Wieneke Archive Book 4i : Art - General Presscuttings

ILWAUKEE JOURNAL Saturday, September 20, 1975 1975, Newspapers, Inc. -Journal Photo by Ronald °venial!! Is viewing art in the new addition were silhouetted in this view from the Sculpture Garden of the Art Center is, Aahs Greet ,,dley Art Exhibit re Daniell mai Staff people swept mrkling glass Milwaukee Friday night long awaited :ht really he- uadley - the :d it all with the $12 mil- , modern art she collected sba nd, Harry "We're strangers to you, Mrs. Bradley, but we want to thank you for the most won- derful gift.. . ." "Mrs. Bradley, would you be so kind as to autograph. "Mrs. Bradley, we want to say thank you.. . ." "It's so gorgeous, i, e For her part, Mrs. Bradley admitted t hat she was de- lighted. "Do you really like all this modern art?" she asked one well wisher. "Thank you, thank you. I'm having the greatest time. Peo- ple are so sincere." And always there was the commercial. ".1 o i n the Art Center," she urged friend and stranger alike. Mrs. Bradley acknowl- edged the help of the commu- nity at a dinner earlier in the evening given by the Art Cen- ter for 480 major contribu- tors r.nd out of town guests. Her contribution was just a star t, she told the dinner Turn to Art, Bach Page, col. I