Wieneke Archive Book 4h : Art Sales Presscuttings

ss up by 5pc r by the lig Ihe ern Ihs, Mr for vast vers the ee a n in as," ha- tan- ialth d of the the /0 - rise river d as sea - of irket t, a loon and Hick Oda - lures !per rgely the a an k. 1976, there the Sr. ores - take :tally yet ket. tuber for per ' the CES by 11 of se of come alien tocia- d be I by Mr xl to to all itate- bele Bitten more mem- from ser is iot to c ac- tion. there regis- other WEALTH DECAYING IN ATTICS MAKES HIM WEEP DR Moss with Christ Among the Elders by Sebastian Bourdon (1616-1671) . . "It would bring $20,000 cosily in Europe, but here ... ?" Trading breach costs cab firm $3000 A SY DI\11,A taxi company, Legion Cabs (Trading) Co- operative Society Ltd, was fined $3000 in the Court on Friday for a breach of the Trade Prac- tices Act. In his judgment Mr Justice Franki said a breach of the Act's exclusive dealing section carried a maximum penalty of $250,000. "In considering the question of a penalty I was attracted in- itially to the idea that I ought to treat this as a test case," he said. "However, I have come to the conclusion that this is not ap- propriate." Mr Justice Franki said that in the circumstances he felt he should impose the relatively light penalty of $3000. The court was told that the company required its drivers to receive a quota of Shell petrol from nominated outlets. This followed an agreement giving Legion fuel rebates, SACKED The Trade Practices Commis- sion alleged that any driver who titre Petrol from the did not actll 30 specified stations was suhieot to increase radio fec iii,u A master of the art of finding hidden fortunes By LYNDALL CRISP THIS is the best country in the world in which to acquire a painting by an old master because "Austra- lians know more about cars than art," according to Dr Matthew Moss. Dr Moss, who is rated one of the world's top 10 restorers of paintings, said on Friday: "I could weep when I think of the hidden fortune decaying in at- tics. "People think because a painting has a hole in it it's worthless. Even auctioneers won't touch them so they get thrown into a rubbish bin. Lots of old masters get destroyed that way. "Never be embarrassed to Lake a painting to a public gallery for valuation." Recently a young Melbourne couple brought him a painting theyq'd bought for $60 at a church demolition auction. "At first I though it was a 19th -century copy of the Vene- tian school," he said. "I started to clean off the restontton work and gradually took it back to 1500. It is by Leandro Hassan() ,ed is now for $25,000. attempted to restore the paint- ings themselves - they are just not qualified. "They skin the paintings and once that's done you can forget it; they're vandalised. I can't put the artist's work back. I can only restore and preserve." Dr Moss set up his conser- vatorlum in the original gold - mine stock exchange in Ballarat, which was abandoned in 1910. "I have no complaints about my contract," he said. "Perhaps I am prejudiced because my wife Is Australian but I find the people very easy to get on with. "Everything I've asked for in the way of materials, equipment and laboratories I've been given. I could only he happier if I could train some Australians in my field. "I was going to stay here only a short time but I got Involved. Now I feel guilty because I must fulfil a contract with the Italian Government in March. But I'll be back" - - 'Deficit tops target in five months By STEVEN WARBY AFTER only five months of the financial year, the Federal Gov- ernment's deficit is already more than $680 million over the target for the whole year. The deficit now stands at $3493.9 million, compared with the target of $2812.5 million. And despite the extra personal tax slug being collected for a full month, net personal taxation so far this year is below last year's level. The Government has collected $3547.2 million in personal tax so far this year, compared with $3658.7 million last year. But the figures do not mean the Budget strategy Is complete- ly off the rails. The figures were released on Friday by the Minister for Fin- ance, Mr Robinson, who said outlays by the Government were $12,102 million so far this year - $10.3 million higher than last year. He said that as the effects of special factors and the changes in the pattern of outlays and receipts wear off the deficit will move back toward the Budget estimate. Big lac o allergists AUSTRALIA has a hortage" of al,erg:st allergies rank about i, the Its,, of medical killers, it:" Medical Journal of Ausi it says the U.S. has a c, .ified allergist to every 8u,' people. In Australia the r.tti, ne to:.50,000. The 'two. nded minimum is one "All-rgy is a Cinderella limn .specialties, with few establish, clinics or visiting appointmen in teachlr.g hospitals." iays tl Radio sale THE Australian Broadcastil Tribunal has approved the sit cf ccmmlrcial radio stall', 4WK in Warwick, Queenslam as not against the public bite, est. Resno Pty Ltd, a wholl tit/n(4 subsidiary of Televisa, New Fngl:ind Ltd. will buy th ctatlo.s frcm the South Queens land Broacasting Car °ratio' Pty Ltd. The tribunal held reialic inquiry into the sale' Warwick on November 27. Timor visas SIX Federal MPs will mak fresh applications to the Indo install Government for visas le East Timor after being refuse' permission to visit the forme Portuguese colony last year. They said on Friday Indonesi, should now open the doors If East Timor so Australian parlia mentarlans could see condition th rc for themselves. The six are Mr Michael Hodg man 'Lib, Tits), Senator Berm, Kilgariff (NCP, NT), Senate, Neville Bonner (LID, Q1c1), Sett alor Alan Missen (Lib, Vic), MI Barry Simon (Lib, Vic) and M Maurice Neil (Lib, NSW). Pilot's ordeal THE pilot of a light aircrat who hacked his way out of th' cockpit just before his plane plunged Into the Mediterranem Sea on Thursday is rtcoverttii in a Greek hospital, The aircraft, en route to Brit ain from Australia, crasher, after hitting a flock of seagt111. near Corfu Airport, giving MI chael Woodley, of Woking, Eng land, no time to bail cut or dot a lifejacket. He kept afloat for an hour in stormy seas until a tithing boat reached him. Ile is reported to be suffering from pneuMonia, face cuts bruising and the effects of sari) lowing petrol and sea water. The other pilot, Peter Smut' of Sydney. managed to bale nu' and was unhurt. Mystery blonde POLICE ,tre searching for , mysterious blonde woman fol- lowing the discovery on /Pride!, of the body of a sales executive in the Blue Mountains nee: Sydney. The dead man, Mr Kevin Fal- coner, 37, was found near Ka toomba with a bullet wound in the head. The blonde woman was seen driving his car soon after -he vanished 10 months ago. Mail strike move A TIIREATENED Christmas stoppage by mail drivers is to go before the Arbitration Commis- sion, Australia Post said on Yr4 day.