George Wishart : Art Notes

1111111111MINg-nraguagimPsoliroorwrgiAlsirl"'"_, a - - Nell, Art' Scsealesty's Ion successful function, which, A'edna-lay afternoon, in the! T. Berry, a member cr th .1r. G. H. M. Addison, chair - n troduced the Attorney.Gene- he ralaon .11' etre of the New li'ho opened the Exhibition, of Australian Art, and of the airy. The Rev. C. E. Jam meTiTiingitiT.- Among those Mrs. Bell, Hon. T. Sullivan, Mrs. Addison, Mr. and Mrs. re. Colclough, Mrs. Gilbert lo, Miss Isobel Forrest, Mrs. tint Mrs. W. Yaldwyn, Mrs. Burtt, Mesdames Irvine, Misses Ida Boyd,r--- any others. lorning " is very beautiful, the grouping of the teats soft glow of early dawn one portray Nature. Among' Summer " is a gem. Hid fresh with spray and ozone. fine portrait bust, tiny -a highly finished littl t critics. The artist. i rociation of its merits, 'for dotted ae £42. Mr. Oscar nil of character and is mud still true to his aboriginals' his tribe,", looks forth peculiar to his race. ds great variety. " The , very full-tonedwhile in of the Bay," with its sea contributes no less than hen Longthehing Shadows be warmth of colour giving the artist's blue and green after sundown studies of a , that man of many parts, , now appears as a cultured scopes, " A Lonely Bush e subtle inexplicable touch e blue -tinted hush is ex - r. F. Elliott loves the sea, ome delightful studies of Again " achieves A steamer iiiirers. Miss W. Berry's in its own line of 'art. a week, and uo lovers of ince it is absolutely clear I ,y no means composed of (land, December Is, tidier 19, 1851. !lay, throughout bliti ,sting the accurat," t. natural fact." -(Turner.) ) -reicaleniti 'ot the nth Afrir A, QUEENSLAND ART SOCIETY, t7A40(..eAf.--/ New Society of Artists. A meeting of the new society M artists was held at Mr. Oscar Fristrisn's studio on Saturlay evening, and amongst those present were : Messrs. G. H. M. Addison tchairmasj, Charle Gamin, M. Moroimy, George Wishert, A. Woods, B. G. Burt, J. L. Watts; 0. Fristrom, and E.Cul- clough (hon. secretary). The opening date for the suciettni second anoint! exhibition was fixed for the second Wednesday in Oc- tober, and a sub -committee was elected to secure a sUitable room. Mr. Wishart stated that the Austral Society fToo- woomba had intimated its willingness to co-operate with the new society in the matter of a email loan collection. The secretary (Mr. Oolelough) was directed to communicate with the Austral Society, and see what arrangements could be made. This year's exhibition promises to beven more successful than that of last year for, in addition to the usual collection of pictures, there will be examples of ' art, metal work, wood enrvini!. stained glass, and modelling. One new member, Mr. W. Woods, was eleetett after the usual ballot. - 1116:74:..:Viahartri "Minn -Mier" in dainty bit -6f scenery. BRISBANE. ttneenoland Ant., nrisnans, ipir.ree in Hebert. It is a long-standing complaint that art in Brisbane has few patrons. Occasionally, ho, ever, connoisseurs from abroad are breugh: tato oontaut with our litrtiiits, and they oft,, tan:y.away with t em examples the worth which are pleasingly recognised elsewhere .l'eas'ing the visit of th.-lion. Audie} Coote, whu, was returning from a tour of the FresWili' academiee, he was introduced to several local. artists, including Mr. Eilwrrd Fristrtim and lir. George Wishart. The acquaintance. Ihip was profitable to both, Mae. much as the hon. gentleman purchased - Mr. FrietrOin'e study from Nature, "Queens.' land Black Gin." and. Mr. Wishert's seascape, " OR, Cape Almeton." l'aformation has just -been received that Mr. (locqt has Ofitionild., tinctures to the Art Gallery, ont4eWs11, ofwhich they are .now hung. - Mr: lilleoto,., may be mentioned, is snaking a oolleellott of ' 4.natritlian paintings. and Messrs.lorititrOm W c. ,ishart aro to be congratulated upon b.., secured the distinction of having some of examples included in it.