George Wishart : Art Notes

DON "Observer." visit to the National acquaintance wit! .avpointesj when I weaitl I musty lot The chi that all the pictures L,1 with glues so that t is in the room. When ime you see, at first. ..rtgrounudi and all We Ins to me that Turner ocher, especially in the works of Tunner) but are Just one haze 1 niosplierlo erect ; the o colour, as is said, is remaining. Ile cont. mire. I like the Vene- : there Is such un. and they draw such es so well. It reaches pi Titian. The schools . pre very cold and still he German Is ao leas is good. Murillo and t, and so very master. tly natural. There is :Ian Dyck's figures. tion pictures, with warmth in colouring. did for still life, and truly great such h of colour, and he tan pretty girls. WAG - Joule teat rather thin. yellow and dissipated. ,ds are so theatrical, whole. There were a :alloy, many of them it there was always o e picture which that nong the Moderns at icture in the place is of padding among lly versatile, and has 1 styles and subjects, .f all ; he is my ideal, ..ttglon, and he seems I into them, but they O be more than partly no Window there used " Speak, speak," by ire, and is just fine. the bed haswhite mile and necklet of hoes must have been it white, but i don't ct in the cogravinr e Ethics, t ere is a, light front the letup he coming in from the' ,.it view in the fame! of Artists. ew Society of Ala y at Mr. Oscar emongst those pre- eddition, Wishart, Witte, Maguire, ay. Mr, Addison ecided that the eety's mud' exhi- er 26. Mr. Fris' in Sydney recently e tact rat, by well - O suraaup pictures secretary was de- ists with full per- formed a eketch- every alternate 'eon's Buildings, for from the'life. Out - arranged for other NEW SOCIETY OF ARTISTS. _see Mr. J. L. WAiti.Fe'iline scenes, mostly river iews, which ho,est - pa- rently 1188 ail affection for. " Tray. 11P11. SECOND ANNUAL EXHIBITION. Sheep" is a distinctly clever piece of rk The second annual exhibitien of the Nev.. and "Dispersing bliste" is Well handled.; Ur. Society of Artists will be opened to -day its W. C. Oalade is represented by halaidelnitin. the Colonial Mutual Life Buildings, Queen- sec.scapes. In his "Sunrise at Sep' street. The room secured is particularly well colouring is too warne.fur fhe subject.' suited for the purpose, the soft light falling Track Home" is lacking in perspectival", front above being till that could be desired, cows being altogether too small compared'wi The pictures exhibited number about ahue- the trees in the farther distance. " Twe died. a They are about equally divided be. Heads" in very good, and his subject of a! tween oils and water colours; and it will be gratifying to all well-wishers of the society Co noto the general improvement in each section. Among the pietures sent from the other states are two by the brush ofMr. Theo. Bronice-Ilansen, of Victoria. " Preparing for the Carnival," do icts a .child lighting Chinese lanterns in the gloaming in aheld 01 poppies. It is a charming scene, treated with 'artistic, taste and skill. -It-has been xhibited in file don, Iletdi o, and, if memory servos, also in Sydney, where it was received with much favour. Tne other picture by the same artist is " Ti -tree,' a study in green, with very effec- tive rise of tile mull la on the treetop, and gloom beneath the foliage. Eight canvases bear the name of Mr. Gt.. ge Wishart, including several of Cataract Gorge, near Launceston. This artist allows great faithfulness to detail, almost too groat for the best effect in cases. her instance, the scenery of Cataract Gorge is mereed ' by the water- . pipes running along the bank, hut the artist has not omitted the unsightly ironwork from his picture. "Papa Rock, Tasmania," is ex- cellent, and " Wellington Point," the largest canvas in the exhibition, is n faithful represen- tation of the beach scene at the favourite watering place, nd is much adinieed by local artists. Ate ambitious work is entitled, "'Through rain, o ward they dished to the raging flames," smile at. a fire atnight. The glare of the flames, the dash of the lire en- gines, the excited crowd, ere alL depicted with care, and not overdone as is the danger with this class of work; while such details as the flickering gas !env and the smoke of the en- gine are given with care. The picture is n, success. Moro typical of the soil is " Startled," a group of kangaroos frightened by a party of bushmen. THE CABNAHVON CASTLE, PRIVATIONS OF THE CREW. PERTH, February 2a. Those of the crew of the Carmen -on Cluale -who reached Fremantle are pm- greseng, and should he quite well in a Jew Mae. ,,Of those Who landed at Cape Natumtiste the apprentiee'-deact lust night, and Captain Jones is still very ill. AU the erow are well, with three exceptions, weet in the captain's boat. had a terrible -1 time after parting 'with Tale first uuttee beet. ' They were pat on quarter rations, and the biscuits became maturated Pwail s lt water. Some -of the crew ate afhis, and developed a terrible craving for sea water. On lath instant the ship's care tauter ate ravenously of these leseuitm, and seemed to go to sleep, He was subs,'. quently found to he dead An apprentice named Brigg also died on lath &meant. No water was left, and the next day the pro - yellow gave out. That night they saw the smoke of a steamer, but 'were them- selves unnoticed. On -22nd instant they 'saw the Cape Naturaliete light. esimweisseeemisemesesesie...- steamer at sea in ' Bound South isbol treated and attractive. Mr. C. E. Jenne; 1 five small satiate, ":Toowong Reach," a bright; view of a picturesque spot ; and " Teas int, ," a swagmates camp 'at sunset, standing out., Mr. R. (1. Bari has three excellent write* ewes, "'Darling Harbour.' " OfI Jervf Bay'," and " A Coaster," all well balanced,. and the firstnemed in gem. Mr. J. W. H. Grout is, represented by 'four seascapes. Mr. C. Gamin has three canvases on ,view, "Sun- rise," a beach seem' at daybreak being veva effective. " Double Island Point," an even,' ing scene, is also excellent. Miss M. A. lit14 ter has skilfully treated the gloomy woodleit in " Ghost's Gully." Miss W. Berryy is * successful with the "Road to Pine , liver,t beach scene, and has several , other, catwalks also. Mr. G. M. Addison &flirts seme preNe hones scones in " Patti and " The Drawing Lesion," both. full of conscientioas respect tin' detail. He has also two views, " St. Helena' from Wynnum," and "Sunset at Newmar- ket." . The only portrait in the exhibition is by 1iMr. Oscar Fristrom, with " An Old Athlete.1, Miniature painting,, which is buying a re- vival on the other side of the world, and bet coming very faelaionahle, is only represented by three studies, all from the brush. of Mts. 1Ifolmes. They are admirable pieces of work, and will attract a good deal of attention. A pastel "Ecee Homo," by Mr. Oscar Fristront, ,is very striking. It. is apparently a copy cif the famous picture in the Vatica and -depicts bitterness and anguish to the f It is a powerful pinta* ikfew Society WA, -tests.. A meeting of members of the New ciety of Artists was, hdd at Mr. Oeco Fristrom's studio, Queen-street onW. nesday vening last. Mr. J. L. Wates I at" sided, and amongst others present lye* Mrs. C. P. Berry and Miss Berry, M Fristrom Burt. Elliott:, enlelough Dion. secretary), Oxhide, Berry, and Wilbert. Mattel! were deteuesed in connection with the society's firs exhibition of pictures, which w ll be opened on the 7th proximo, It was estintated that between seventy and 100 pictures would be sent in .for detection, several of which are large canviusea of landscape and marine eubj ctet. A feature of the New Society's exhibition will be ex- amples of modelling, the bustabeing of well. knowu citizens, by Misers. Watts and Fria tenn't Sketching Club. The New Society" of Artists' Sketching) Club, for the purpose of encouraging in- door and outdoor el:etc:thing, has been remodelled. It is intended to bold indoor sketching evenings, and outdoor eketching excursions every alternate week. The first evening wail held in the board room, Market Chambers, last Tuesday. There,: WAR a large attendance of members, in- cluding Miss L. Anderson, bluest Oscar Fristrom, George Wiehirt, 1, It. ' Bayard, Victor Day, A. Wood, W. Wood. F. A. Nettheine and Franz Wirth. Sketching from life was indulged in, and afterwards freely criticised by the pres-;; ettif he society. A altar struccuse24 1