Wieneke Archive Book 4f : The Arts in Australia Presscuttings

THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1978 All for fine art in our fine homes THE Utah Foundation has kicked off the Australiana Fund in Queensland with a $25,000 grant. This was announced last night at. the launch- ing of the fund In Queensland by the Gov- ernor-General (Sir Zel- m an Cowen) at the Chelmer home of fund member, Mr. Justice Un- derhill. This is the third State launching of the fund. which will encourage di- rect public participation in the acquiwion of the finest Australian art works for the four offi- cial Federal estab- lishments. These are Government House and The Lodge in Canberra and Admiralty House and Kirribilli House in Sydney. The fund president is the Prime Minister's wife Mrs. Tamie Fraser, and the chairman is the foundation chairman of the National Trust wo- men's committee (Dame Helen Blaxland). Mr. Justice Underhill said the fund was an off- shoot of the National Heritage Commission and was entirely reliant upon donors for corks of art and finance with THE Governor-General (Sir Zelman Cowen), on right, and Lady Cowen (second from left) talking with Mrs. Tamie Fraser, wife of the Prime Minister, and Mr. Justice Underhill and Mrs. Underhill at the Australiana Fund Queensland launching at Chelmer last night. Utah grant starts Australiana fund which to make aquisi- tons. He said the history, however recent. the use and nature of the rooms and the their contents. had always to be taken Into account when acquir- ing furniture and paint- ings for the residences. History Although the collection of Australian furniture would become the most important aspect of the fund, the immediate and rather urgent need was for pictures. Mr. Justice Underhill said the fund would first buy a collection of prints. many of which might be sold profitably later to allow buying more im- portant works. He said pictures should be concerned with the landscaped, people, flora and fauna, life and his- tory of Australia, as well as portraits of notable Australians. He said each house would eventually become a museum of Australiai.a which would provide an idea of Australian achievement. in the arts to all visitors. ADVERTISER'S ANNOUNCEMENT CORRECTION Tritions.-Coupon Garden City wish to advise that the 15% discount referred to in the Lunafle advertl.ernent In the Garden City bulletin Inserted in Courier -Mall 17.8.78, does not apply to the new Slimline Venetian blinds. Trittons-Coupon regent any Inconvenient this may have caused. ,a lea