Wieneke Archive Book 4c : Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings

The Sunday Mail er on 3 n V it 0 t d e y THE QUEENSLAND ART GALLERY'S latest acquis- ition Camille Pisarro's "Washing Day of Erogny", purchased for about $25,000 was admired yesterday by (from left) Sir Ellis Murphy, Dr, Nor- mon Behan, Mr. Peter Connolly Q.C., Mr, Arch Guymer and Mr. Arthur Creedy. THE GALLERY'S LATEST Ingham has celebrity CUDDLES the Croc is an overnight celebrity in Ingham. Cuddles (2.3 metres long and .8 metres wide) was netted by local cane worker Mr. Lex McKee in Polm Creek. The area is a popular fishing spot and playing round for children. The crocodile made In- gham history by being the first reported sight- ing close to the town for about sn years." I thought she must have been a large goanna at first," Mr. McKee said. He used a net and spotlight to snare Cud- dles at the request of the local police. Crocodiles are protected under Queensland fauna con- servation laws. The crocodile is small, compared to 15.6 metre el oendiles seen in the mouth of Palm Creek and the nearby Herbert It I vet, Because of her calm disposition, Mr. McKee believes the erocodile was Washed Into the shallow, overgrown creek three years ago during cyclone Althea, Small The l'r-rk I c:,