Wieneke Archive Book 4f : The Arts in Australia Presscuttings

*SCI2 tam, R( 3in Gallery chief I quizzed[ CANBERRA. - A parliamentary committee closely questioned the National Art Gallery director, Mr James Mollison, yesterday. Ile was asked about ll - suggestions that many National Gallery art purchases were from private galleries with which he had been as- C sociated. an LC Artists' Guild research officer, told the Parlia- mentary committee on Ti pecuniary Interests that 63 per c..,,t of purchases sa between 1972 and 1973 on had been with three gal- m: leries with which Mr Mol- lison had been connected. The galleries were The lu. Max Hutchinson Gallery ca In New York, Gallery A ar in Melbourne and Gallery 8," A In Sydney, which Mr r Hutchinson had estab- lished. Salaried director Mr Mollioon told the committee be had been a salaried director of Gal- Llery A In Melbourne in the ntld-19110u fin- ancial interests In private galleries. He said he had no Sena tor Georges (Labor, Qld.) asked Mr Mollison If It was true, as gested, that Mr Motliwon Mr Alroshenko had sue - was Mr Hutchinson's pro- d Lege. Mr Mollison said Mr Hutchinson had hired him to ruu Gallery A in Melbourne because Mr Hutchinson was aware of aQ whi(ellidebilltv In the art fht Senator Georges asked ely Mr Mollism If it was true IP 01297.000 of the $2.2 mil- 5 ad lion spent by the Nation - at al Gallery between 1972 an and 1973 had been for o- worts from the three pri- nt vale mdierles, "I simply can't answer t- that because I didn't at bother to look that um" Mr Mollison said. to Vs a lo 64 at Sc ei asl