George Wishart : Art Notes

- - The mimeo of nue days of the week are of 3aT011 origin, their spelling, of course, beim modernimed. The &moans named the firs* two ehiya after the nun and moon reape.etively, and thu 81110110 followed S.' cir rsaarrede, but in their own language.. - Thus Stuanan-datig in our Buns day and Mclean -dam our Monday. Thn other five days ,were named after gods or other mythisal tperoons whom they wet:tapped. Tuesday after Tiu, the god of war (Tiute-daeg) ; Wednesday or Wodintadaeg after ViToden, a warlike god of bigh repute in northern neat. Thus' or Thor'a-dao,g after Thor. supreme god ; Friday s`reyiteedaog) Freya, the goddess. of lev.: end h and wife ofWeider* , Saturday (Seal dace) after the god 3,, ater, of whom 1 ' isWiesen, left who was wortiltipped by 5ascns. ,I, The real colours of sea and ie., wore the subject discussed by Lord, Rayleigh and illustrated by beauti- ful ned striking experiments .at the Royal Institution. Starting from the consideration of colour as a shadow, be showed that to see the colour of a liquid light must go through it. 'Deep pure water was blue, but the sea was really not blue; but green. 'The blue of the Mediterranean or off Oo Cornish coast was due, not to the water, but to the reflection of the blue sky. If the heavens were overcast, the sea as seen from the deck' of a ship appeared of a dull leaden hue. The cause of the blue of the sky was, in a very large mea- sure, the scattering of the light by the, actual rnplocules of the air, and not by dust ft:minute particles of water. This Lord Rayleigh illustritied by passing a ray of polarised light through a glass trough of water in 'which sulphur was gradually precip- itated by cheMical moans. Slowly the beam in the trough assumed an approach to the blue of the sky, and the eanerging beam threw on the screen a white circle which gradually bertime yellow and then red of the sett ing sun. NRATION.AL AST t ;IA LY ,t ..A.' NRIY, ....a. SOUTH -11 t..4.. bydney, Oetoove ;Mai! !BUS. --. - 1:1.)It %Ill: KNOW. ' I t10,103.1'E -N 1: Ott AU -'HALM.. ART.- -,N4 fl it-% TO ARTIFiltia ---- The Trutests of .1he N.itiornd Art adhere of Nes South .11iales...will maunder the remelt:et. et two or nude woike by Arts's& resident in the Aitetrullan States and New Zealand to The following %%lees, viz.:- Net exceeding i:-Ieli each for Oil l'aints leg.* or piece' of Oculnture. _Not exceeting il.75 for AValle ticgours. 1:1DRTOOTS, F,Le.----Paintin.-s of Scenery,. err isubjeeta in ithe :11011 F. RKMOTF, Dili- TRIC1S Or 1111K VARIOUS STAR R.; AND COLONY tN AitEl t litt8101:Al.d. Y. DRSERSO. ELIGIBLE 11'ORK.-No work will he conieideind eligible if 'it hiss been previouidy on egthilie exiaition. fill'IlJEC'IsS.--qhe subjects for this year will be ae follews D Ida_ ...--, ., IVA TERZOID UR. RAWING, OIL rtm,NTING Olt s(iULPTITIL141 Figure and Lantisenjes len:Wined). Figure.-Snhject (Painting or Soilptuie). Cattle and 3Am:escape Subject (colo- n ed) , cr ]'natural and ikriteltural,... SIZB OF AVOONS.---,-,70 'Mitre -coleus. Drawing will be 41.(Itt.11hoiki, iOlidh ,j,,, Ieee than 30in. x 22M. or 0,t .Paintiiii whiels its less that) nOin. x 30in.; 'M. of II VOrre- SPOlidillg imperficial. area, iii any ether shlti*. 11.11f74ITS. - Warereedmir Di-Jlit cr. eliould he suitably ineunted ivith 'Inouye ov gilt simile*, notexceeding Olu. wide. ri-1 Fmeg will not del adinissiblo,. 1 PAIN11tecON.-A1t painaiw, treiebbe the hone flde work and pa:welly of the Arthst eutenittine game, arid painted expressly for the True lees, IYEI.I.VERY, OF M'iTIth:S.--\kerks aliettleiebe delivered at-. this Clattery, TILDE OF .1tX CI'lN,Zst!... nit titer than *;1 riy int, 1900. . en seinnitlet t -bot the RIESPONISL111140:---,Eval, care will he taken of tlarle Trustees willito0.litihl theineelvee lc- eponsilile for finy.denutgu r )08f. Works' not accepted will be at '. repaoked and delivered upon tires ' - bon of the Artist's order. at tire A et Gallery. SELECTION OF 1VORRN.-Thu , is- tece will consider the woelia mirds, but at must the sUetinctly ender - stood that they do nor bind tbeinselvu, to accept any use of the works snibmitted. By ardor of the Trateces. I O. V. F. .71.1.1.NIN: FecreUiry end SePeria,A10plat. 3(:3. IPSWICH AND WEST MORETON.