Wieneke Archive Book 4j : War Presscuttings

Above: The war slops for nine hours at Quinn's Post on the Gallipoli Peninsula in May, 1915, so that troops from each side con bury their dead. At left and centre, Australian and Turkish sentries see the truce is observed. From. D. J. eater. Albert Sir..', Margot, Above: -An army marches on its stomach" even when sitting in mud -filled trenches in France in World War I. This is a Western Front cookhouse. From J C /*Unbolt, Dube Street, Kingaroy. Left: Flight-Lieutenant Bert Klemm adds another bomb to the score of raids carried out by a Lockheed Ventura of 464 Squadron, RAAF, over Europe. The crew - two Australians and a New Zeolonder - decor- ated their aircraft with a kiwi and a kangaroo. From: B. W. Klemm. Power St., Wavell Heights Above: The Bristol Beaufighter, nicknamed "Whispering Death" was the most heavily armed fighter of World War II with four 20 mm cannon and eight machine-guns. Feeding these guns was no light job, but WAAAF armourers Phyl Young (left) and her close friend Phyl Robertson did the job at on operational Training Unit. From: Mrs. 1. Hutchinson, Gray Avenue, Corinda. NO DYES! - NO TINTS! -NO RINSES! LOOK YEARS YOUNGER vow tel Intl tale grey hall give yo, years away' Glyr your. yell a new lease of life and reel runny again. Get Into inc swing witn business, SOOttinia ens social actiiiities Send the ,00 000 01 iS, I. :I dy Cot carat inn, .. . SEND FOR FREE BROCHURE TODAY! THIS PURE WHITE CREAM WILL DARKEN GREY HAIR IN THREE WEEKS Restores your natural hair colour per- manently. Look years younger or pay nothing. Remarkable new pure white cream quickly restores original colour to your hair. Not a rinse! Not a dye! Nothing to wash out ... nothing to wash int Simply a natural .:kite cream that selectively works on white hairs only an t reti,-.5 natural colour to them. WATCH NATURAL COLOUR RETURN Natural colour returns to young men embarrassed by premature greying. Gives new :est for living to women in the prime of life who wish to retain youth- ful charm and attractiveness. Why let a sprinkle of grey hairs raise other people's eyebrow' . . end talking of eyebrows. V X Hair Colour Restorer works effectively on eyebrows, beards and moustaches. tool 30 DAY FREE HOME TRIAL PROVES IT! Sand coupon or write NOW for lull facts about remarkable VX Natural Hair Colour Restorer Cumin. All your questions answered fully in generous FREE Brochure. Tells you also about our Try it First. 30 Dey Free Home Trial offer. HURRY! ACT NOWI Fill in and post Coupon while this is in front of you. EV.X Corporation, Dept. CN5. 514 Miller St., Cammeray, NSW, 2062. Plejse send isle without obligehoh my cony Of Free Brochure 'How to auckly Restore Nature! 'lair Colour *about Dyes. Tinsus or Tints' I 011001* 7c stamp for ()WNW. Please Print -J The Sunday Mail Color Magazine, April 28, 1974 5