George Wishart : Art Notes

Tii ,Norio visited in' if average of 2-1 4airrimb-it when one ti bons of peep a very hurt entered the Tate Gallery A poll tat pawn) indict painting in tl Butler's " Qu Lady Butler and said- she presented by Auetralia. 11 Gallery. Thefts of frequent seer and stealing payable aN and pr.: Muth ecutly a clew' itr=it the . discovered th empty, them; been the cani picture bad taken away. trait of the I represented ti considered ii Considered smartness an garded as on in Brussels, cile public f its treasures. raised, 'the d and close body leaving the thief or Strangely repreeented levy ; his other heads. Shalobt," cal appeal was lection Fund The amuirit quez," howe sources fo Ito give any ,+11 the ear o 'eolve the q 'the Nations good deal of ifor " The La The picture at the mot her :- Out flew t The Wilms ' Tho cur.. And it se blown her I remarkable t there was no Whatever however, it a veritable the artist RI, soul towards "-volleitiDAY, AUGUST' 15. 'At Eleven o'Clock. f i'OST OFFICE AUCTION MART. VALUABLE COLLECTION OF Olh PAINTINGS. VALUABLE COLLECTION OF 01IJ ' PAINTINGS. VALUABLE COLLECTION OF OIL iPAINTINGS. From the Brush of CEO. WISHART, Esq., :Exhibitor in the National Gallery, Hobe" and bobber i'of the N.S.O.A., +-- ISLE:3, LOVE, &, CO. will seU by aster Con, as above.' the trustees small purchasing .ist-127 guineas. It. is surprising so many of ourbrush artists of the CATALOGUES 'ON A.PPLIOATION's leave Australia for wider fields of labour, when half h teir year's work is often sent to an auctioneer's room, and where some weeks' labour gm fur a mere nothing; it's heart-breeking to think Of it. Mr. W. Lister-tister's, "The Hush of Day," a scene in the Hawkesbury district, has found Many admirers. Mr. Henry Crisp's most succeeeful,, portrait is " Evange- line,4 a lovely child in white, with blue eyes and go.den curls. Mr. Albert Halis011'S best piece this year is an oil -painting, "After Months of Winter." Mr. Dattilo-Rubbo's sketch of the late Mr. G. ft Layton hardly does the subject justice, but. his work. " Poverty Makes Strange Bed-fellows," is delightful, and one of the best in the gallery. Mr. Fitz- gerald's "A Coastal Moon ire," is a lovely picture- certain y his best. I could go on for another hour or so, descr b:ng the many excellent productions. but time and space forbid so for the present.-Yours always, WITHOUT. RESERVE. No. WW1 Inc stem annual e ion o te y Society Was op. -ti tor private view to -clay. Ou glanc- lug round, one at once realised the exceeeive number of po.traits as against that shown any previous year, which seems a pity, us it most uecidedly lowers the interest of the casual visitor, though °Attlee; delight to the personal friends of the or.ginal. Great disappointment was felt by many at seeing nothing of Miss Agnes Cloodsir work, so long loused forward to. The trustees of the Nationat Art Society purchased eight small paintings and drawings fur the p rmanent collection in the Domain galleries. al.r. Will Ashton's "A Winter's hve, Fans," the only oil -painting, was purchased tor 33 guineus. "O.d Friends " and "A Breton Maid," two small water-colour drawings, by B. E. M.nns, were secured. An exquisitely dainty Atm portrait, "Lady Gwendolme," by Helen Ham - bridge, Adelaide, was chosen. "A Sea Fantasy," by Mr. J. W. Tristram, was added to the list. A tiny m.mature portialt, a wonderfully delicate piece of work, by Bernie Edwel., and which made me break the tenth commandment, was secured for the small sum of 10 guineas. Two b:tiek and white draw- ings, "The Swineherd," by Mr. It. Randall, and he Morning to.let " by Douglas Fry, competed FRIDAY, AUGUST 10. At Eleven o'Clock. --- POST OFFICE 4UCTION MART. (Immediately after the sale of Mr. Gee. Wishart's Pictures.) 33 WATER-COLOURS OF AUS- TRALIAN SCENERY, r From the Brushes of Well-known Souther* Artists. Also, 4 PICTURES by Mr. Cecil J. Shirley. ISLES, LOVE, & CO. will sell by atlas ItiOLI, as above. WITHOUT RESERVE. INSPECTION INVITED. No. _Me New Society of Artists., A general meeting of the New Sliciety of Artists was held at Mr. Oscar Fristrom's studio last evening. Those present included Meagre. V. Day, L. W. K. Wirth, W. Elm& M. Moroney, W. C. Oxhide, Geor e Wishart, A. Esmonde, E. G. Crespin, A. Wood, Alex. May, Bon. W. Campbell, Franz Wirth, G. W. Tareeldine, F. A. Nettheim, and.E. Colclough. Mr. 0. Eris- trona presided. Apologies for absence were received from Messrs. G. 1-1. M. Addison and. A. R. Worrell. Several de- signs for the catalogue' coverwere sent in, and a ballot resulted in Mr. Colelough's design securing first honours, with Mr. Wishart second. A code of rules and regt - lotions for the society was revised, an Manny approved for printing. Arrangc- ments in connection with the forthcoming, - exhibition were reported to be in a for-: ward condition, and a most interesting' display is anticipated. Six new members; were elected --Messrs. G. W. Carseldine. J.! Thompson, T. J. Coupland, M. D. Mi- chell, L. W. K. Wirth, and Franz Wirth. 1 It Is proposed to kov permanent exhibitions f paintings on the great American liners. bine more we aro to try the effect of oils upon the troubled waters. Iinpe wishart's Pictures. One of the most promising et Queens- land artists, Mr. Gee. Nliiisaart, has an exitreition of pictures at toe rooms of Messrs. Isles, Lore, and Co., and a sale -will be held on k'riday wowing next. air. Wrialtarte work allows very coneiderable development. Hitherto he has been known tor his lanuscapes and see ,piettiees, but in the Collection now for sale he thee a very carefully plotted woes, " A Fire on a NVet Night.," showing the fire engines going through a crowded thoroughfare. There is much that is meritorious in the work. Another of the big pictures is " Cataract Gorge, Launceston, Tasmania." and the artist hail several -pretty Tas- manian bits. No. 0 on the catalogue, " A Rough Sea," is a strong bit of painting. Two sketches of Enoggera lake are very effective, and- there are some smaller Works, in which Mr. Wishart is at his best. Notable is " A Summer Day," which is well designed and painted ; and " Indooroo- evilly." "The Old Homestead, Peak Moun- tain," and "Upper Briebane River," all deserve the attention of art lovers. " On the Wallaby" is clever, and there is some effective work in "Sunrise. April 9, 1900." It nay be slid that Mr. Wieliart's pic- tures are much superior to many that we see brought from other States and gold by auction here. There is merit in every one of the twentysix Pictures which tlie voung artist has placed in the hands of Messrs. Isles, Love. rind Co., and some of them are well worth preserving, for the artist selmuld he heard of some day in a much wider constituency'. es --e Pc New society of Artlisfs. A, meeting of the committee of the New Sooiety. of Artists was held ou Thursday evening at Mr. Fristrora's studio. : Messrs. Addison resi- dent), Fristroni, Wood, Morouey, i es. Watts, Wishart. Bayard, and Colclough. Correspondence included letters from the Hon. J. W. Blair, consenting to open the society's exhibition, and. front the Bris- bane Municipal Council, gran' ing the use of the large room recently occupied by the National Gallery. Sub -committees were appointed to carry out the various arrangements in connection with the exhi- bition. Artists and others are reminded that sending-in days are next Friday and Saturday, and a representative of the society will be on leandl to receive the ex-i hibits. Miss L. Anderson, Miss Muriel Tate, Mr. R. A. Garth, and Mr. Karl Wirth were elected members of the society. -- - - A HARD-WORKING GENIUS. The late Lord Egremont once invited Turner to stay week at Petierth and paint two pictures for him of seine favour- ite bits of scenery on the estate. On the first morning of his visit Lord Egremont asked Turner what he should like to do, and the great painter replied he would go fishing. The next morning at breakfast Lord .Egremont inquired again what It would please Turner to do, and he replied that having enjeyed himself so much yesterday, he would again go fishing. - On the third morning Lord Egremont thought he would wait for Turner to an- nounce 'his own plans, and was greatly amused when he quietly said he was again going fishing. On the fourth morning, Lord Egremont, unable to conceal his anxiety, said : "Well, Mr. Turner I am only too glad for you to enjoy yourself, but you are talking of go- ing away to -morrow, and I feel anxious about the pictures." "Come upstairs to my room," said Turner, "and set your mind at rest." Nothing could exceed the surprise and delight of Lord Egremont when Turner introduced him to two exquisite pictures painted as he had desired. The great man had risen each morning with the sun, and before breakfast had, by a good day's work, earned his pleasure in fishing. OLD COLONIST DEAD. MRS. ROBERT WISHART, SENIOR. In the death of hire. Robert Wishart, nen., this morning, Queensland lore an- other old colonist who was highly re- spected in Brisbane, where she has re- sided for over forty years. Mrs. Wishart, who is survived by her husband, came to Queensland in '00, in the ship Golden South, and settled in that portion of the city which is now known as Red Hill. She knees five enns-Messrs. A. C. Wishart (head of the Process Depart- ment, Brisbane Newspaper (brripallY), John Wishart, Robert Wishart, jun., George Wishart, and Alfred Wishart. The funeral will move from her huelnind's residence, Muegrave-voad, Red Bill to- morrow morning, for the Tounvong Ceme- tety.