George Wishart : Art Notes

( People who the viclinii!ont may' ilenhiliv nom the tereernees and peat. of tle. filheeing raierst aorta in that diroettoi, "Pundit." I 'Au art -c.1 iea person who paints mina he Minks lw meet. Art,Mmateur person who tibias he yes It'JI slut he .pees. 1n impreasioniet et person who paints [millet other people think he ever. ' A popular artist is a pereon who peiute What other people think they see. A great artiest isa person who What other people eve Obey think. A failure is aperson Who joints what Other pixiple don't think tie seer. A 'met a person who ptiate Whet other people donit think he pets. A lendisupe painter isa person svilio 'doesn't paint what other people pee. A reeled is n potion who sees what other ' people don't }:taint. n ide,dist is a Deistic( wlia paints whist A '.otilier people don% see. A genius is a person who doesn't see wad imota what other people don't think. A cable is aperson who doenin't point, and thauloi whs.'. other people don't see, Itt the quarterly summoned meetring of the Loyal yeepastan'oLodge, (, hold in the Nortnon Hull, .11.!d 11111, 11..,,, A. Spink wae eleited seeretaiy in plot o., Itro. ft. Wishart tresigned), and lire. John Murray woe elected treasurer, vice Bro. Srrink. A riselution was e reied expects. i ing nppNeiation of the valuable ,crvtee tendered by the retiring secretary to te lodge and the Ord r. Ont. Wishart, m responding. eeid it wen thirty yeare do itionth pinto lie was first elected excrete:'' of the lodge, and 114 had discharged the dutlea coutniumudy since that time. lie felt new that he wanted a ratt, and le' voluntarily :,tired with the kindliest feel - ling and good trill -to every anembee of 1,11.. . . _ The sculptor whew Mettles Adorn our public squares. the writer who as given delight to thousandv, the man of science whoee res arches have changed the whole current of modern life. purchase no estates and foetid no families. Aud how inadequate is the support offered to their widows and daughters!-" Blackwouthi fiagazine" 2 - -14.11V. Itri.lciee }wench of the Theosophical Society, entertained Mr. It. Wishart at a COLVVOI442;00e last evening in the School of Arts Ball. The abject of the gathering was to mark in a fitting way Mr. Wishart 'S approaching ,dep rture for India, where as the representative of the Auetrslian sec- tion .of the society he will attend the World '111mosephieal Co:dile:lee, to be held in Beriaree In the last week ofDe - ember. The early portion of the even- ing was pleasantly devoted to music and social converse. tltaa Nevin, its a very happy epees}, wished Mr. Wishart a joyous trip and a safe return, The Hon. Dr. Naylor spoke inwarm eulogy of Mr. Wilshire's services to the branch of which lie believed Mr. Wirliert and himself were the only surviving original members, and testified to the fortner'm earneetnees and en- thimiastu. Ile also referred to the unique gutliering whidh he wee about to attend- a gathering which would consist of re- presentatives ofall the religions of OKI world and of all nationalities. On behalf of the members ha acked Mr. Wialitirt's acceptance of a puree of sovereigns an sinall token of the high teemed in which .. he was held. Mr. Wic -et, in returning thanks, expressed the delight which he felt in going to tide unique conference, which he looked upon as an earnest of what they all hoped the world would be- come-ti world of brotherly Owe and unity. The members also to k occasion personally, a -to assure Wishart of their beat wish.e, both in his journeyinge and in his work. NEW SOCIETY OF ARTISTS.-SONIE OF THE PICTURES. -11.: . se "'TWIXT THE GLOAMING AND THE ettnIX," BY E. COLCLOUGH. "CUTTING LUCERNE AT FAIRFiELD," BY GEO..WISHART. "OUTWARD BOUND," BY B. G. DUET. alaitvot1 'tab IL S