Wieneke Archive Book 4g : Art in Brisbane Presscuttings

las first is an s, and land - us to s. His hut on rtheless resting. alit im- his best ular his tie with 19). for ualities cry way MO' N'T.Ws AND REVIEW * 1 his School gives a thorough general train- * mg in Drawing, Painting and Pictorial Composition as well as specialised training in Illustration, Lettering, Portrait Painting, Mural Painting, Flower Painting and Landscape Painting. Evening Classes with and without Tuition BYAM SHAW SCHOOL 70, Camden Street, Kensington- W11 Telephone: Park 4711 FOOTBALL and the FINE ARTS exhibition Paintings, sculptures, drawings, water- colours, etc. Prize-winning and other entries for The Football Association's Ninetieth Annive;sary Competition AT 45 PARK LANE, LONDON W.I 21st October to 7th November Weekdays 10 - 9 Sundays 2 . 9 Entiance On: Shilling SPONSORED BY THE FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION £104) CASH and A mousAND pouNDs WORTH OF PUBLICITY 1VANTED! .4 MODERN DESIGN FOR .1 MODERN 7'20111).* The "Dance News" £100 ART CONTEST Closes 31.4 October YOU Krill, HAVE TIME! Send for doicripliNe Brochure to: "DANCE NEWS" 76 Southwark Street, London. S.E.1. Phone: WATerloo 3751 STUDIO INTERNATIONAL the only UP.TO -THEMINUTE mace of brat -slat Life subjects for the Photographer, Artist, Sculptor. etc. Fully Id d details of aaaaa Wye models resident In all parts of the U.K. and W Europe. Published bl.rnonthly with additions and amendments at 316d., plus 3d. postage. ,red 519 ler )our corn NOWT To: PRESS PUBLICATIONS (Dept.ANR1) 53 Fulham High Street, London 5 W 6 LECHERTIER BARBE, LTD. Atha., Coicurnien Since 1827 95, JERMYN STREET. S.W.I. WHITEHALL SSE The Spanish Institute OM' KARI l 61 Ts a 1.111111CC of seeing the work of younger Spanish artists today. and so ft con- siderable amount of interest attaches to the dis- play of drawings and sculpture the latter in photographs-at :he Spanish Institute, by Pedro Martinez Pavia. The graphic work resolves itself into two main groups black and while drawings, and coloured gouaches. The artist k clearly happier in the coloured media which he uses for the delineation of toreadors and the like typically Spanish subjects. Some of the drawings of nudes are fascinating enough, and it would not be dillicult to tell from the exhibi- tion the nationality of the artist. There is a certain tension about the drawings, a certain Goyaesque frenzy about the gouaches, and a dedicated realism about the sculpture which reveal immediately the genius of Spain. Irving Gallery THE NINV ARTIST4 who arc currentl) exhibiting at the Irving Galleries are not hound together by any unity of style or similarity of 'approach, and an estimation of their varying merits must depend very largely on personal preferences. To my mind the most interesting of the works were those of Eric Atkinson, who has acquired the style of contemporary English draughtsman- ship (as exemplified for instance by Paul Hogarth and John Minton) and used it-with the addition of colour, to depict London life. Rather akin to his style is the sensitive, explora- tive calligraphy of A. D. Pierrakos. John Roberts seems to be the Sicker: de nos jour and has added to that painter's interest in low life an atmosphere of the macabre which fits in perfectly with the temper of our age. The tradi- tional craftsmanship of Winifred Austin, A. Sayer and H. Thornton is linked to clear-eyed observation. C. Chaplin devotes himself to the careful recording of the English scene, and H. Weissenborn and E. Wolfsfeld concentrate on more exotic themes. ART JOBS .St Isl.xitiSED (Readers arc advises! to :mid) immediately to the address given, mentioning this paper) BECKENHAM: Hawes Down Ibis' School. Art Master, teach throughout school. January, 1954.- C.E.O., Springfield. Maidstone. DERBY: College of Art. Full-time Teacher of Com- mercial Design and Illustration. January. 1954.- Registrar, College of Art. Green Lane, Derby. ICKENHAM: Swakeleys Modern School: Art and Crafts Mistress. -- D.o.E., Local County Offices, High Street, Uxbridge. LANCASHIRE: Queen Mary School, Lytham. Second Art Mistress: fully qualitied.-The Headmistress. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE: Carlton County Secondary Modern Girls' School, Art Mistress. -1. E. Mason, D.o.E.. County Hall. Trent /Ridge. Nottingham. RETFORD: County High School for Girls, Pelham Road. Retford. Art Mistress, teach throughout School. January. 1954.-The Headmistress. WOLVERHAMPTON: Royal Wolverhampton Junior School. Art Master Mistress, well-qualified. Jan.. 1954. - -The Headmistress. Really versatile onstructed its facilitate use in 41* desired position. the No. Ili.? 1 3tial Pun pow Radial Easel Is suitable !or flit and Water Colour painting. Vinson stand to paint a cant as up to76 inches in height, upright or tilted for- ward. You can nit to a smaller canvas, upright or tilted. You con sit to it ICH- water colour draw ing withyour hoard sloped at any angle down to the hori. 'anti& You cannot find a more Wiethileasel,c,pojallyifyouarc limited for space - or mono ! The price is E6. 19.64, in Coe,' Itiltion anti Northern Ireland. 7 Inetior Newton's .55r. 161 Dual Purpon. Radial tanl Other Winsor A Newton Eiseisaredescribed in Ira WI 2, free t rom your dealeror front address Mean . s &tiewti91' - ',Willa Nett Lill , KO _OP Weald! mar, Moron, v...1 .1 C. ROBERSON & CO., LTD. Colour: and 11.aeliali jar Me Arlin 71. PARKWAY, LONDON, NAVA. Telephone, Gulliver Ma 1154 Cando gut tent on request. WHENEVER ARTISTS MEET . ... all will agree that experience Is necessary for the production of fine paintings and that valuable experience can be gained by sketching from life, especially under the guidance of a compe- tent artist. Apart from teaching the technique he will stress the importance of using the finest materials - materials such as those made by REEVES - to be worthy of your best efforts and give permanent satisfaction. REEVES & SONS, LTD. 13 Charing Cross Road, London, W.C.2 178 Kensington High Street, London, W.8 ist2' Materials 4