Wieneke Archive Book 4d : Artists - Australian & Other Presscuttings

ays Ise said old gtie long roll the Noll- ks 111 oda- p by lered total M- ends mind der - can sport :raft loiter keep :allla day- rist- "ki on a a sr, I 'east are - the on by last - rises 15 a otter the tails PAO the ring ails - II he teen -- eavY Goes ither een- Isery lon- [peal the the tuts- an - g on s of Idely the to its tufty two ' de - had table the q)1 to was Aus- for lists out tour a he Orr (, ae ais. Cloverti. aid trt 1 1, . ''' ..::Alalairitaallitallia: _.... j he I ,i1,0, -)15577,77t Brett WI111,:lov's Archibald prize -v. - .tiing work ... "it is d very anti -dope statement." Brett Whiteley makes art' history ---then goes bush HAVING pulled off the Allstraliall ad feat of the century ell Friday, Brett Whiteley uttered a four- letter expletive and decided to go (lush. lie had Just become the first person to win the Archibald Award for portraiture (S3170), the Wynne Prize for landscape 1$10001, and the autumn Award i$1000) for genre painting. It is the art hat -trick that will be re- membered. Whiteley's Archibald entry titled, Art, Life and the other think (self portrait. Triptychei, is the most startling self-por- trait ever done in this .:ountry. More than that, It extends the language of portraiture into new and exciting realms. Whiteley gives the viewer three different self-images ar- ranged into a medieval triptychs reference. On the right hand side of the central 'Auld is a straight forward color photo- graph of the artists' face (Life?) set into a deep perspex box. 'rue central panel shows a full length picture of the artist dressed in white overalls holding an ink pen. His face Is painted in multiple images which is in contlast to the eimptifieution lit the background and the treat- ment of the lady. The Pen is pointed toward a black and white drawing of Do - bell's Joshua Smith portrait - i he disputed cause celebre of the 1944 Archibald. The histori- cal footnote to the Joshua Uv SANDRA MLL-QA III 1 Sintlh sets up a series 1 references within referclices, which is provocative, as writ sass tieing typically Whiteley. It is the third pullet, however, to which the eye is drawn. In a powerful piece of drawing Whiteley shows the image of a screaming babooti his hands handcuffed amidst a scattering of cigarette butts, his arms pierced with nails, and bleeding. In the upper right hand corner it hand holds out a hypodermic syringe. The message is blatant. CONSTANT REMINDER Whiteley un Friday night made the following comments on this self-portrait: "IT is a very anti -dope state- ment." (Referring to the baboon panel). "I WANTLIZI to try to describe the force of temptation or ad- diction." "IN many ways I painted the picture to make me quit having do, thing to do with dope." "IW painting the Wage, it was like dealing myself it card - NootellOot; to 100k at that was No tiorrifie that it would constantly remind me." "FOR prot.ratture to survive. especially self -portraiture, there has to be a deepening quality of self-revelation. Portalture shouldn't be Just paint on call - "I SEE this self-portrait not -rating on misty levels. First there is lust a photographic image, then there is a subjective statement on art with the Jo- shua Smith references, and thirdly in the baboon image there is an attempt to paint a metaphor for ail immensely strong force." "HOW does one paint a powerful force - like Jealously, or rage." "I GUESS the final message of the painting is trying to transcend all of this - lime monkey being the most base - and trying to get out of ihe -trap." "IN any case the painting operates on personal levels. I have deliberately not made one panel Life or another Art or specifically dsignated the 'other think.' Some people may see the baboon us Life. You could say that the monkey represented tortuous life, or that the mon- key was art. The painting is trying to assault life on many levels, using three images." And finally Whiteley re- marked by way of contrast to his winning 1078 Archibald por- trait: "The other self-portrait I did for the Archibald was all environs picture, not a picture or Inner conrilet." or his collet two wins there Is also much to be said. Certainly the Wynne Award for landscape was richly deserved. Summer at Curcour is one of Whiteley's summarising works. It has everything. There Is the familiar sweeping S curve of his beauti- CONTINUED PAGE 2 The complete work - - Art, Life, and the other think (self portrait, Triptychs). CANBERRA: Fine. Max 23 DARWIN? Fins. Mux 33 HOBARTt Rain easing. Max 16 MELBOURNE: Fine. Max 24 .4/MMP/IVIIIMIINMENOMPNI PERTH: Unsettled. Max 32 SYDNEY: Showers decreasing. Max 21 Sul- thr Friday I abduct io suicide I Overdra rate do\ THE ANY. Bank oil beViline the first tradlne, extend the recent overdraft rates to ellei overdrafts of $100,000 The ANZ cut its taxi, overdraft rate by 0.5 p, The rate is nut fixed but feet to individual negollid The Mink of NSW is I, follow suit bill has to . January 1 because it back -date rate cuts on I, puler. Most other bank the situation under reviv FULL STORY - PAGE _ Concorde h CHANCIOS of Concorde to Australia in the fore future have Increased Malaysia's announced i lifted Its ban on the sup, airliner flying over Its lc]. The into will be lifted six-month trial period to assessment of tile plane's p malice. ROCK RH) TOPE We Ansett Red Heart and Tor: low prices until Fe with a difference! DAY RED CENTRE You'll stay at Im thing or arrange sic, 11 DAY RED CENTRE See the Red Ce of the Top End, and c 6 DAY TOP END FR See Darwin at v Esplanade Lodge, 1' Prices shown a include return (cone other meals not inciu (sole use extra). Deb publication deadline. 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