The First Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art

SOUTH-EAST ASIA INDONESIA DADANG CHRISTANTO Indonesia b.1957 For those who have been killed 1993 Installation comprising bamboo with metal supports For those: Who are poor Who are suller(ing) Who are oppressed Who are voiceless Who are powerless Who are burdened Who are victims of violence Who are victims of a dupe Who are victims of injustice September 1993 Installation with associated solo performance Suspended bamboo and palm leaf rib structures, organic materials, dry ice Note: In these two related installations the artist expresses a humanistic empathy with the many voiceless victims of history. A long piece of bamboo, randomly pierced by metai supports, makes up the first work, For those who have been killed. The second component consists of a multitude of suspended forms, made of bamboo and palm leaf ribs, evoking 'memorials' constructed by early indigenous societies. HERIDONO Indonesia b.1960 Campaign of the three parties 1992 Synthetic polymer paint on canvas 98x98.5cm Gamelan of rumour 1993 Installation comprising electrical cables, mechanised instruments constructed of wood, iron, gongs, bells Hoping to hear from you soon 1993 Installation comprising painted canvas, card, bamboo, wood, tools, rope, video camera, video projector, slide projector, musical soundtrack The chair September 1993 Performance involving seven dancers and three musicians with multimedia props Note: The artist's two installations reflect aspects of both contemporary and traditional Indonesian life. Game/an of rumour takes the form of an elec- tronically operated gamelan, constructed from non- traditional materials by the artist. Incorporating projected video images and a recorded soundtrack, Hoping to hear from you soon re-creates the struc- ture and atmosphere of a typical cafe or warung. CATALOGUE OF WORKS NYOMAN ERAWAN Indonesia b.1957 Kekunoan (Ancient time) 1987 Oil and mixed media on board 70x63cm Kalakalakalakala 1992-93 Installation comprising wood, canvas, metal and fishing net Note: In the installation Kalaka/akalakala, the artist assembles elements that reflect belief systems of Balinese people. The fishing net makes reference to the sea and its attendant evil spirits. Scorched surfaces recall the widespread practice of cremation of the dead and accompanying ceremonies joyfully releasing the spirits of the departed . The association of white and black makes reference to the interdependence of good and evil, day and night. Of profound spiritual significance, the kris is the embodiment of the identity of its owner. FX HARSONO Indonesia b.1949 Just the rights 1993 Installation comprising wood, cloth, foam rubber, rope, organic materials Monument of reflection 1993 Installation comprising wood, rope, mirror, photographic transfers on glass Note: Padded models of human hands and feet bound to wooden panels make up the installation Just the rights. In the installation Monument of reflection, the artist investigates aspects of human nature and the power structures within global society, the mirrored components involving every viewer inescapably. SUDJANA KERTON Indonesia b.1922 Kuda Kepang (Horse dance) 1990 Oil on canvas 120x140cm Sisingaan (Lion dance) 1990 Oil on canvas 120x140cm A. D. PIROUS Indonesia b.1933 Oh God, listen to us 1991 Modelling paste, synthetic polymer paint, gold leaf on canvas 4 panels: 195x 150cm (each) Collection: Private collection When earth quakes 111991 Modelling paste, synthetic polymer paint, gold leaf on canvas 200x 150cm Collection: Private collection 111 IVAN SAGITO Indonesia b.1957 Manusia yang Wayang atau Manusia yang Topeng (World and wayang) 1989 Oil on canvas 100x140cm Collection: Edwin Rahardjo, Edwin's Gallery, Jakarta lmaji Pada liang Jemuran 111991 Oil on canvas 110x 140cm SRIHADI SOEDARSONO Indonesia b.1931 Horizon 1992 Oil on canvas 97x165cm Collection: Private collection The long journey 1993 Oil on canvas 5 panels: 200x 180cm (each) Collection: Private collection DEDE ERI SUPRIA Indonesia b.1956 Labyrinth 1990 Oil on canvas 230x210cm Collection: The artist In the concrete jungle (from 'Concrete forest' series) 1991 Oil on canvas 120x140cm Collection: PT Tri Patra Engineers and Builders, Indonesia MALAYSIA CHEW TENG BENG Malaysia b.1938 Coralscape series 1990 Handmade paper 61 x75cm Collection: The artist Coralscape series -11991 Handmade paper 94x78.5cm Collection: The artist Coralscape series- 2 1991 Handmade paper 112x81cm Collection: The artist