Wieneke Archive Book 3 : Moreton Galleries 1960-61 Presscuttings

4 E80 OROJT ri A L L I I.E S. F X of SUPERB HEW PRI7TS Vlaminck. Pissnro. Sinley. -arc. nodiglinni. Van Gogh. rtrillo. Chagall. 711f:et. etc. Vonday 18th to Friday '9th June, 1962. ART REVIEW by Dr. Gertrude Langer Prints of good quality MODERN reproduction technique has created what Andre Malraux so aptly calls "the museum without walls." All over the globe people may now study and en,ioy the artistic achievementsof mankind throughout the ages. In addition, this has no small Impact on creative artists themselves. Just as record, do not re- place live performances, but bring about a wider and bet- ter appreciation of music, the print Is inestimable in its educational value. ' What is more, in places where there are no collec- tions Lontalning the best from everywhere, there is just no other way of seeing and knowing it. A print has Re Wive In a home when the owner DIM., ply loves to live with a work by an artist who means something to him, or when he cannot afford a good or- iginal painting, as long as he is careful to pick a de- cent print and not one which does all too little justice to the artist's work, Masters the present print exhibi- tion at the Moreton Gal- leries is recommended for Its quality. Prints offering are from pabitings by Ceranne, Van Cloak Bonnard, Redon, tit - rill°. Modigliani. Picasso, Denoper, Vlaminck. Lorjou. and Franz Marc.