Wieneke Archive Book 4c : Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings

Youth is wide in interest, free in movement, joyous in outlook. The entries received in The Sunday Mail 1972 Children's Art Competition touched on every possible expression of youth. The poem "Being Young" by 15 -year -old Cathy Donaldson of Holland Park, was specially selected for the illustrative section of tlw competition because of the wide choice of subject material it offered. And the young artists who sent 2483 entries into the competition used all the ideas the poem offered - and many original interpretations as well. There were two divisions in the competition: the cover section, open II artists under 17, and the illustrative section which divided into classes 1, 2, :3, 4 and 5 for artists under 17, under 14, under 12, under 10 and under N. 1 "Gazing at the miracle of dawn . . ." A soft, wistful scene painted by Narelle Burstow, 12, of Mary Street, Toowoomba, won first prize in Class 2, for artists under 14. 2 "Young is bushwalking with friends, sensing the crackling of bush under- foot ..." Second prize in Class 2, for the under 14's, went to Paula Wyllie, 12, of Beams Road, Aspley for her autumn bushwalking scene. Another bushwalking scene, this time in paler tones, won second prize in 3 Class 3 (under 12's). Artist was Russell Burstow 10, of Mary Street, Toowoomba. 4"Young is being yourself; no need for pretence . . .". Susan Milne, 10, of Union Road, Clayfield, captured youthful simplicity in this painting to win first prize in Class 3, for artists under 12. She called it "Bushwalking". BEING YOUNG 1 ming is being able to skim Wong a dest.ried beireh in a buggy. Feeling the ecstatic joy of wind tertri re g of your hair. Gazing iru'rednlrrusly ill the miracle of dawn ,wide ' g the sea. 1 min;; is bush teal king withfriends. Sensing the crackling o I bush under fool. Sweeping aside the mi mum) ; suron ri is g the rich aroma. of wattle arid tweedy pt. I. mu ig is riding a purse ton 41 ry. packer/ owl h Feeling the tense excitement of the s qui reri rig muscles. Kicking up billowing el is 4)1 red dust: this to ping n f I .es. sung is being alone. 44 mlist nailed . ryary t wist ing a flower in your ha nd bl iri itg the beauty of shape; 41 el iersc of petal; of f rag rit nee. Voting is 'catching a f armi rite spur/. Feeling a part o f it till. Cheering wildly. en joy lug every ttttt mem it buts. 1 ming is being yourself: nm awed fill' peel once. limn marry! lons it would be III stay g forever. CATHY DONALDSON The Sunday Mail Color Magazine, July 16, 1972 9