Wieneke Archive Book 4g : Art in Brisbane Presscuttings

2. 1. v. I. I; Art Galleries Indii ate, open today. AGNE W 103rd ANNUAL WATERCOLOUR EXHIBITION 3 Opening Tomorrow 43 OLD BOND STREET, W. !::77, NION.41.1. 9.30-5..30 p.m. THURS., I 'Mir, 7 . CABLES: RESEMBLE, IA)NDON, 131.11211 6173 ANNELY JUDA FINN ART. 11 Tottenham Mews, W.I. 01-637 5517, Judith Rothschild. .711 Heti. 7. ALW1H GALLERY. Sculpture by OHN HUGGINS. Recurring Waves." 940 Grafton St.. W.I. BRITISH MUSEUM. THRACIAN TRFaASURLS FROM RULGARU. On loan from the Poo le's Republic of Butparia. Until 213 March. TURNER WATER- COLOURS., Until 1 Feb Whilys. 105. Sum, 3... 7-6. Adrn, free. CAMPOI-L a FRANKS (Fine Arts) LTD.. 37 New Cevendleh SI. W. I , 01 -4713 1456. O reattsecopes,' paintings by parold Hitchcock. "M. Jan. el Mrin,Fre 10-3, Salt. 104. EDITIONS ALECTO, 27 Kelm) Place. W.8. 01.937 6911 Pub Ushers of the Original Prints by Contemporary artiste. Open weekdays 9.30-5.00. Sate. by FI aELDppl B10-1 OR14I GALLERIES, 63 0111.0101 Grote. NWII. 314.) 3o00. English A Cornish Painting') FINE ART SOCIETY. Founded 1(376 140 New Bond 910001. 01 629 5116 Centenary Exht bition ROMAINE BROOKS Men, -Set, 9.30-3.30 until 14 reb, FISCHER FINE ART. 30 King SI S.W. I . 839 3942. XITILIO FORGIOLI-let 1.ondon Exhibi- tion, also works by Henry Moore and Graham Sutherland. Until 7 Pub. Mon,Fri. 10-5.30. Sate. 10-12.30. FURNEAUX GALLERY P'43 UNDED (962 23 ChtIrch Rd., Wimbledon, S.W.19. Tel., 01-946 4114. DEDICATED TO sai.r.c.rm LIVING BRITISH ARTISTE. Thurs., Iris. & Sate. 10-6. TPI answering service, GALLERY 21. 1.3e Grafton SI.. W.I. 01-4 93 6832. Mixed Ex- hIbition Contemporary Graphics, Clove. Hirckney. Mlro. Picasso & others HARTNOLL AL EYRE. Paintings by MARY STEWART on con temporary themee In hulls. 6- 2.3 January, 39 Duke St . RI. James's. S.W 1. 01-930 9308. Mon. Frl 10-3.30. Sat, 10.1 KAPLAN GALLERY. 13 Cork SI . WI. An exhibition of 19TH & '30TH CENTIJRY FRIsCil PAINTINGS. Mon.-Fri. 10.6 01-437 0264. KINSMAN MORRISON 29 Mad doo St W L 01-409 0849. tiAXT114.11 PARRISH nrinls. ex- tended end Jan. Also sale of Print). A Books duo. to 111561 smoke damage canned by fire. From Weds LEFEVRE GALLERY. Contem- porary Paintings and Drawings. Weekdays 10-5 Saturdays 104. 30 Bruton Street. London, W.I. 493 1572'3. LORDS, 26 Wellinoton Road. N.W.A. 722 4444. Posters 1890-1940. Schwillers Russo. Mechseper. MARJORIE PARR GALLERY. las Kings Road, Chelsea. SW3. PAINTINGS. SCULPTURE AND DRAWINGS. 1920-1975. Unlit CJamg". 431,4.. Open all day Sat MARLSOROUGH. 6 Albemarle St AUERBACH, KOKOS- CHEA. PASSMORE, synom . Sat. 10.1 o'50 Until 13 Jan. MORI. V GALLERY, 61 w.,.,- 17;i8;1"60i8TA, Width- Su.yirr" 001001 Paintings. 8.31 all,. Mon.-Fri, 1.0 ami NATIONAL GALLERY In the noW exhihition excel THE EXECU- TION OF LADY. JANE GREY5 VetIll%ii1R91(VO-UtTiO0j.".52; * 14.09-18 00 Adm. rRri. Orange, si. Entrance. HEW ART CENTRE. 41 Sloane Street, London.SWIX 91.1.1 11- 233 31344. ULI' ONSBERG. Recent Paintings, Lilly 10-6. Salerdays 10- t . PHOTOGRAPHERS' GAILLERY, R 01. Newport SI., WG.:2. 240 1969 111 Feb. '7. Helmut New- ton and Ilidekl Fulli. 11-7. Sun. 12-b Closed M00- W.I 493 2408, tile pop prints, PORTAL GALLERY, ."ruE PORTAL IMAGE painitugs as R60 by gallery artists from LAO, 1 Grafton Si., W.I. REDFERN GALLERY, 31( CEN- TURY GRAPHILI DOCCIllber- January. 20 Corti :Preel. L. ROYAL ACADEMY. Iliploma Galleries. !Howells Trophy ex- hibition Selection of the heel paintings . by art college students throughout 11 K. Open Tuco.. Jan, 20. 2-5.30 p.m.: Wed...Sun., Ian. 21-25 3001. 10 a,m.-5 D.II1. ROLAND BROWSE A DEL - c(). In Cork St W I 734 7084, RODIN & ARP Mn' [ rt. 10.5.30 *striving unill 231,1 ROYAL ACADEMY OP ARTS. THE GOLDEN AGE I" 4PANISII PAINTING. 1(0111 1 1 Mal'. rues.-Trl 9 am.0 Sol.. Stu,. Moo. 9 and. -4 pin taut adm 43 mInh bolno Ina.' Adm, 90n. Slip on Mon, and after 3.30 Pm on Tues Fri. and until 1.45 pm on Sun. Students and pensioners hall - ROWAN GALLERY. .114 11r111011 Place. Berkeley MI. . W 1 01. 493 .3727, GALLERY ARTISTS. Until Feb. 601 SERPENTINE GALLERY. Kens- ington Gardens IAN % Council. DRAWINGS 01' PEOPLE: DS MINIMALIST PRINT.: SYLVES- TER JACOB'S PFIOTOORAPHS To IA Jan. ',ally MA, Ado, T HE T HEATRE MUSEUM of LelphInii Ilouaa. 12 Holland 'I . 14. rommory THE RUSSIAN BALLET. 1000. 1929. Mon 4'9 11.00.18 (go Hat. 11 110.1 n I e THE WHITE OLEPHANT Gallery. 27 Curios SI . I I 029 6665. Sal.. of T.:Amend/mai, Prints ill am -11 Pb,,, rr, thlv, 10.00 atn0 pm. satinhats 10.00 411, I .00 inn VICTORIA A ALOART MUSEUM, S,W.7. THE N!) 20th ton. tuts. landecaneLA holograph, Wkiles. 10.00-17.30. Suns. 14.30.17,50, Adm. 40p. PROVINCIAL OXFORDGICLLER.V72S-IDEll SI tiMFTHccigat,rirnd ismtgigig. nr.mlicac MCNARY. paintInes cnItante. sHntll Feb II. JOHN MOORES LIVERPOOL .EXHIBITION 10 May 2,41... il,i?n.,.4101,16.. 1014, Rend In do0244:11;grrary 33 to G2 00 Moliptits handling fees For derail. owl HAUT format LAI AFT b rt!fAoi,ritlaRr,. .1Vv,pronol IA AIM