George Wishart : Art Notes

THE NEW SOCIETY OF ARTitiTS. 15, Into the question of the advisa- bility nr otherwise of the creation of e new art society in the ,rnidst of our !somewhat limited population itis not now deplrable to enter at any length. Dealing, howeVer, with the fact of ,the opening ofs_an exhibition of pic- tures painted *es the most part, if net altogether, 4' amateurs of this city, we may safely congratulate the public upon the evidence afforded of the existence of a consider - *We amount of truly artistic taste and power in .the community. The exhibition opened- yesterday by the Hon. J. W. Blair In the Albert Hall is of a Character to convince the rest - dents of the metropolis of the serious nature of rho studies undertaken by ladles and gentlemen who, whilst of le the least undervaluing; the work done by the Older society, are desirous (of saving the art circles, of Brisbane from becoming stereotyped. As Mr. G. H. M. Addison truly remarked at yesterday's function, there is' always a the contributors. The exhibition is mainly -one by amateur landscape Painters, who have been described as belonging to the nursery of art. The higher regions of portraiture and alle- gorical or idealistic representation cannot, of course, be expected to any extent in so young and unpretentious a society. For the main part the efforts have been directed to the in- terpretation of the facts rather than the fancies of nature, although in some of the ocean pictures there is not a little power of Idealisation. There can be no doubt that every freshening of the artistic impulse in our midaf la to be welcomed ; and although the immature and the crude is always to be discovered in a collection such as that which has been brought together there are encouraging signs of a con- scientious determination to deal faith- fully with those aspects of nature which have been transferred to canvas. The notable absence of any picture typical of the impressionist method is a matter for comment, fair= tendency towards the narrowing in durable br unfavourable, according to usefulnese of any- apecified art school the leanings of the , critic. The Ins - when there are no to pressionist method often reveals the claim the attention of the public. It, master who by the magic touch; of is hoped. therefore, that a friendly genius brings his aubjectkhome to the rivalry 'will do, something towards realisation of the behdider by developing amongst the art students : those wonderful suggestions of form of Queensland a strong desire for and mere touches of colour that genuine and worthy success. This is !olselate all necessity for more' de - not to02 attained merely by the tailed interpretation. The imprese paIntittg '17(4 fairly presentable plc- sionist has the enviable power of turet for,.the annual exhibitions of any leaving out of his.worlt everything but society. There is but one road to the essentials of his presentment of success in this or any other field of nature. The more spiritual the human activity, and It lies In the /panty of his work the more indelible Sphere of patient, intelligent, con -'alai well as Inevitable Ay the impress sclentlous labour, directed towards the 'nn' the mind of the' beholder. In a n science or literature, is after all an atmeals to the higher faculties, and It throughout the afternoon. Much would be ptod fi Dilletantlsm in art, as very true sense the impressionist was stationed on 'the platform, played what we most desire for Queensland ointotteiriert societies. and Is t the visitors in the to the sfitietiee unsatisfying, disappointitig thing, and is,'therefore, 'no wonder that he "'A taken b: which were on view, and itt the two busts It would tend N \ S'OCILETY OF ARTISTS. A meeting of. the le.secutilvde Ctot;Tur ttee I Oaw trait: e =t0Y 011"Alli:Inellit4Y,Iici7lhiont sMtr. G. creetary. Mr, E. (bough, submitted a I statemsert of. receipts end. expendrtu%bes. OF) These o, Dublits et, ti. anon, .on the connection ing by i I.,. tee, of pictures in the Albert vehieg,! billet', of ti ehowed credit, balance of £1. 12e. ed: Among tilos. This was regarded as emintmtly -,satirist[- rev-Oeneral. I toryeas art exhibitions in Brisbane for OPatron of iL years have been conspicuously en, (Nliis eureesellaiftfrom revenue point of view: .M. A vote of thanke a.'eorded the hon. (president of ' secretary, and to Mrs. Percy T. 3erry, dough Own. se Percy T. Ilerr F. Elliott, .1. tiers of the Ex Prior to Mr. iion open, M made a few pr. that the new tagonistic to to far. as a trice earned, which Di England there had alwa parent art sor little fossilised. formed. At pr. Of art in Que. unwise to leave to one society tures on the w cient justificai existence. ...Hon, J. W. sincere pleasni, 'He was not j, social ditty, bh, ,keenest,interest round the wall. .the before the sod,: 'make progress appreciation considered that ciety would If artists did, es t shy rate .go' incentive to do might, ask what the seciety's i exhibition justiii ,by the nociettat who contributed materially to the seems* of the exhibition. An invitation had be received from the South Austeilian Society of Arts for an exhibit of pictures for -the Seventh Federal Exhibition, to be' held at Adelaide.early next month, but as thb date for sending i , Atli instant,, was too cloee, members were reluctantly compelled to de- cline 'the invitation. This was to be re-' gretted, as the secret*. y of the Adelaide society eased in his letter that in eozmee- lion with Ahem Federal Art Exhibitions, the of Goihrnocs of the Art Gallery ptine %about 1450 worth of pictures annually for the Art Gallery. It was re- solved to convene a general meeting of members for Welincvlay, end proximo, for' the purpose of framing rules, Sc., also toy hold a meeting teeth month, at which members might have sketches eriticitiad. !art students is'that thoroughness {which 'will be satisfied with nothing !short of,the very best. It is scarcely to be Apected that the New Society's exhibition will do more than indicate I . ,the kind of material we have to work ,upon, but several of the pictures re- veal the fact that there Is a great deal of latent poesibility in many of . _..... appeals to the comparatively few. On OS other hand nothing can be more disappointing than the affectation of [he impressionist style ..'without particle of the spiritual power of the true master of this great art. The absence of examples of this school is not, therefore, to be altogether re- gretted. There is room in Queens- land for the development Of every school, and for that. reason the efforts of the New Society of Artists are worthy of encouragement. The exhibition of the' Now Society of Artists was opened yoitertley afternoon ia the Albert Hall. Mr. G. E. M. Addi- son, chairman of Eggeiltive Committee in. trodmied the lion.337W. Blair, who brleile declared the'exlebition open. Much medit is due to Mrs. Percy T. Berry (who has been untiring in her efforts to make the aliening a success). also to the other mem- ber!' of the committee-Meows. 13. G. Burt, F. Elliott, Charles Gamin, A. O. Salt - marsh George Wisbart, G, II. M. Addi. a`rictor Dav, Oscar Fristrom, J. L. %Siete. and E. Cola/nigh thou. secretary.) Mee Berry gave n afternoon tea, which wan provilied by Rowe. and his sand, which those present -were :Mr. and Arm. T. England, ripe* I I which ability,. and here by Messrs. Fristrom and \Notts, occupied the centre of the room. Amongst success attained Berry, Hon. J. T. and Mrs. Bell, Mr. and into l'hil May. I Yaldwyn Mr. and Mrs, T. on the world's O'Sullivan, Mrs. Gilbebt Wilson. Mrs. and Queensland artist Mies Edward4, Mr. and Mrs. (4. IV. Pow r, Australian art N. Mr, and Mrs. Gilbert Primrose, Hon. true artist in Ale Dlgby Denham and MA'S. Rigby 'Denham, for his art, 't Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Spemet Mr. anti Mrs., method couittES h B. G. Bert, M. 0. Armstrong and Mith, genic, than. ths Armstriese Mn'.h G. 11. u[. Addison. Mrs, society as -this ? and the Mimosa Ebbs, Mr. and Mrs. -I. W. every raceme- an M'Xitught. Mr. and Nine U. M. Hicks. testini, good -He fir. and Mrs. Colelough. Mrs. and thOexhibitlon open, r, .1, (lark the Masses Forrest, Costello,' _ lends, Rainey (Melbourne), Berry, W. {Brown, Shirley, Messrs. J. N. arCallinn, ;I Ldwk', Eristrorn, Watson. Elliott. end se -.the society he Wit (One thing the exhibition of Brutish pie- The ladies of tS (Lures array eafely be treated 'to do- boon tea and ligie give us a berter appreciation of the Ineritcing being done lit of our owe artists, and a better under- from which estab standing of what They are reliving for. number o{ right 'Alen it will be of incalculable benefit teafeetittion. total' artists eget tunatetus. .Mires Gibbon, Mis. and Alfes Webb, Mrs. The Rev. ('. E Alnte of thanks .carried by acclaim, tornerGenend ma -that if there was