Wieneke Archive Book 4j : War Presscuttings

Above: Seoul, South Korea. Former Sergeant C. N Govett writes of this photograph: -Han Ru Bridge, destroyed to stop North Korean advance. I was with U.S. troops waiting to cross on 'shoo fly' pontoon roil bridge, itself destroyed in second attack by Chinese". From: C.N. Govoth Welker Street, Corinth.. Above, right: This was Fraser's Paddock Camp, now Enoggera, with the AIF in residence in 1916. From: Mrs. M. 1. flossilor, Holstead Strew. Cowper** Above: Concert parties to entertain the troops were always in demand. Who can remember this group, Len Todd's Australian Concert Party, which played to Australians and Americans ? From: Mrs. J. Donovan, Cambridge Shoot Belimbo. Helen of- - Pay ... 1915 Ltell DEFERRED PAY. Total . Deduct Allotment f NET DAILY RAT/ FOR 1880R- (words) 9.44e9.-4:44,4;er 3 12 941/4114v01 Signature of Soldier. 0. C. Company, de. Date and Station (lia4eervi- 4 z y La Subject to amendment, (if any) an we 5. Above: Page from the pay - book of 1315, Private John Lindsay Cardno, Reinforcement 5th Light Horse, 5th Regiment, who enlisted on June 9, 1915 at the age of 19 years and 8 months. It shows his pay was 6 shillings a day from which 1/ - was deducted for deferred pay and 3/- for an allotment to his father, leaving him 2/- a day to spend. It also shows that he served 574 days at 2/ a day, for a total of E57.8.0. From: Mrs. J. Phelps, Fifth A . Sandgeste. Left: The sight every Western Desert veteran won't forget - the neverending lines of trans- port along the strip of bitumen that formed the famous Desert Highway from Cairo to Tripoli. This is transport of 450 Squad- ron, RAAF, waiting to move forward after the El Alamein breakthrough. From. H. Doan, James Proof, Moryborough. The Sunday Mail Color Magazine, April 28, 1974 11