Wieneke Archive Book 4k : Miscellaneous Presscuttings

)11 o wasted e at Ked- e crochet ior all 23 I boys. hobby four ngers to the J. O'Neill) ,uld crochet impressive bout it. We Dtboll Club's r consistent" I. did o little nging from ecloths, she study fee Queens - !may French ;umed from a e k stay in iterday. SING firing the where. Ag CHRIS GREGG a";act St. George/ovens charges). once !,1 to hue os' i YOU AT \\,1 if we don t get him ." -- 91trintr . She said her husband ertles, about 40 kilo- metres an hour. -I I deo." judge of Supreme Court A BRISBANE Queen's Counsel, Mr. Peter David Connelly, yesterday was appointed a Queensland Supreme Court judge. Announcing the ap- pointment, the Justice Minister (Mr. Lickiss) said Mr. Connolly, 57. had a distinguished legal career. It included practical experience in a wide va- riety of Jurisdictions, Mr. Lickiss said. Mr. Connolly is a des- cendant of a pioneer Queensland family. H i s grandfather, the late John Connolly. was one of the early settlers of the Burnett district. The late Roy Connolly, Mr. Peter Connolly's fa- ther, was a Brisbane journalist anti author of an historical book, "Southern Saga." Mr. Peter Connelly was educated at St. Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace, Brisbane, and St. John's College, Queensland Uni- versity. Honours H e graduated with first-class honours as a Bachelor of Laws and was admitted to the bar in 1949. In 1963, he was ap- Phone dispute may end soon MELBOURNE. - The dispute moved closer night. Arbitration Commis- sion talks between Tele- com representatives and union officials worked out an agreement on the two -week-old dispute. The Australian Tele- communications Employ- ees' Association imposed bans several weeks ago that have allowed many STD calls to be made free. Imposed Telecom estimates that the bans have cost the commission around 5250,000 a day for two weeks In lost revenue. The union's bans had been imposed over a di- p u te involving tech nology changes. It is believed that the A.T.E.A. federal execu- President is monk _rtiCiheiltIkA $3 pillion telephone to a settlement last Live, last night agreed to the formula worked out in the Arbitration Com- mission talks. The union decided to call meetings of its Tele- com members in all States tomorrow to con- sider lifting their ban. Telecom chief general manager (Mr. Bill Pol- lock) said last night that the agreement provided for all bans to be lifted by 3.00 p.m. tomorrow. pointed a Queen's Coun- sel. Mr. 'Connelly was pres- ident of the Queensland Bar Association from 1987 to 1970 and Austra- lian Bar Association president in 1987 and 1988. He was Member for Kurilpa in the Queens- land Parliament from 1957 to 1980. During World War II Mr. Connelly served In the A.I.F. from 1939 to 1946. After the war, he com- m ande d, at different times, the Queensland University Regiment and 9th ' Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment. Mr Lickiss said Mr. Connelly's appointment followed the retirement earlier this year of the former Chief Justice (Sir Mostyn Hanger). MR. CONNOLLY assaulted ht, He slapped ) the face befc "How good tumes? Billy Jeffy wo M00000 LAUN A Sm1.11' N BEDR S LOUN WA Painters 81 --- Berger Pair and walls B quotas for Min. order ...... R 01 Iron Rood G rust paint) p Vonoor 14 (Up to 121 R ----- PRIil I Phan*: 3 e I -r