Wieneke Archive Book 4j : War Presscuttings

1, see. 41110,,, ' ANZAC DAY SCRAPBOOK No. 2 Color Magazine pre- sents the second col- lection of pictures contributed by read- ers from their priv- ate collections of wartime memories, and published to mark Anzac Day, 1974. p C. Above: What's the first thing you do after a battle ? Get the weight off your aching feet and light up a smoke. This was outside Benghazi in 1941 after the Italians had been routed. From: E. B. Hatfield isealed, hatless), Andrew Rood., Park Ridge. Above: When manpower became short in World War I , women took over the men's jobs. Hazel O'Leary, of Eagle Form, become a welder at Ford Motor Company's factory at Eagle Farm. From: Mn. O. Burns, Manager's residence, Challinor Centre, Ipswich, The famous German ME 109 single -seater fighter that shared with the Spitfire the distinction of operating throughout the war with various modifications. This one was trapped on the ground by the rapid Allied advance in the Western Desert. From H. Dean, Jam. Street, Maryborough. ,,," Apr 1.1410:. ARE YOU A BORE SYDNEY Saturday. -A well-known publisher reports that there is a simple technique of everyday conversation which can pay you real dividends in both social and professional advancement. It works like magic to give you added poise, self-confidence and greater popularity. This technique can show you how to quickly win friends - and earn money. INFLUENCE yei ordiug to Oils publisher many people do nail realise how much they could in. thIlTICI! others simply by what they say and ROW !hey say it Those who realise this radiate enthusiasm. hold the attention of their listeners with bright. sparkling conversation that attracts friends and opporta. rut les wherever they go. Whether in business. at social functions. or even in casual conversations with new ac- quaintances, there are ways in which you can make a good Impression every tune you talk RESPECT You know. through your own observatiOn. that good talkers always win attention They command respect! They quickly become not only popu- lar but Mien more entertain. mg - all of which directly helps them to bring more hap- piness to others while winning tor themselves the gond things of hie WELCOME Look what happen, to people who converse Thm. tumble for woids ome-tied begin evert Ile, ,,Ile'fIC1` wither' and leeye to help them iwer ow. r. word pauses Such people impress no one and get no- where simply because thee ho% en I learned the elemen- i.try rules of good conversa- tion l low different when you can DO YOU GROPE FOR WORDS? speak really well Your wit and charm enliven any gather- ing. You provide a nucleus for bright, entertaining conversa- tion on a host of subjects Ev- ermhere Sou go people wel- etnne and respect you POPULARITY .0 ii to r to 1 ft 1,11:1,,: 1 pail- , iplcs lust la, other art The good 1,ilkvrs wtaan wit admiri,. know Mese rules and apply them whenever they converse Learn the rules and make your conversation brighter. Inure entertaining and impressive. When you have learned the magic power of words you will I ind yourself becoming more popular and winning new Iriendships in the business and social worlds FREE! To acquaint inure readers of the "Color Magazine" with the easy-to-lollow rules for de veloping skill in every-day conversation. the publishers have printed full details of their interesting self -training method in a 24 page book which will be sent free to any- one who requests it. The ad dress is. Conversation Stud- ies, Dept. 859, 407 Kent Si., Sydney, NSW, 2000. Enclose 14c in stamps for postage. The Sunday Mail Color Magazine, April 28, 1974 3