Wieneke Archive Book 4k : Miscellaneous Presscuttings

SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 1978 HONOURS LISTS 52. Queenslanders share in Queen's Birthday awards QUEEN'S Birthday honours have been awarded to a State's two new Knights Bachelor. Seventeen of those ho- noured are women, in- cluding a pho:ographer. a pioneer aviator and a member of a hospital board. Seven of the Queens - lenders are honoured in the Commonwealth list. The full Ilst I': Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George. C.M.G. Dr. Norman Gregory Joseph Behan, of Gar- field Drive, Barden. for distinguished services to the community, particu- larly in the fields of medicine and the arts. As well ass being one of the State's best known medical practitioners, he is also a familiar figure in the arts. He recognised as one of Australia's most knowledgeable and dis- cerning art collectors. For 20 years, part of his collection was hung at Stuarthclime College.. Subsequently. the Be- han Collection of Art and Sculpture was estab- lished at Queensland University with a value of about 6300,000. Dr. Behan has been a trustee of the Queens- land Art Gallery since 1960. He served on the Queensland University Senate front 1955 to 1960, Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. C.B.E. Dr. Franz Konrad Sad- dler Hirschfeld, of Ham- ilton, has been closely as- sucIated as a surgeon with a number of Bris- bane hospitals for more than 40 years. Since.2/68, IA has .been a member of the Queens- land University Senate. Since 1947. he has been a 'trustee of Briliane (kris' Om:um ' and ohnternon 0; e since MB. Wing Commander Charles Gordon (halo - FR, PROLAS ner Olive, of Runcorn, has given years of service to many organisations and associations in Queensland. including Legacy, Birthright, the Commonwealth Youth Council. National Fitness Council, Duke of Edinburgh Award State Committee, Outward Bound State Committee, A i r Force Association and the R.A.F. Associ- ation. He was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for his service in the Battle of Britain, and at Dunkirk. DR total of 52 Queenslanders, including the Michell Borst, real ee- tate agent, of Mareeba, for distinguished service to local government and the community. The Rev. Canon Alfred Stephen .Jull, retired, of Victoria Point. for his dedicated services to the Church of England in Australia. Mrs. Margaret Mary Kelman, widow, of &Me- rlin, for her dedicated and outstanding service to aviation in Queens- land. particularly in the promotion of women in aviation, Mrs. Anna Caroline Smith, photographer, of Bouchard Street, Cherm- side, for her outstanding service to the photo- ,, graphic industry and to the community. Cyril George Henry Warniek, retired, of Paw- kner Street, Chapel Hill, for his notable service to the dairying industry and the community. Commonwealth List: The Reverend Professor Rolland Arthur Busch. of St. Lucia, for his <M - AI standing service to tile church. BEHAN C.M.G. Commonwealth List: Dr. Nell Briton, 83, direc- tor of the Queensland Agricultural College, Lewes. since 1946. He Joined the staff of the college as lecturer in animal husbandry in 1938. Richard George Fry, of Earleville. North Queens- land, was honoured for his service to industry Mr. Fry founded his en- gineering business in Cairns In 1648. and built it into one of the north's larc.est coalmen:la Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire 0.9 E. 55 lipase I to lost In in, 1, Merl'. your photography deserves the best professional quality nett e 'a large display pants Lopy,ns of old p lets 1.6 raktachromeSS duplicates e prints ire- retouching.framing.mounting& spraying - . .talysis ofall prints fastest OClokie I PROLAB -PROFESSIONAL COLOUR PHOTOFINISHERS- \., 2 MAYNARU ST BURANDA. TEL. 351 282952713 / Imperial Service Order I.S.O. Neville James Cook, valuer general, of Efting- PLM. PROF. BUSCH, 0 B.E. him: Street, Tarraglaidt. for his outstanding ser- vice 11.ti an °Direr of the Queensland Public Ser- i ice Member of the Most Ex- cellent Order of the British Empire. M.B.E. Mrs. Josephine Bests, of Feather Street, Roma. , for her outstanding ser- vice to the community and the arts. Joseph Stanley Box. company director, of Mrrs Street. Ccorparoo. for his contribution to the buildinz indushy. Mrs. Hilda Millicent Burton. ,,f Llewellyn Street. Goomeri, for her , notable humanitarian and community services. John Daniel Cronin, engineer, Ward Street, Southport. for his con- siderable contribution to the development of the Gold Coast. Miss Ansa Ruby Daw- son, of Mellor Street, Gympie. for her notable humanitarian and com- munity services. DR. HIRSCHFELD, C.B.E. Charles Hall, of Elliott Street. Clayfield, for his services to education, particularly in the field of music teaching. William Murray 1111 - ton, medical practitioner, of Heeney Street, Chin- chilla, for his contribu- tion to the community. Herbert Spencer Lang - o n , of Stephenson Street, Yuleba, for his notable service to local authority. Sidney Francis Leder, of Blackwood Road, Mit- chelton, for his services to youth and to the com- munity. Herbert Edgar Mit- e h e Ii, retired teacher, Ashdown Street, Sunny- bank Mills, for his con- tribution to education and his services to the community. Henry Amos Moore, Kenmore Road, Ken- more, for his substantial contributions to journal- ism and to the sugar in- dustry. COnneillor Albert ClIce Rolfe, grazier, of Wood- bine Street, Springsure, for his local authority and rommunity services. British Empire Medal B.E.M. Mrs. Muriel Irene Broad, of Molonca Ter- race. Graceville, for ser- vice to the community. Guido termite, travel and real estate agent, Mars, n Road. Rendre, for service to the Italian community and wort, Helen liermolne Cotter/null. Prrny n St rem. Build- ben.. for her ''ng and dedicated ectmounity .erviee. Miss lda Margaret Munro Mackay, Ferre- t a r y , Tenerlfe Tenerif re. for service to the community. Mrs. Catherine Aiin McKenna. Barry Street, East, Ipswich, for her ser- vice to the community. Mrs. Louisa Rose MeLelland, Bent Street, Toowong, for outstanding service to the Scottish community, particularly in the field of highland dancing. Mrs. Jessie Jean Mas- s I e Gladstone Road, Dutton Park, for untiring service in the promotion of highland dancing in Queensland. Mrs. Olive Elizabeth Matthews, of China Street, Mundingburra, Townsville, for her dedi- c a t e d and charitable work in the community. William Edward Mul- holland, farmer, Old Maryborough Road, Gympie. for his out- standing service to the community. Mrs. Dorothy Patch, of Broad Street, &Irina, for her long and untiring service to local commu- nity affairs. Mrs. Ethel May Rid- gway, Deverell Street, Charieville, for service to the community. MRS. SMITH, 0.6 E William James Smith - Goodwin, carpenter, Grabbs Lane, Gymple. for his outstanding-con- trioution to the scouting movement. Mrs. Florence Eva Soy- monoff. Donaldson Street, Mackay. for her service to the Girl Guide movement. Louis Albert Horton Watford Venrenen, farm- er, Chinchilla, for long and dedicated service to the community. Mrs. Constance Maud Jessie Vines, Oriel Road, ',scot, for long and &M- c 'ed service to cranium- ni it f f u Ira. Noel Edwin Warbur- t o , farmer, Pearson Street, Murgon, for his service to local govern- ment and 'he grazing in- thstry. ALaxilralA /AM SERVICE to the community as Albany Creek u years resulted in the British Empire Medal for Albany Creek. Mrs. Ruth Mary Wil- liamson, Boundary Road, Indooroopilly, for her de- dication and service to the Metropolitan Senior Citizens' Centre, Forti- tude Valley. Top r exec on th IMPERIAL honours to tralian States included Charles Lloyd Jones, 45. son of the founder of the Sydney retailing gi- ant David Jones, and chairman of the com- pany since 1083, has been made a CMG. Garrick Agnew, 47, Harvard -educated in- dustry chief and former Mrs. Joyce Margaret Ai - Commonwealth List: psweirrnmirlags cnienniumplinoand.eofa service 1. as a ma. Mr. Maurice Byers, M. Albany Creek, for CBE. 11P a QC, and Australia's So- fs,'ur,Ilen;ce,,,ott'nBrounwrg.erre, for, r Neville Alfred James Bettor ueneral sawn 1073 ublibeenc servicelen , for Dr. Godfrey Letts, BO, Toowootnba, for services first elected Member o. to McIver, of the Legislative Council o'Ne111 Of Lake .Placid, has been awarded Me Nona. Qt.% sensla II ere ey Charles for Victoria, River in 1940,, public service in tntdiC.ti'efahri .IOnBaEriMiAlietASselinmeedd as ector of Animal M- ot' employment. Q u de Lot ; si Pollee Multi! heroics dustry and toter Agricul- ture In the Northern Q.P.M. Territory. Robert Brian Hayes, superintendent of poke, Anthony Murphy, super- intendent of police, and Ernest Horan, superin- tendent of police. MR. BORZI, O.B.E Waldemar Howard SVinsen, retired primm officer, Cricket Street, Petrie Terrace, for Ito dedication and service to the Queensland Police Citizen., Youth Welfare Association. Small racers More than 50 min- iature cars will race at fcatinga Park tomorrow in the Australian Min- iature Racing Car Championships. starting at 10 45 aro. Bea