George Wishart : Art Notes

BARQUE ON FIRE. THE VESSEL ABANDONED. 100 MILES IN AN OPEN BOAT. Plitall, February. '2 I. enr clambered lino tile Victoria gtia 'rentande this morning the chief tate , apprentice, and nine sailors of the re the barque. Cotharvon Ui,etie, !which took lire in the Indian Oce.ta ou velanoary 31, while on the voyage inmit 1.irerpool to Melbourne. They were More dead than akve. The vowel wise in heti- 4714u7n 42ttg. fisraeathwiirisnd illiusTsTe'veleg.A714'ekr Notting with the Miner for live hoar-, -Ow crew were forced to abandon the *ship, hnil they left in two of the chip's litre 'Mote, the captain, the second Okay., and tourreen of the crew going in one boate, 'And die chief officer and teal inset in the Other. The boats kept company few Ow lira sewn days, but then drifted apart, the chief otlistien bout making for- Fri - mantle, and the captain's bo t for Cape tandiete. The mateSe boat wee seen eliotninie Patti& at 7 o'clock this morning. Ile was fishing outside Fre inuoule. The m n eignalled for water, and their need,. were tent, -lonely met by Reitrisk, who then took them to port. 'Virtue the men landed they were mint: to walk, and ten of them bed to be lifted calm and driven to thaSailors' Home. eleventh, William Martiti, woe e that he was conveyed to the hospital. an interview with one, of the crew, .ilteis hairnet' that the ('arnarvou Cevtle 011611/06:11111141 when the lire ,:an disoover- ell by tliecook about 5 o'clock in the ,evening. The captain ordinal the cover- ing Over of the mhin hatch, and the cargo to be iettieened. The fire ,wasfought tall cliff o'clock: 'but itgained to rapidly tbat ,the men were driven to the other end of the tame). The lent Meanie uubeomble, dad then the captain ordered the boats ;to be got ready. They seemd near the 'Ship all night. The main truest MIL awl. sat daylight the vowel was completely in flames. The bolts then eel; a toStiett foe '[Mlle Leeinein, 1100,finiles off, 'slid kept En 'eight of each other for retro' day; trutil they parted he sery misty weather. Later. The boats made -twenty-eight to twenty- nine itfiLift, a -day until n 'dorm 'parted, them. " Thee a gale raged ' for forty* bones, a d it was with the greatest diffi- culty that, the boat was prevented from swamping. The 6066 socked all the food in the boat, and from that out the °tete, pent.. suffered great privations from want of fool and weld, and oweral times gave eep hope of ever being able to reach l nd. The boat was becalmed for one day, anti a dirge shark Med swimming around for over three hours. The emoke of three stamen, was righted, but the boat w s not ;seen. Thoee in the captain's boat, which trenehed Cape Naturalists, alto bad terrible Privations, and two of them. Owen, an apprentice, and Higgs, enihniker, died from exposure. The captain and the boy are very ill. The Carnervon Cottle is identical with the vessel 'Red Rock, Which amore than seven year,. ago gained the distinction of being one of the very few Shipsreporred, ter leaving been floated ne missing at Inetl'e. The lied Rock was on a voy M Townsville toNew Caletionia..a nee. am thy crow thee, of about his, ikild when she was 100 later, on e 7, 1 y pu a nattttied as milsing, anti r u derWriters the art of effeab. inn watt en when the Red Reek Sr.rietel At i eetinatiosi, "all well," on JO*: 111 .0 etsr. AUSTRAL FESTIVALS THE SECOND DAY. ART EX 14 IEHTS. THE SWIMMING CARNIVAL. L From our Itmeial Representative.) TOOWOOMBA,, November 6. TILE ART EXIW3ITS. NE.. Henri Tebbitt, of Sysioey, the ad- Miliester in the art exhibite, when seen lie- maiming, WAS good enough to give his ei,,,ii.14011.11 of the exhibits for publwation principal fault," lie %sad, "is in the drawing. There are some very good at- tempts, and seine very promising work, but the great fault lies in the drawing. Thee young pupil. attempt too much at fast. AVM:titer this in the fault of the teachers or not. Ido not know ; but there the Mutt tr." Toweling briefly on note- worthy exhibits, .Mr. Tebbitt made the fob lowing conimentii:- " Original land or *wastage in oils (10 entrient.-Mr..1. H. Grainger. of Beishane, won flea prize with a itatecape. It iv a very good picture. indeed,. add the treat- ' IlleliS to refined and delicate. Mr. George Wiule,ert (BriAone) would have easily eetured second piles but for the unpleasant e. louring of his sky. Oftotitt prize is to Mrs. Icon Tipping (Briabaite) for a very good piece of work. but the artist needs to illOrs carefully study foreground details. "Original hind or saaseaue water-col- ours 02 entries). -Mr. .1. Ar.Master (1:iet11 mount', seteired find with a farnehouie, whieh is avery clever picture, fresh rind brilliant. The second prize went to Miss F. V. Lahey (Brisbane) for a river acen.!- one of the few pictures with good drawing iu it, and the subject is very Well handled i " Original figure painting in oils (11 viitrield.-Mr. .1. S. Hay (Toowoointa) secured first, hie exhibit being an Italian woman', head, very strongly and character- i.tieslly painted. The colouring be' very blinked, and the drawing good. Mice P. V. Labey (Briitbane) was awarded wont' for a charming study of a girl's head, The 6010111111g 1.6fl11011 and delicate 'but (he stork as awhole shows lack of power. Miss Lnheey as an artist theme gr'e'at promise. I " Cartoon (7 entries). -There Were only two good drawings, an.1 Mr. Alf. Petite, of Yerunga, pectired fuat with an excellent idea well drawn. (Three of the cartoons. by the war, see on political entire:to, and all held the Ridden Government tip to ridicule.) "Design for art poster (7 entriert1.-The smirk hereae v(ty.good. Mr. P. S. llobiley titren /thae) war awarded 'firm., end Miss NI. IL Robert. (Tootioombai eecont, web peeler taking the Austral Festival as the eubject. sir NEW soORITT OF ARTISTS. Foutcni ANNUAL EXHIBITION. The fourth annual exhibition of the New Society of Artists was opened yesterday after - toxin in the Town Hail gallery by Mr. .1. W. Blair, Attorney-Ceneral. A number of artists and influential citizens were present. Mr. Blair was met at the en- trance by Mr. 0. tristrom, president; Mr. 1V0111111i, VT.; Mr. C. Coiclough, hon. secre- tary; Mr. Wirth, hem. treasurer; and Mr. Addison. After e leisurely inspoet'on of the pictures, Mr. Blair was introduced to the visitors by the president, who said that. the exhibition, that day gave oviduct., a ofcontinuous pro -I geese Every member toed been striving to excel, and ho trusted that in the future an enlarged national gallery would find room for aunts of the pictures of past and present artists. Mr. Blair said doubts had been entertained et to the future of the new society, but he was gratified to find that results had realised the moat sanguine expectations; he saw abundant evidence on the walls to en- courage them to continue their art studies. It was almost impossible for a new society to come into existence without engendering a spirit, of rivalry; but rivalry was a good thing, especially if friendly, for it created emulation and a desire to put their best efforts into their work. In the new society younger members were not overlooked, and were favoured' with more opportunities. He thought this new society would be able to take its place in Australian are, for it had the vigour of youth, and having discovered talent, was endeavouring to nutate it. Aus- tralians had succeeded in every walk of life. There were many in Brisbane who scoffed at art, but looking at the excellence of the ex- hibition Ike thought we had material in our midst which would go towards creating an art centre. He had touch pleasore in de,. daring the exhibition open. After the opening the visitors were enter- tained at afternoon tea by the committee, and a string band rendered a nice selection of music. Among the visitors were: -Mrs. Col - dough, Mrs. Addison, Mrs. and Miss Wirth, Mr. and Mrs. Winhart. Miss M. A. M. Hun- ter, and Miss 0. Hunter, Mrs. W. 9 Byrne, MSS Anderson, Mr. W. H. and Miss Camp- bell, Mrs. and Miss Hobday, Miiv Mullen, Mr. and Mrs. V. X. Hoeney, the Misses Dent (2), Miss M'Creedy. Miss Newlands, Mrs. and Miss Mitlson, Mrs. Hutchison, Mrs. and Mies Pound. Miss Petrie, Mrs. W. Shaw, Mrs. and Mise Clarke, Mrs. A. ILCrow (Bundaberx). Miss Seabrook, Mr. J. Dune - don (New York), Mr. MIlallum. Mr. Bayard, Mr. toloreney, Mr. Cargeldine, Mr. Saltmarah. and later on a good roll tip of members, who now number 50 on the roll. A VItIon of Beauty. As yesterday merged into dewy ve, and the first faint shadows of encircling gloom commenced to weave night's sable mantle over weary Briebatte, Nature. from Vic- toria Bridge northwestward, prevented u vision of ethereal beauty -a anall slice of Paradese, a scene of which artiets rave. but defying the deft Moat, of mortal. Itut how many of the multitudes burryiug from the wintry weather to the wenn glow of the fireside ;topped and observed ? bahly few. This is a prode age. 11ot-c- over, the sun -loving folk f Brisbane ncr- rende: to cold, and rush from the exhilar- ating 'fling in the weather to the warmth the heard there, maybe, todr am of ice, snow, end sleet while evarnily en sensed, and lulled by the tremulous strains of the wintry wind whistling in the crevices. Thoee, however, who tarried ferreted eyes upon a rare picture. En- shrouded ina faint gloom, akin to twi- light, that picturesque reach of the Brie - bane River sweeping iu crescent 'drape to the :Stilton bend tesernbled more the aisle tosome fairy land rather than a mundane scene. !eight.' twinkled through the settling mists, and the trees fringing the southern bank were darkly reflect -d in the tenter/se-mill, save that a motor boat swirled along in a spangle of pho.- phoreseent foam. Above, the evening star was just visible, an I the western sky at the horizon wait rendered crimson, rose - flushed, and salmon-tintA, with the rays of the setting sun, which etamilarly glorified a field of cumulus cloud. Eventually the gloom became thinker, the stare, "steadfast and serene in God's highway," /dame with greater effulgence, and shed their tranquil light on sleeping Brisbane, while the rising sun painted the eastern horizon of the Antipodes. SIR L. ALMA-THEMA DEATH AT WIESBADEN. lerN tN, Tuesday. The death occurred at AvieKunden to -day of Sir Lawrence Alma-'fadema, B.A., tow fatnons artist, in his 07th year. Sir Lawrence Alma-'1'attemaa who ens lionl at Dronrep, in the Netlfbelands, on darmary 8, 18.1e5 took up his resideuce many years ago in London, where he 60011 bC0.101e known en a great painter, and ulti- mntely became nattir.dised. He has painted many notable pictures, and has been the recipient of many foreign orders. el