some 10 years and has never held a show in Aust ra I la. Rada creates a good deal of interest in the three oils on exhibit. They are con- ceptual paintings based on abstract and semi -abstract symbols and two of them ART REVIEW by Dr Gertrude LANCER carry a strong suggestion of the subject. In "Australian Image" Rada shows a gift for a complex exploration of spatial composition. "Heavy Industry" is suggested by energetic zigzag forms and by colours which have an emotional weight. In the remainder of the exhibition. Ray Crooke's two selene landscapes, and es- pecially his "Wheat Farm" have the most charm. The most expensive item is a water colour by Hans Ileysen of the usual pastoral scene with a mighty gum. Dated 1055, It could have been painted 100 years earner. There are two picture - postcard -like Robert John - Sons, two harsh and mean- ingless Max Rattiest land- scapes, a technically ever-so - clever and equally pointless John Loxton and a Grecian landscape by Elargie which does not satisfy the spirit. 9S2