Wieneke Archive Book 4j : War Presscuttings

Above: Trooper Sam Felschow (left) was on leave in Cairo from the 2nd Light Horse, 1st AIF, when this photograph was taken of him driving his sporty car. But there's a secret; the car's in On Egyptian photographer's 'audio and the background's painted. From Mrs L Lockart Warnman 0.111111111141144111elkemw- Above: 11,is ruin at El Alamen, familiarh to these who took part In the 2nd AIF's final desert campaign, was used as a German observation post, From: W. J. Percival. Ridge Slre, Northgaic Above: In 1942 the bread came it a horse-drawn cart to savr precious petrol, and the "baker boy- was a girl, in this case Jean Graham. Prom Jean knish/nig, Herbert Street Morarno Right: The bottle of Morgy H.II is almost over, and the landing ai Tarakan, Borneo, in May, 1945 almost secured. horn: C. Rovflodgg, Clunw,ch. North Stredbroles Island. 12 The Sunday Mail Color Magazine, April 28, 1974 Above: Parades were frequen through towns during the 1914 18 war, usually to farewell troops going overseas or to welcome bock wounded her- oes. Here a parade passes down Maryland Street, Stan- thorpe. From. Mrs. M. A. Coogan, Carey Street, 'cordon. left: The crew of ''Lunky", a Lancaster bomber of 463 Squadron, get ready for a pie -raid test flight. This crew had the fairly rare distinction in RAF Bomber Command of starting operations together, and ending as a complete crew. From. Mrs. E. MacDonald, Main Sr., Park Agent. Rockhampton