Wieneke Archive Book 4c : Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings

COLOR MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 15, 1974 It J Over the years, the Queensland Art Gallery has put together an impressive - and valuable - collection of art works which represent a wide range of tastes a td preferences. Color Magazine chose four well- known figures in the local art world and put to each of them the question: "If you were asked to choose a work of art for yourself from the Queens- land Art Gallery, what would it be?" Repre (laced here and on Pages 7, 8 and 9 inside are ate selections made. With them are the reasons for the choice. The next time you view the Gallery collection you could add interest to your visit by asking yourself the same question. The answer may not be as easy as you think . . . "The Bather" by Emilio Greco (right) is one of two choices made by Mr. James Wieneke who, until recently, was Director of the Queensland Ar Gallery. His second choice and the reasons for both his selections are on Page 9.