George Wishart : Art Notes

THE TOAST IS "BRITAIN." By Fred Roe. R.I. 11.1ne " tot the line" In this year's Annfutoy. the oriental tainting by lied 110e, 11 1., of which the curve I. a rolourpbotographle teprePW111101111, WA. oho of filo 1.I..tonat of the year, and attractedgroat. doll of attention, no less by Its arthttlo excellence, than by notion fthe hittorle It Moot which It ourtmys. The pkttwe t no oploode hi thu life of molothly then oat bol..ved f our National Hemet, and relateo to a complimentary hamptet at which Nelson was mooted next to Iknjontit, ; 110 oxpretatal admirttion for thin painter a " Math ..fllettend Wolfe," and asked W st why he hod pointed to, more tool] 'Solon, West reidied that Motu were no lllll atteh stilleeto left, Saab that hu bond Nelson's Intrepidity wool.' mion. lay foritioh him with On opportoulty which he not loot: Kellett, then tiont, it said to lot. replied, "Then I hope I than tile In the next action' The euldeet Ix ono which always maim a otrong anon' to Dell lot, sentiment-tears portionletie snot the present the proprietors 4 loltro tktil Tar Soap have, therefore, at very great expense. decimal to lane a facoltitile rep...Mutton of tile pletuie Itt Polon., which to in every nwpeet of tile high mondani flume to the occasion and the subject. The reproduction, mounted on It Is on beat plate plot., alga IQ In. by 4711n., la moot hatohottne tore, worthy to gm. the wont ol the moal tasteful Inane; It 0111 be nod PRIM, securely Inked, to arena or W !HURT'S OW Tee Hoop who .cud 24 outside W11114101, (non the 4.1. toilets ol the soap, noiether with 41,1. W Occur poologo flot.00lf Forego postage eint, a,1 Wriuld't Cool Ter Awn, 44 51). 14.1.1111Work hl root, 1.010011, H.K.