Wieneke Archive Book 4j : War Presscuttings

nistory - and it happened in Australia. Then hundreds of Japanese prisoners all to bravery ringing in their ears . IKE ARP! CHIM is back objectively, ,lordon observes: r the massive, vto- .slon that occurred ..ould ever have wed to take place using about which der will have to nil own mind. view, through fortable focus of is that it t. Is easier to enti- tle guilty, almost o u s secrecy with e Australian Go- t surrounded the r far too long." its cleansed Cowra of tta ugly occasion. muted the dreadful cacophony of bugi t lasts. ban= means burning huts and acytlung bullets. In their piece is a se - Maly beautiful Japanese rametay shaded by eu- calypts wattles and cherry blowouts in avenues trod by Matins and survivors Miocene on pilgrimage to this plus. They see the camp sate now marked by a carrier, and Meet upon the epi- taph& one of which Mr. Gordon wishes that SCA OM mild have seen. I t reads : "Wounded POWs dined remarkable stole's.. WI although the wrioullf sad even mortally "sold lay for haws where thy fell, not strand from them wee heard." Why Setif Ogl" 'Because It wu the ultimate .mcig- ment - that short., fist testimony from as enemy - on the young men is whom he lectured, and the others who rushed from the huts that night. I t demonstrated one thing beyond doubt.. They really did die like the carp". Harry Gordon's in- exorable quest and centi- me portrayal of why and how this came to pass is in the finest traditions of Painstaking, faelftnchng, illuminating journalism. At its best and even its very worst, what happened st Cowra now becomes a compelling, breath -taking story. FORMER Sergeant -Maier Kancaowa, 61, ;mg ieadei of the Covvro mutiny, examines pictures token in August, 1944, with outhor Horry Gordon (left) onn terrreter Greg Lund. The Wizard of Id C WHAT14e001.-1, MP. THE FtP5T "fFT' IN 6.1VIN6, 44F A 14c7x &AR"- -----7,--- I, /0 - by Parker and Hart _ --- CTAIN-14,41t46. A nig;F t :4mr ... anyhow have aWmfield Mild 25'S "The best extra SinOkiti deal ever in "(tYV y1)11.'.r 1"- 11.11111111 cli1(11,,r1'. 1 .111(11111V 111x' W111111-111 1Wr ray I 11( rt, 1(p 011111(1 Ihr SHIM! r 1111 11111rt am141.. IN4trw 11'1 WInrit 1(1'. Iii 111. 11111C 1);1( I. thr hes, I 'At:, 11ifl %null cyri. 011,101 .)1 kivf A-4