George Wishart : Art Notes

NEW SOCIETY OF ARTISTS. SECOND EXHIBITION. 'Ito New Society f Artiste, which else nahned furination rather more than year ego, by, holdiag an exhibition of panatela Icy ita inemben., is insisting Ita second exhimitieu in very ratable roton xt true top ci the loiontal 3lutsta1 Lee huilthog. lit Queenettreet. The pw:ween were thrown otH11 to private vies pa- tentee end de a *bole. they nude "Ithaca Creak" is the debt noteworthy it 11141 Into what it regards se epee:rat contribution ;'while the pate] study "Boos sphere. Th new eaciety includes re its Homo," by Mr. Osear Aisne:re, menet mike rogue very induotaioni and capable fail to attract atbortion. Tito artist's Me amateur painters, and one or two mottle Of fkr Ant actin Gregory' ahem. that Mr. sional artiets, whore are known Fristrem is not only a capable itaintres but in local art. The protein exhinitiou Lou a iddiful modeller. The Ins relief "Agri- tacos scarcely any of the very crude per - culture," by Mr. J. L.Waits, is an *disc- torment:ea which sometimes puss a irmpa- the piece of work. ittention thole hanging cotemittee, and the gouneil be made of a very interesting selection alandurd it indicative of sound :progress. of Japanese carvings, embroideey, de., lent 'lire pietstree are arentially representative by Mr.. R. T. 'Maurice. The exhibition of toed paintieg, and they include ten feu will Ice open daily until lith instant. committee of the art work of the other Steam,. One of the b et of the latter is an oil - painting e titled " Preparing fur the Cunt. cab," by Mr. Theo. lInookeaansen, IL 'Vic- o:Aron artist. This a a study of a little girl in agarden of poppies,, with the light front a Chinese kInterst shining on her ham. The exhuming b. harmonium. the pare of the figure natural, and the general treat- ment of tile subject eery effective. This 14013 buil homer mem fee Z e's ithipeotion to - .lay. The oulleothat et pictures cut steer nentboraa9. Arnengstebeeritibitem.laskir. T.Brook Hauer, of Veitutia, ebeee :tire peantiaga already hue been re: :forted to.G. Wishart iswelt ere/Milted marl: his picture.; being ' 1.d tel tie, pad . "Paloit Rock, Totenanis " ; A laurel imitates of Welliugton Point, rid others. O. H. M. Addison -mad Fo Cobb:midi are theehlef Watibitors in the water ailuer semiaiik:i /L Coleleugh's ant'ects inelude "Eltmo.t. Sksy,"' o Sere and YeWer Lear' (a portrait etude), "et.:Derebot.'s* and...eirey Dawit.ort the River." Mrs audisoutdeoriarepremand by peas and ink skatelres-oet. Cse.,1: If^ and 'Ithaca Vote's" arc zombie instaneeo In the black end under ordinary oanditio a, nne detail .1hfte 486th'tt 114' an V. nn 1:13.° work is very carefully aril of done 2! F., U Lea, alio a peste, "'Foos Homo," tion, bet bold in Mowing, and ..Strati itt siehaplaner linekof tim late Sir Amounts colouring. The same artist's ' "Through Gregory-the Matnewed lathe leastaaccees- Rain, Coward they Daehed to the lingleil I. Other exhibitors are W. 11.0xledo, 3. L. Flame-a lire scene apparently in Lon - Watt; J. W. a Grout. Mei Hunter, Rev.- don-oleo shims considerable power. .1 0. E. JaSpaS, 0. Genie, and others. picture, " Squally Weather," by Mr. C. flume of the rotate named have Gamin, chime attention by the vigorous sexcellent!, wall. The feature .of'tke treatment and suet:cede' colouring of the exhibition ie the lagreanetbsr pf anascapoe. waves and the dark; -stormy sky ; and the 'There also is on view some Japanese, same artist has a very interesting study :amino, ivory, wood, and emhroidery. of Double Island Point at evening. Mr. The exhibition will bo openediby lion. Jo W.'; G. R. M. Addison .eentributeli aview 01 Bleb, Attorney-Gousral at X -o'clock to.; St. Helena from Wynnurn, which happily marrow ( Wedneeday) aftrnoon. reflects a very picturesque scene, and a ,,- ' -.....,,, very pretty sketch entitled " The Draw- ' THE NEW SOCIETY OF, ARTISTS. ing Lesson." Bid "Sunset at Noumea:. T. A meeting of the New Society of Artists wo:, ket" mid "Pets" .ere both artistic in 'held last evening in Mr. (near FristroMe ,conceptioner!hted. in_ treatment. Amongthe present were: pittnrem .iteted by the Ilt..tvi C. M. I etudio, and amongst theselames, a little inetute of icowong i Messrs. Elms, Maguire, Frietrom (chair), Col. Reach- is bright but Soft in its colouring, t lough (secretary), Gamin, Woods, Moroneyd and the effect of distance Ilan been ishart, and Bert. The secretary reporte cleverly suggested. His " From the Hill - t he ,tad written to the direector of the sides and "River Mists" r avail genuine Dudley Gallery, London, Inc further in. nee of the picturesque. Mr. J. W. 11. idiot' respecting the proposal to hohl en ;rout has devoted himself chiefly to sea erhibition of Queensland net this year. Mr.' tediesi and perhaps hie most successful Ciolelough read i most interesting paper onl fleet n his ' Blue, Unclouded Ws:ether." the ertistic- enjoyment of pictures. A discus.; 'dr. W. C. Oxlade has two excellent coast 1 , 4 Mon followed, and the meeting was of opinion epee (26 and Ti). Mr. J. L. Watts , hat to thoroughly enjoy a world of art it tens me evidently made a careful study , AN ART SENSATION. Fhrlemarry for the viewer to have n theoretical f the vicinity of Oxley cheek, arid the which he exhibits ( '1..x.Aen sensationannouneer li.n tTliewenatryt zuteoridephias justd I ett practical knowledge of net. A vote of thanks Iwo .ori th!ee painttiidg: I unneimously necol:tled Mr. Colt:lough for P.h0%.% I excellent paper.. The next meeting hill.. "Still Ibsy Oluction'°:re choice bits of our .river and the fitmoua English painter Turner workso- oil, and culled " unflniehed" in' . hold in /I fortnight front date, and a f sie rees', 6f *6 " Berry's hamar, ill retworkably good, and altogether en portrait is one of the ben the artist 1 Les executed for seen. Sand. TWe are Abu erweml iiirely-eoloured ittimanure by Mo. Holism. In the water-colour eeenon. Gum are auMe Attractive Metares. "Praha, of the Deep," by Mr. 41. Tehhitt, Is Ili bk. ehamotertstic style. and Mr. .1. I labeled "both ode" is an u.lunraltie piece of wort_ The so_ftutos, of tin effeete, tree auggewlion; I of buellnete, and the harmouirme but stab, duel colouring invest this pretare with potable: charm. Mr. E. Cololough, who is' a barge exhibitor, loss several caporal Audits, lie " Alooidight on the River" be. ing eterwieller enceeserful, aid his "Iltepo, en intereetiog nail very er,dUsthie .4)°,` Fre:thud from the Flat. .- First-olass toun's Wild Hume being bold is The err iVilek.t1011 ,illigtill With iddiret, vita Honour.: Ilvery 8. Brandt (93 percent), Arthur treatment and striking in colouring. that it should ave been neceroary for the NT. Rosa OM per cent), H. Jarvis, W. Dickson. tae.. :aught the fading light and the into two ounpo. tine art society, pro - In " The hut Poi...niter" the artist devotees. of art. t.. eepanste ustruseless &wad -class Honours : W. J. Ormond, B. still :upset of the river very cleverly, man. palsy and ayeatiatheinine, ina,,,,,itest, mght n.,W.00d.r.s, J.,_,11... F. Plane, ,lirs.. S. sublei, mai_. t_n,. clue tItill needs to be male of the Jareannte euthoe for the roorpurativeb. *moll COM- ,e, 7?..1 Amon.1. ,. ....71(npowr E. It. - 14. lieuro *Andy. " A Ihdieult. Problem," by party of wrists and amateur patmets in ,,,sinEiii_. 1,11,.i.n it, u rau Mr. Yeinamoto, which is not only well Brigham; but re einsueekie tit". "'au"' ''''''''''.' '''.. '''.."""' ---"...."'"."..".- - Model Drawing. - 'CAM drawn but skilfully itainted. In the brill lox, it (levels.% on each rerun to throw and white section, Mr. G. H. At. Addisnen all the eat timtnew and all tee goal work -Frank Marriott (99 per cent), Victor Das , C. H.Gough, S. O. Learmouth. Second-otos honours; : Mins Annie Mott, Miss Eva A. Knight, Mir Veen Culpin, Miss A. Brown. Pam : Miss F. L. Service. Drawing from Oast, Ornament.-Find-oloss Honours: Georg° Wishut, 90 per cent. Second -clue Honours: L. II. Isles, G. P. 0. Cowlishaw, 'M. B. Medhurst Peas: A. II. Ironer. Drawing. -S000nd-elan Honours: Wi.?if.ufrielgley, Miss . E. Trundle. Modelling. - First.olaas Honours: J. F. Chisholm, 05 per oent (npeially commended). Dectige.--First-elass Honours: Mir Rose Culpin. Second-class Honours: M. H. Med- lin:et, Frank Marriott. Pass: Mho A. Wel- ott. o Plane Geometry. -First-der Honours: Mrs. Geismann, W. G. Ormerod. Second-class Honours: Alexander J. Blakeley. Machine Construction and Drawing (Senior). picture is an ennuently pleasmg one, (And -Flret.class Honosrs : Llewellyn Griffith, its promote in the gallery is the more : Merman Bell, H. C. Meer. PIM i William noteworthy use it hus already boom exhibited. ,Rtshe, in Isiodon and in Sydney. Anothe. it"Oni Machine Construction and Drnwi,pg (Junior). specimen of the artist's method he a : einto -first -olio Honours : Alfred Wiahart, IL ing of a little bit if ti -tree morals ... Inch G. Alder. posseeste o;naideralite merit, and amodest Mathematics, Division A, Advances:I.-First- Irtthichvenelte. A Pronlinimi exhibitor is 'close : A. Clominson. 90 par cent. Division B. Mr. lice. tViabart, who contributes ocesentl s First-class E F. Robinson 96 per cent .otoorltee and buida°113"4.. Hi' view o" W. H. Carr, . 9I.cent ' G W. Wellington Point is periespe the largest, pie- Dickson,' per ' Pass: . tare in the exhibition. nod it is Odd widish Shorthatol (talvancoc1). - Second - class invites and merits. Attention. The nest - Honours: Janice I gl ., G. 8, Cahill, E. 0. E. mart of the placid, minnow water, the ligureet in the foreground and in the dia. Iradellffe, Minn Pearl MiCanl. Pas: H. A. fame. suirsesting the sewed° resort. at bib- Robinson. day time, and the claw atmosphere, all Shorthand (elementary). - First - Naas ehi.,, careful study and skill M both draw- Honours: J. A. Mulligan, B. F. Loo, J. H. ing end, colouring. Mr. Without has Use 'Thompson. Sec d -clam Honours: H. G. two panting. el the Gras -act. (;surge at Howley. Launcergen one in flood time. and osie Bookkeeping.-First-clasallonours :Bdward Holiday, Edward Chatwood. Sec nd-class Hosours: H. A. Jones, F. A. Robinson, T. W. Game. Peas: Alex. M'Nevin, J. II. Fraser. French. - First-clan Honours : Mies Slaughter. Pass: N. W. Nagel. Lerman.-First-class Honours : Miss V. Kano, 90 per cent. Arithatetio, Sonlor.-8onond-class ammeter Alex. Shearer Goorg:e Deem, C. F.Haider, W. H. Wishek, Arthur Cotten,. Pose : James Shaw, James Middleton, Daeel Smith. 1 Arithmetic, Junior.-First-elan Honours: ' Harry Wilmott, 95 per cent. Sewed -claim Honour,,: 'William Ross. tVriting.-Itindoolsas Hencent : Thomas Smart. Secourbelase Honours: R. F.Knott, Charles OPNaught. Pass : Alex. Waters,., William Row. Grammar, Senior,-First-aleas Honours : Robert:I. Morris. Grammar, Junior.-Seeond-clase Honour: iDavid finilth, Arthur Codes", john Hooper. Honed& Dr ss -nutting and Fitting.-leinst- elites Honours: Mre. J. W. Young, Mien lif A. Weertroffe (equal) &coed -ernes honours: 7raughting aud Measuring Only.-Pass : C. M. 33. Leo. Pus : Wes J. Mott. G. H. Tauten. 'lie results of the electricity examined& \not yet boon handed in. .1 Jilt Exhibition, New Society of Atthits. 0.0.401, The New:Society of Artists. ore °peeing their second to the public to-uterrowasnage ,ut bele/ hold iu the utlaas1 i'laelflielatr''oroll"'E. Web, and the Menne* have every a of linhatodgrwhielestand: out boldly. ()Wan bring inittrul representational° an excellent mom istepreaeuted bya portrait f eirejeet, wanting per ape little in imagine - the life. the Victorian (Oast" seems to have Aiours341,11 be spent tit sketching fr ogle. very suceessfully the inspiration oileoond. Edition.. Technical College. Result of Examinations. The following Is the list of itudenta In order of merit who have obtained certificates in the annual examinations of the Brisbane Tocheical College Mot -elites honours, to per cunt ; second -clan honours, .34 per oent ; pus, be per t '. ' --; .. -......r.----'---, .- - - ' of the 141.110, and :her other picture's ex- ' Aeaderician, gets noerly all Inc. ideas lot . 1.,7 'aer,snoike Fildoe, ,the famous Itoval habit tool, taste in the seleetset of sab jade and skill in brush work. l'ortraithre pictures direct ' from life. Ile is in the to ehielly reproomied by 'Mr. Oscar' hew hebet of wandering about the highway*: ' trein's !!Mists .0'1 Mr. F. C. Abe& r.... - /rid byway*: in search of , subjects and 1 . , I Tethgleal College Exhibition. The exhibition ct works by the students et art, carpentry, and dresecuttime classes of the Teshnittal College was opened to the publitt on Monday, and will close on Saturday night. Up to the p. -sent the number of visitors lisec not been so large as could be desired, It Is hoped that parents will notnly. eta the. exhibits but will also induce their children to do re, and that all interested in tecimMal education will make themselves acquainted with the excellent work which has of late been done in ahead branches. His Excellency the Governor and Lady Norman have intimated their intention of being present at 11 o'clock this inorniug. Considering that this is the first exhibition y cf the kind held in connection with the illAti.11 Milton the committee and tie. instructors of duet) variceet classes re to be complimented on lit 1 metres but it is to be hoped that the nest exhibition will be much more comprehensiie. The only attempt at decorating the ball is 111 I draped shield bearing the mutt) ire urea Aare,- plasma in. hunt rofthwirellery AM* opposite the mural tablet to the memory of the late J. A. Clarke, the first art minter of the oollege. The drawings and peintimm are 11.1101G1 on *,swans placed around and aeons the room, while the specimens of modelling and dress- rutting are on tablet., and the carpentry exhibits are stanang on the floor in the centre of the hall. It should be 1:motioned !hat the Women- tary drawing class is in charge of Mr. S. T. Jackson, while tht, mare advanced students have been instructed by Mr. R. Godfrey Rivers. The work done by the art students us divided nto throe grades in accordalice with the South Kensington system. They are:-First grade: Freehand drawing front the flat. Second grade: drawings from geometrical modele, from objects, and more elementary easts. Third ;trade: Figure drawing from the rowel and from life. Painting, modelling, decoration, and design are also taught by Mr.ltivere. Mr. J. J. Lough is the instructor of drawing in connection: with the building construction. Mr., J. C. Christensen in carpentry, and Miss I Dixon in dressoutting. The exhibits as awhole are very ereditaule, and show much honest work. It is very setts - factory to note that the art Marlette espetielly are under the guidance of a good master. Mr. Rivera has now been in chargeof the advanced I art classes months, and already several of his pupils are beginning to show great promise. In the first grade the drawings by A. Cook are exceptionally good, while those by T.Marriott, F. Seaton, \V. Dickson, V. Campbell, and B. Loarmnntb are vary eat. In the second grade thous by G. Wished, W.Sigloy, lions Culpin, 0. Smith, J. Chisholm, and E. J. C. Clark e deserving of special mention. In the third grade, Mies M'Donald shows two beads, male and female, from life,a Diseobulue and gladia- tor, head of Seneca,Pisdatt hula twirl fora Minx the round, all'of Wdish are islevorly exeuuted. Mr. E. G. Barton's pencil drawings from life and ature give promise of better t1Rngs. The head of a cardinal (a copy), by Mr. Barton, is a clever bit of work. The sepia copy of a teed after Holbein, on which there is no name, is a praiseworthy effort. A. S. H. M'Olay's Venus f Milo, Gladiator and Hennes ; G. T. Thom - son's two architectural drawings,' G. Withart'g head of Ajax, and 0. Smith's drawings of fruit end corn are very faithfully executed. Among the oil paintings Miss Bird exhibits two excellent examples of flower painting, chrysanthemums. She also hows creditable examples in genre, lendseape, and portraiture. The picture of a girl nested on a doorstep is is very good attempt fromlife. Mien hi:Donald has three portrafte, two little penre pictures of aboy read*, a study of two calves, two land-' sellers, and an example of flower painting, all , of which peesese_g000ldesahle iier'e" geraniums" is acapital piece of work. Miss liockings's study front life is rather crude, but no doubt she will improve rapidly with careful study. Mien Ellwood exhibits a picture of a nautilus shell with some beads. e Among the examples of modelling, Mr. J. F. Chisholm shows some rheelleut original work, and several of the exhibits byMessrs. W. T. ,$igley and J. W. Quarmby are fairly well eeecuted. Some really good work is shorn in the ear- montry class, consisting of a carpenter's bench D. Taylor), an easel end show case (E. P. s hurrah " finished'.' worm,, were hung, but instance of Mr. Ruskin when Turner's. ef'Dmvall), a writing (leek (A. 13. Stanley), a riflithk a miniature easel and box (Valentine Gallery. The London ".Daily Telegraph" I' bird cage (St. A. ti'Dowall), en unfinished deiced's:it these picture; rte masterpieces, l'intnunvpe):13,a iimpboard (F. G. Hm), acupboard ,(W. olgvzde (rtitis e°frli itgeoe2,4 which reel, ooeaferehtra:etit, are to be inhibited shortly in the Maternal h and as further vindicating Turner's hat purchased from Mr: E. T. Carver as model, tar - ...14mL, the use of thc. art Maoist& valued at £2110,000-were concealed athe