George Wishart : Art Notes

not o. touh4 portrai her. at I t a pi s yet) sitlier ul lau .11 fac .04 to ie., as lett' in fell it Co the ,it on ore it the heir .ry, of he pi and air ho . whit e,drain ,ley the to d Ile n teethe havi er she es, sh satire, eds. Ic. an Cher .holde it wh exp teat nom shat ng lr ? r, pr front The Ian mmmlll swit tit Now stir pohste Pcars, od rtist way ti 's pre view;' ,liseevjecli but ind -if 3 of mm sirs, I pain d to( gie if I oelined mule In die. ,rife what for t.) in o aunt it anti the 'et 1,(sof) st,i1 Ile at Art's NEW SOCIETY OF MIMI& 'rum ANNUAL latlIBITION. SOME OF Tim.pwrultEs. i. - .. riie third annual exhibition of 'the New 36ty of Artists will bo.opened at. 3 o'clock morrow afternoon by the patron of the ioty (Mfr- J. W. Blau): Toe pictures are being,exhi sited n the large -room at the Town :Kali, at one time occupied by -the Queensland :Art Gallery. The exhibits 'total 124, oils being the strongest class. In addition toils, v: Ater-colon:a, and black' and whites, there is a iniscelhunsous class -4 class which is respon- sible for a number of very excellent and in- teresting exhibits. On the whole the exhibition is uudoub'tedly the best yet. held bythe Society. There aro a tow pictures both iu the oils and water colours, which are much beim what the Society should regard as a " hanging " standard.. An exhibition has to bejudged on the general merit pf all the pictures. hung rather than on the individual merits of Hut hest. There is othing like the fear of rejection to spur a young artist'to do his best -and to offer only his very best, for public exhibition. This is not always remembered. But with the ex- ception of the several pictures referred to tho silillibition .is one which would do credit to a nitteh older society. ' - M).. Oscar. Eristrom has ettriAl a high,repu- tat ion for his nortraitnre Mirk, and his contri- 'hi 1 tions to the preient exhibition strengthen, MSther than weaken that reputation. A por-; sit, ticketed 8 (Miss Constance. Campbell true, .4he daughter of 'Mr. Tom Petrie), is .undoubtedly a tine piece of work; indeed, it 40 -',ono -'of the most perfect %examples of por- biture yet, exhibited by Is local artist. otherportraits(R. Outlay, Esq.), by the same Itistr has been skilfully handled, hut good as undoubtedly is, it hardly reaches the arm- or No. 8. . In the oils five canvases stand tau possessingimuch greater excellence than be other exhibits. These are 'Nos. 18, 22, '32.. and 40. No. 16 is a piece by W. C. e-" Ebb Tido." Next to this canvas wig awith'er by the. same artist, but it .isI milt t5" 'understand how the two could be keelsted by the one artist. The one is as' Zr: in the matter of colouring ns tteatTulv.isacreetseoney / . ; L. Watts. The composition, of this. little leca is good, and the. subdued colouring is particularly restft.l. 'Ono would wish to see Imre examples of this artist's work in the oils ioetion of the ' x'whition. . No. ff7 is cata- logued as 1i.' An English Homestead," nnd is om the Viiish of J. W. H.sGrant. ". It is a ulet little scene nicely composed and. skil- fully executed. Nos. 33 end 40 are the work of the well-known Brisbane exhibitor (Geo. Wishart). In both t e colouring .is her- nionioue, and i all reftpc&C the pair .are per- Irfts the best pictures in the section, 141r. G.'"Ilt Addison is represented by a medium siEe' catIvas-" A Queensland Country Home." The canvas doe no injury to Mr, Addison's reputation as a good draftsman and a skilful colourist. Another pike worthy 'of mention is No. 44-" Sunset, Mor ton Inland," by C. Gatnist. The colouring in a little too violent, perhaps, but in other respects the picture has notch to commend it. Astudy of fruit, ex- hibits,' by Miss Lily Anderson, is 'as care- fully esecnted as it is unambitious in character. The, coloorine, and Omsk work are good, and the artist giyes promise of 1,os-oiling a valued contributor LO fut1300 px!,:b:t:,,,, if 0 imam iVt k , * leiliriffiler-do'f94to the Ofill,f *Rifled, With thirtesseption s, two tic three' ptectia from the brush of ai Wiith, I and several of E.Colelough'si.pietares, net much of the work reaches Iseitind:medioci y. Nos. 69 :and 68 are perhaps .ttse'best of Karl Wirth's contributions. The' fiinneti-" E p- ing, Cribb's Island "----possesillal.much more than average merit, and is probohly,the best picture of its class in the collections No. 68- Sport and Pastime "-is handled with a good deal of skill. It is nut faultless, but its faul.s spring rather from hurried, execution than from any, want of artistic conception. Nos. 64, 69, 71, 74, and 77, by E. Colclough. each merit a word of praise. A judge would probably select. 'No. 74-" Scrub. and Tern, Rackali Range "-as the beat of this artist's (torts, with No. 69-"A Pretty Reach on Petrie 's Creek, Narnbour "-and ' Nu. 64- " When the T' do Comes In, Mobloolah Beach" -as 'second and third respectively. *These three pieces are faithful reproductions; and the quiet colouring is in marked contrast. to that which characterises many of the exhibits in the s ction. The miscellaneous class. breathes industry. There are several very creditable designs for stained-glass windows and decorative lead lights There is, too, an exhibit of Queensland pot- tery designed and decorated by 'M. Moroney. The class also includes several busts of well- known Queenslanders'by J. L. Watts, and two fallen soldiers' memorial Iignres-one by Oscar Fristrom, and the other by J. L. Watts. The busts exhibited wilt ho. found to be faithful likenesses. THE ART SECTION. The following are the adjudications In the alit sectioe. :- Adjudicator, Mr. Henri Tebbitt, R.A. OPEN DIV18.10.8. Original Land or Seascape In Oils. -Mr. J. 11. Granger (Ftriebine), 1; Mina F. V. Lahey (ins - bane), 2.; Mr. Oeo. Wjahart (Brisbane), highly commended. Original Land or Seascape in Water-colours. - Mr. J. M'Maeter (Oreenntount), 1; Miss F. V. Lahey (Brisbane), 2 ; Mr. E. Colclough (Bris- bane), s. Original Figure Painting in 011s. -Mr. J. S. flay (Toowoomba), 1 ; Miss N. Lahey (Brie. bane), 2. Cartoon (line or wash drawing). -Mr. Ponty (Yeronga). Design for Art Poster. -Mr. P. 8. liability (Brisbane), 1 Sir. R. Robertson (Ipswich), 2. Amateurs' thvision.-Original Lend or Seascape In Oils. -Miss A. C. Roesler (Toowoombi), I ; Miss C. Crawford (New England, N.S.W.), 2. Landscape in Oils (Black and White). -Miss M. Smart (Tnowoomba), 1 Miss A.C. Roessler (Iiarlexton), 2 ; Mr. A. E. Cashmere (West - 'brook), ti. Original Land or Sea Sespe in water -corium. - Hr. E. Colclough, I ; Mr. L J.Clark, (Sydney), 2 ; Mr. Caveldine (Bald Ina), h,c. Original Study In Oils.-Mhat Butt (Too- woomba), 1; Mrs. Ivan 'Tipping (Brisbane), 2 ; Mrs. F Beasley (Drayton), h.c. Original Study in Water-eelouts.-Mr. L. .1. Clark (Sydney), 1 ; Mr. M. H. Roberta (Too- weemha), 2. Study front Cast in Chalk. -Mr. Chart. E. Stewart (Ipswich). 1 ; Mrs. Woodroffe (Me- bane), 2 ; ?dies Ella Daly (Toowoomba), h.,. Original Landscape Sketch In Peneil.-Exhibits not worthy of award. Outline from Nature (Plant Life).-Ilias M. Burst (Tnowoomba). 1 ; Olive Wilson (Too- womuba), 2:Master C. S. Booth (Tonwoornba), 3, Wood Cerving.--.Mr. J. A. Watts (Brisbane), 1; Mies Quinlan (Toowtondis), 2. Pyrography. -Miss N. Bent (Toowoomba), 1; Slims NI: Bell (Warwick). 2. A large number .01 note-compeMtive exhibits were also on VIM. Freehand Drawing from Objets. -A. Amnia I. C. Booth 2. Map ofNew Zealand from Memory. -Mitre E. A. Healey (ifighfleltie), 1 Master Ben White (Drayton), 2 ; and -Meister 1V. Collins (Dray- ton), null& .11Lossual 1/4shibition.1 I'bere waill a very fair uttelidentte at the oppeening of :t.slACW society of Artiste' Is deo to the upper room et the Town Hall, ;('ON') ANNUAL EXHIP end great interest was taken in Its pisturee on show. Renee:1116'e orcheetru contributed The s cond annual exhibition .1 several seleetirme eery uneeptably, end after. Society of Artists will he open, I noon lea Ville served by the Cale Rowe staff. the Colonial Mutual Life Buildiel Amongst thee. present were Mrs: W. S. street. The vomit secured is party Byrne, Mosses Hunter 11Its and Mnta Olark, suited for the ,purpose. tho soft Mr. and Mrs. Montieth. Mr. ono Mre.Oald front above borne all that could well. Mr and Mr.. Cololough, Mr and : The pictures exhibited number al Mrs. E. C. Cololuugh. Mts. and Miss Hob Eked. They are about equally day, Mrs. A. W. Crow, Mies Seabrooe, Mrs. tween oils and water colours; nis Meatus. Sirs. A. 1'. Greelifirld, Mrs. Itend,e. gratifying to well-wishers of ti, lies. and Mut, Midaiin, Misses Dent note the g neral improvement in e Miss Mullets. Mrs. fl Petrie, Miss Le I Anderson. Mr. and Mrs W. Shaw, Hon. W. Among the pictures sent from states are tole, by the brush of H. Campbell find !Oise Camobell, Mrs. and Brooke-Hanson, of Victoria. "Ili Min Pound. Mee. George. Miss Pieaburn, Baird ti H. M. Ad iron, it linter, the Carnival," depicts a child light. Young, Wirtit. It. J Duitatan, Bayard: lentrrns in the gloaming in a liehi Wishart (2s. It is a charming seise, treated tv Mr. Omar Fristrom ins. -anent of the New taste and skill. It has isisen-exhilii Society:. in introducing the Hun. J.W. don, Bendigo, and, if .memoty see Blair, tnentiomszi that both Mr. Blair and Sydney, whero it was reeeived Mr. Bell had alwaysbeen good favour. The other picture by the friends to art, and on hind( of is " Ti -t roe," a study in green, wilt the society Ito was vcsy pleased live use of tho sunlight on the ti to 'welcome Mr. Blair. The eettety was gloom beneath the foliage. endeavouring to euitivaie a nitre frr the .her their others .Eight m , canvases mg several of Cats boar the name of would below in their inoietips. As regards this oxiiinition. it wee an a,) Canoe. but An near Launceston. This artist s still " faithfulness to detail, almost too e of eeoc-a far f om perfection. In Moscone beat effect in casos. For instance. land, nullice almost, every other state. there Vita little given to of Cataract Gorge is marred by without which there would be little Ittipl pipes running along the bank, liu ticss and it would he aood thine. if the has not omitted tho unsightly ire Government would buy the best pictures of his picture."Pets itHoek, Tama Queenaiantiora, a d hang them in the cellent, and " Wellingtolf Point." National otostry, so that 1t and t,,,,,,tts canvas in the exhibition, is a faith: gneensIaud artists would be represented. tation of tho beach scene at, III, He again welcomed Mr. Blair, and expres,ed 0.i -doling place, nd is inueli n,cns. artists. An ambitious work . their pleasure at hot presence. Mr. Blair thenketi the committee for ask. " Througallinersa,in, osncevszfd, lath, acfyirets leg him topen the oxiiihition. He remote. ringing 11 bared opening their first sxhibition three glare of the *antes, tho daub of NEW 80CEETY.OrFq gines, the exc std crowd, are all long and proaperouil career before it, and care, and ot overdone as i the . thought that everyone would agree their his this class of work ; while such ch, meet sanguine hopes had been realised, for flickering gas lumps and the stool' there was abundant teetinietty on the walls gine are given with care. The of the ODOM of the necessity for the exist. success. Mor of th 60i1 it etas) of the sectary. It was almost a group of moos frig et( bi impossible for a now moiety to be formed hushmen, without aurae eying of rivalry being ..egens dewed, but he thought it was a waat thin¢ to have rivalry, ifit were friendly, In the !mat -- interests of art. In a yellow society younger members; gat the eneentagenene which he believed they never woultll get under stereotyped rule,. and in an older s'oiecy. Vheilever an institution to told it got uomplacient. and wits content with doing well. and it was tteeessery chat that complacency should he piffle, and the society, if it had done teatime else, had ruffled the complacency of the old society. If there was to be uny progress in life, political cr artistic, there should be some disturbance of self ,eatitdaetion. The society had what some persona called the fault of youth. hut it bad the freshness of youth and the vigour of youth. He wished particularly to Bay that the sttclsty from what be knew of it. was going on without any animus to any older society, but with the hope that, with the members we, king to. gaiter. th y might discover some hidden talons nod foams and cultivate i . in order that they might produce scam rousts whose dames would SWAM.' on the roll of fame. He cordially congratulated the fl.,sictiF on the work that had been done, tine eoneludeo with wishes for its future success. (Applause.) lie then declared the exhibition open, a d those present inspeoteo the paintings.. soar ago, lie believe,' then that it had it 'mwommosmamimmolls