Wieneke Archive Book 4k : Miscellaneous Presscuttings

nders .en's ards enslanders, including the Cronin, Street. his con- mutton to ,it of the 'by Daw r Street. notable and emu - t D, of Elliott fl. for his .(location, the field tray 1111- tict itioner, el. Chin- tont Lunity. er Lane- tt enson for his to local Leder, d. Mit- services the Mil- t' Mil - teacher. Sunny - his con - el -Western to the Moore, d, Ken- hdannal tournal- agar Clive Wood - horn y , ^Mee& Medal 1 Irene Ter - for ser- truly. travel agent, 1 tendril. Indian ;wt. ermolne .rrny-n ere. fcr Alva ted largeret rem - Drive, Teneriffe, for service to the community. Mrs. Catherine Ann McKenna, Barry Street, East Ipswich, for her ser- vice to the community. Mrs. Louisa Rose MeLelland, Bent Street, Toowong, for outstanding service to the Scottish community, particularly in the field of highland dancing. Mrs. Jessie Jean Mas- s 1 e . Gladstone Road, Dutton Park. for untiring service in the promotion of highland dancing in Queensland. Mrs. 011ie Elizabeth Matthews, of China S t r eel, Mundingburra, Townsville, for her dedi- cated and charitable work in the community. William Edward Mul- holland, farmer, Old Maryborough Road, Gympie, for his out- standing service to the community. Mrs. Dorothy Patch, of Broad Street. Sanaa, for her long and untiring service to local commu- nity affairs. Mrs. Ethel May Rid- BwaY, Deverell Street, Charievtile, rot service to the community. MRS. SMITH, O.B.E. IVilitam Jsmes Smith - Goodwin, carpenter, ra b b,5 Lane, Oyutpie. for his 011tailndlrir con- tribution to the .eouting movement. Mrs. Florence Eva Soy - f Donaldson Street. Mackay, for her service to the Girl Guide movement. Louis Albert Horton Watford Vanrenen, farm- er. Chinchilla, for long and dedicated service to the community. Mrs. Constance Maud hassle Vines, Oriel Road, Ascot, for long and dedi- cated service to cutumu- 1 3 elfa Ws. Noel Edwin Warbur- t o n farmer. Pearson Street, Manton. for his service to local govern- ment and the grazing In- dustry. AAA SERVICE to the community as Albany Creel: post -mistress for 40 years resulted in the British Empire Medal for Mrs. Joyce Alton, of Albany Creek. Mrs. Rats Mary Wil- liamson, Boundary Road, Indooroopilly, for her de- dication and service to the Metropolitan Senior Citizens' Centre, Forti- tude Valley. MR BORZI, O.B.E Waldemar Howard Winsen, retired prison officer, Cricket Street, Petrie Terrace, for his dedication and service to the Queensland Police Citizens Youth Welfare Association. Commonwealth List: Mrs, Jeyce Margaret Al- tos, of Albany Creek, for her service as a past- Top retail executive on the list IMPERIAL honours to people in other Aus- tralian States included:- Charles Lloyd Jones, 45, son of the founder of the Sydney retailing gi- ant David Jones, and chairman of the com- pany since 1963, has been made a CMG. Garrick Agnew, 47, H a r v a r d -educated in- dustry chief and former swimming chumpion. of Perth. has been made a CBE. Mr. Maui ..1" Byers. 60, a QC, and Australia's So- Nevie Alfred James licitor General since 1073 culleitt,f Bundaberfg foro, pia been 'nide CBE, for servicia to rowing. pubild service in law. len Trevor McIver, of Dr. Godfrey Letts, SO, Tosw00,cs. for services first elected Member o. to youth.the Legislative Council 11 r O'Nel of Lake .Placid, has been awarded Mir e charion for Victoria River In iligp, North. giteenslanct. for CBE. A trained voter - public service to the nein Marian he served as rd - of employment. rector of Animal 111 - Queen's Police Modal for damn: and later Agricul- ture in the Northern distinguished service Q.P.M. Territory. Robert Brian Hayes, ,_ superintendent if police, I Anthony Murphy. mtendent of police, and Ernest (loran. salient). tendent of police. Small racers NI,,:c than ..0 imil- tature cars wilt race at Killings. Park tomorrow in the Australian Min- iature Racing Car Chem pionships, starting at 10 45 a.m. trir:31.141 THE COURIER -MAIL - 5 Armed services SIXTY-SEVEN servicemen and servicewomen received honours yes- terday - 39 on the Commonwealth Imperial honours list and 28 on the Order of Australia list. 1100011Ieil in the Impe- ual iit ucre, - Order of the British Empire M.B.E. NAVV: Lieutenant - Commander John George Fouler. RAN. Lieu term ointment! - er Norman F.ric Goodwin, \RD. RANK ARMS : Maier Kr1in James t heel ham, Ed. RAI ICNIF.. Warrant Officer ('lass One Peter George Cow- an. RAI. Major Ian Mackenzie Guild, HAS. Major Dudley Oise Le- ver. RAEME. Captain John David 1:miner. RAE. Major Robert Barrie Wade. RAAC. RAAF: Squadron Leader Alexander Falco - oar Grant, RAAFR. Flight Lieutenant Ron- ald Eugene Usher. RAAF. Squadron Leader Peter Sydney Wilkins. RAAF. British Empire Medal (B.E.M.) NAVY: Petty Officer Leslie Vincent Crowe RAN. Petty Officer John Al- runier Edwards, RAN. Chief Petty Officer William Warren Lehane, RAN. ARMY: Sergeant (temporary Staff Ser- geant) John Enos Apple- yard. RAAOC. Corporal Ronald John Itorkeliffe, RAE. Corporal Michael Gra- ham Seymour. ItAE3IE. Sergeant Thomas Shales, RAS. Staff Sergeant (tem- porary Warrant Officer ('lass t Michael Leon Taylor, RAAHC. Gunner (Temporary Bombardier) Alan Keith Whiteley. RAA ICMFI. RAAF: Sergeant Noel Robert Dunstan Sergeant Terry Robert Giles. Sergeant Ernest Albert Payne. Royal Red Cross R.R.C. ARMY: Colonel Nellie Reedy to fight Jane Vitale, Royal Aus- tr lian Army Nursing HONGKONG ( A AP - AP). - Vietnam is rais- ing five million men for its militia as a result of strained relations with China, the Far Eastern Economic Review hes re- ported. The independent Eng- 1 s 11-1 angu a ge news magazine said the new recruits could bring the ..,llumpte7 of mum wider "Tnms b eimursiii Seeing things? LONDON (AAP-AP.. -A Septets whisky firm announced a. prize of fl million for anyone who r a n produce evidence that people from other planets travel to Barth. Corns. Major Beryl Mary Elisabeth llogarth, Royal Australian Army Nursing Corns. Major Betty Vera McNabb. Royal Austra- 1 1 a is Army 31, I rsing Corps. RAAF: Squadron Leader Jean Margaret Harrison, Royal Austra- lian Air Force Nursing Service. , . AIR FORCE CROSS A It 31 V : Lieutenant Ian sterUnn flendrIck, Australian Army Avia- tion Corps. Lieutenant Itemporary captain) Robert Eduard Waif Or d, Australian Army At tation Corp:,. RAAF: Flight Lieutenant Philip Charles AolleY. Squadron Leader Ro- nald Leith Riddell. Squadron Leader Rich- ard Ilreithe Gregory. Squadron Leader Da- rid John Leach. Squadron Leader James Arthur Thompson Lowe. Flight Lieutenant Paul 'Victor Page. AIR FORCE MEDAL Sergeant Peter Laurie Watson, RAAF. Qeeen's Commendation for Valuable Service in use Air (I('VSA: Squadron Leader Geoffrey Leonard Colman, RAAF. Sergeant Raymond George Morrison, RAAF. hquadron Leader Burry Maxwell Schulz. RAAF. Honoured in the Order of Australia list were- Officers in the Military division of the Order of Australia (AO), NAYS': Surgeon neat Admiral Stephen Joh Lloyd, QHS. RAN. Brad - d o n A.C.T. For dis- tinguished service in the medical branch of the Royal Australian Nay. ARMY: Brigadier Er- nest Laurence Palmer, Macquirie A.O.T. For dis- tinguished service to the ordinance service of the Australian Army. Brigadier John Hand - Cock Studded, OBE, Mawson, A.C.T. For dis- tinguished service as the Deputy Chief of Anny Material. RAAF': Air Commodore Ronald Arthur Har- greaves, Glen Waverley, Vic. For distinguished service to the engineering branch of the Royal Aus- tralian Air Force. Air Commodore Geoff - r e y Gordon Michael, 013E, AFC, Richmond. N.S.W. For distirignished :mire to the Royal Aus- tralian AT Force. Members in the Military Division of the Order of Australia (AM). NAVY: Captain Ni eel Rh:bard Benbow Berlyn, RAN. Campbell. A.C.T. For exceptional perform- ance of duty as project director of .the guided missile frigate acquisi- tion programme. Commander Jeremy Nicholas ',Win, RAN, Duffy, A.C.T. For ex- ceptional service and performance of duty at the Harold E. Holt Naval Communicat inn Station. Superintending Sister Eileen Harrison Lawrie, HANES, Balmoral, N.S.W. Per exceptional performance of duty in the Royal Australian Navy Nursing Service. ARMY : Lieutenant Colonel Arthur James Filter k, Holsworthy. N.S.W. Nor etept maul l'^110111'lince of (1,1 ' N lite contiostahng oihner of 1st Field Engineer Regiment. Lieutenant Colonel Ronald George Lange, Mosman, N.S.W. For ex- ceptional service to the Australian Army. Colonel Kevin Lachlan Macpherson. Watsunia. Vic. For exceptional and dedicated service to the Australian Army. lieutenant Colonel Kristian Raymond Sch I y de r Aitkensale, Qid. For exceptional per- formance of duty as Commanding Officer of 2-4 Battalion, Royal Aus- tralian Regiment. Lieutenant Colonel Philip Graeme ZAellon, Washington, U.S.A. For exceptional performance of duty as Commanding Officer of 2 Signal Regi- ment, Watsonia, Victoria. lieutenant Colonel William Victorl Wind- eyer, LonguevIlle. N.S.W. For exceptional service to the Arnty Reserve in New South Wales. RAAF: Group Captain Reginald Ronald Yeo- man Candy, Hawker, ACT. Wing Commander Pe- ter Richard Degotardi, Dural, N.S.W. For ex- ceptional service as an anaesthetist specialising in intensive care nod ae- romedical evacuation procedures. Wing Commander Des- mond Joseph Gordon, Hackett, ACT. For ex- ceptional service to the Royal Australian Air Force Staff College, Fairbalrn, ACT. Wing Commander Carl Peter Ring, AFC, Melba, ACT. For exceptional performance of duty as Commanding Officer of No. 5 Squadron, Fair - bairn, ACT. The Modal of the Or- der of Australia in the Military Division (O.A.M.), NAVY: Warrant offi- cer Franklin William Frimston, Georges Hall, N.S.W. Chief Petty Officer Raymond Ernest Rich, Sydney. -- ARMY: Warrant Offi- cer Class One Anthony John Bridge, HAA0C, Macleod. Vic. for merit- orious service to the Roy- al Australian Army Ord- nance Corps. Warrant Officer Class One Michael Max John- _ son RA Inf., Lynehim. Warrant Officer Class Two Rosemary Lyon, WRAAC, Earlwood. Warrant Officer Class Two Phillip Michael Prince, AACC. Portsea. . Warrant Officer Class T n o Kenneth Joseph Thompson, RACT Dun- troon ACT. RAAF: Warrant Offi- cer Thomas Gerald Cooper, Brisbane, Warrant officer Hart- ley James McIntyre, Wagga Wings. N.S.W. Warrant Officer Ron- a t d Dennis 5% linattls, N.S.V.r. eautiful views like this fro