Wieneke Archive Book 4b : Moreton Galleries Presscuttings

'The Sundaqj Mall Page 13 NEW GUINEA 1164fili- MA444444.4444444414 444444444 SIMAGUN, by Travis McKie THE first time I saw Simagun 1 felt that I must draw him. It was not until later that I became acquainted with his story. Then 1 felt Justified In having drawn him. ,.11111111111,11111111111111111111111111111111111.1111111111111111111111111111111), Though his father was a head hunter, Slinagun's lead- ership against the Japanese during the war, and his pres- ent position as one of the three native members of the Papua and New Guinea Legis- lative Council are strong in- dications of his character. For his war services Sima- gwn was awarded the British Empire Medal and the Loy- alty Medal. When the Pacific War broke out, Simagun, after a course in commando tactics near Brisbane. landed at Baler Bay. near Cane Orford, in New Britain. with three Euro- peans. New Britain was in Japanese hands. The lob of the party was to watch the enemy and report their move- ments by radio to Port Moresby Killed 200 daps During Simagun's stay in New Britain more than 200 ?anese were killed by native guerrillas under his leader- ship. Slmagun's private score was 32 In New Guinea alone. Hig total score dur- ing the war was 52. After the war Simagun re- turned to his village, 15 miles north of Wewak. He persuaded his people to use their war damage money for the purchase of trucks rind agricultural equipment. Later a rural progress society was formed. Recently he asked the Legislative Council for a .chool. It has been promised Trani. .11cKle's study of Simagun will be in- cluded in an exhibition of his work opening at the Moreton Galleries on December 2. di NI Pa w'Vire Hara tiq111111111111111111.1111111111111111111111111 II ..-