Wieneke Archive Book 4f : The Arts in Australia Presscuttings

Blue Poles a mistake says U.S. fr-; art critic THE PURCHASE of the painting Blue Poles was Australia's costliest art mistake according to leading American art critic Mr. Clement Greenberg. "I make no apologies for my opinion," he said. "Blue Poles is a failed picture. "Jackson Pollock, the artist, gave It a good try but it didn't come off," said Mr. Greenberg. He is in Brisbane this weekend to address meetings at Newstead House and the Queens- land Art Gallery. Blue Poles was bought by the Australian Gov- ernment in 1973 at a cost of $1.34 million and since then has been the centre of controversy. 101"1011 Mr. Greenberg said an- other Australian pur- chase, de Kooning's Woman Five. for almost gl million was also a mistake. "All that money could have bought several much better pictures." he said. "People generally buy pictures for the wrong reason, especially if they have lot of money to spend. "If they don't have enough confidence in their own Judgment they'll buy a name in the belief that it must there- fore be an Important pic- ture. "When people tell you a p'cfure is important, watch cut," he said. M r. Greenberg staid some of the paintings ac- quired by Australia showed a leek of 'elf confidence on the part of the buyer. "That's dangerous," he said "Others look at these expensive and imponant pictures and if they don't like them they are con - MR, GREENBERG winced their own Judg- ment is at fault," he said. Mr. Greenberg Is an artist, specialising In nudes and landscapes and is also the author of several books on art. He Is a regular contrib- utor to leading American magazines. He said one of the roost interesting devel- opments in art at the moment was the sudden success of women. "Of the five top young artists in New York to- day, four are women. 1111110111011111 "They are also leading the way in Canada South Africa and Austra- lia." he said. Not so pleasing to him is the new trend In painting which he de- scribes as decorative. "It's a bit like vivid wallpaper," he said. Mr. Greenberg has no preferences In art. .To me there are only two kinds of art - gond and bad," he said.