George Wishart : Art Notes

.. , i:1061b.util VICIllsre Ali 14titr?' r' ' ' - - pre inkitig . ;Art notO' n of 'Queensland planed e;M:ArieyIurket ton* time. ago by Mr. IL W. 111011:.0tHilvOtVittroek, having fatted to ittralt 'a ittillelent bi.uriber of subscriber the artist; .. . " gable for a attire of -the expanses of conducting the' trt union agic -.d to submit their pictures tomehlia nocjon to defray the rains" Thu Attie tt.K.k place of, the roquis of Messrs. Isles, lam., sod Co. * 11 o'oluok yesterday. There we a 19.rae.11211 representative asannbly of huym. 11 pr. e. The auctioneer announced thatall the subscribers to the art union would receive' their Money back in fall on applying to Mi. Jones, and it they wished their tickets in the art union Would lie Rocqted as cash in payment for pictures at the auction bale.' The sale was opmed with a number of small pictures of miner value: far wh ish IIVIding ass byno means ,'brielc. Later qn, however, when pai tings by looalartiatsof considerable merit were otlerad, the bidding was both cager nd. exulting. At rti tanes,'when there wait% dulliess in the bidding, the', remarks of tho a.uctioneer relative to tho treatment of artists 4 by the British publio !were of a very caustic nature. Amongst the pekes realised were the follow- ing :--"Iii 'the Verne Paddock" by Rielly, 171 loimsio ; "Farewell to Gibraltar, the'Last of 11.M. I. Victoria," by F. Elliott and G. Wiehart, 7 gdineaa t "The S rine of Verna," a water cdottr on vellani atter Alma Tadons, £4 Ws.; " rlueset" by J. L. Watts, £3 5a.; "Silvern Solitude" by Wgrth,,t5s.; "Hamilton Reach" F ' Wist, t.;5,; " Moreton Bay" by Hard, gitinest end a numbek of other minor works 'art forsatisfactory orient. Considering the rai tent depression VA. prices realised should he Uglily art'sfactcr.y.' 'Among the purchasers were to be 'VW illation. \V. D. Box. Mt. P de Jetsw, Gro:, Meloys. O. 0. Stuarts B.tfurray hburray rimith,. W. Markw911, J. S. Murphy, H. 1'. Abbott, and others. har .477740 4. New Society of Artists. The fourth annual nMeting of the New Society of Artists VAS held on Wednesday evening in the Assembli'Room. Town Hal .Aibrhough the weatihee conditions were anything but tftvourable, there was a fair attendance, Those present included Messrs. 0. Fristrom (president). E. Coldough (secretary), Miss L. Anderson, M s rs. U. Wishart, F. Monteath, J. R. Bayard, Cot- trell. A. 1Vood, P. Mugnire, Moroney, W. C. (haute, and L. W. K. Wirth. The annual report reviewed the work done by the society during the year, nd contained afew suggestions for the incoming corn- mittes. One suggestion which met with general approval was a proposal (o offer a prize for competition among* State school schohna for the heat original sketch front Nnture. The financial statement showed a small 'credit balance after all expenses of exhibition had been paid. The, election nt officers resulted as follows :-Patron. 1. W. Blair. M.L.A.: president, Mr. °sear Eiistrom ; vice-presidents. Messrs. L. NV.. K. Wirt I rind (1,0. Wiabart : seine. .luny, Mr. E. Golclough h n. treasurer, Mr. A. Wood ; conlmittee, lion. . M.L.C., end lessrs. 0, II. M. t A dli:on, P. Maguire, F. Monteath. J. Bayard : Selection Com.mittee, Memtre. L. W. h.Wirth. F. Monteath, (ben, Wishart, M. Addison, and Oscar Frintrnin, During the evening twentythree Aketchog were shown of views around the city. it Austral Association * Annual "festival HIGHLY COMMENDED all Section No. Awarded to 1,47'Ljs, 7:0 11/1W - Per " Gt.