The First Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art

Asia-Pacific Triennial selectors and Queens­ land Art Gallery staff travelled extensively in the participating countries in the 1991-92 period. Many people aided, assisted and guided them in seeking out contemporary art in the Asia-Pacific region. T he Queensland Art Gallery is extremely grateful for the warmth of the welcome shown and the invaluable assistance given to the project in each country visited. NATIONAL COMMITTEE Mr Doug Hall, Director, Queensland Art Gallery; Dr Caroline Turner, Deputy Director & Manager, International Programs, Queens­ land Art Gallery; Ms Alison Carroll, Visual Ar ts Manager, Asialink, Melbourne; Mr Neil Manton, Director, South-East Asia and the Pacific Program, Cultural RelationsBranch, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra; Professor DavidWilliams, Director, Canberra School of Art, Australian National University. Triennial Project Officer: Ms Christine Clark. AUSTRALIAN SELECTORS National Committee members (as above); Ms Anne Kirker, Curator, Prints, Drawings & Photographs, Queensland Art Gallery(T hai­ land, New Zealand, Hong Kong); Ms Clare Williamson, Curator, Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, Melbourne (China); Mr Ross Searle, Director, Pere Tucker Regional Gallery, Townsville(Papua New Guinea). SELECTION: SOUTH-EAST ASIA INDONESIA Australian selectors: Dr Caroline Turner; Pro­ fessor DavidWilliams. Selection visits: November 1991 - Ms Alison Carroll; Mr Doug Hall; Dr Caroline Turner; Professor David Williams. July 1992 - Dr Caroline Turner; Professor David Williams. Places visited:Bali(Ubud, Denpasar), Yogya­ karta, Solo City,Bandung, Jakarta. Acknowledgments: Special thanks to Professor Soedarso, Vice Rector, lnstitut Seni Indo­ nesia, Yogyakarta (ISi), and MrJimSupangkat (art critic). Also to the late Dr Sanento Yuliman; Mr Kusnadi; ProfessorBut Muchtar, Rector, lnstitut Seni Indonesia; Dean Wagiono, Jakarta Institute of the Arts(IKJ); Dean Imam Buchori, Faculty of Art and Design, lnstitut TechnologyBandung (1TB). MALAYSIA Australian selectors: Dr Caroline Turner; Professor DavidWilliams. SELECTION PROCESS Selection visits: March 1991 - Mr Joe Devilee, Senior Exhibitions Officer, Queensland Art Gallery. November 1991 -Ms Alison Carroll; Mr Joe Devilee; Mr Doug Hall; Dr Caroline Turner; Professor David Williams. July 1992 - Mr Neil Manton; Dr Caroline Turner; Professor David Williams. Places visited: Kuala Lumpur, Penang. Acknowledgments: Special thanks to Mrs Wairah Marzuki, Acting Director of the National Art Gallery of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Mr Redza Piyadasa, and also to Mr Yeoh Jin Leng. THE PHILIPPINES Australian selector: Ms Alison Carroll. Selection visits: November 1991 - Mr Joe Devilee. August 1992- Ms Alison Carroll. Place visited: Manila. Acknowledgments: Special thanks to Professor Alice Guillermo, University of the Philippines; Professor Eric Torres, Ateneo University; Dr Nicanor T iongson, Cultural Center of the Philippines; Ms Jeannie Javelosa, Director, Australia Centre; Mr Cesare Syjuco, artist and critic; Ms Didi Dee, Hiraya Gallery; Ms Malen Modesto, Cultural Officer, Australian Embassy. SINGAPORE Australian selector: Professor DavidWilliams. Selection visit: July 1992 - Professor David Williams. Acknowledgments: Special thanks to Mr Kanaga Sabapathy, School of Architecture, National University of Singapore; Brother Joseph McNally, President, La Salle College of the Arts; Mr Kwa Chong Guan, Director, Singapore National Museum. THAILAND Australian selector: Ms Anne Kirker. Selection visit: June 1992- Ms Anne Kirker. Places visited:Bangkok, Chiang Mai. Acknowledgments: Special thanks to Professor Somporn Rodboon, Director, Silpakorn Uni­ versity Art Gallery, Bangkok, and Dr Apinan Poshyananda, Associate Dean for Research and Foreign Affairs, Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok. VIETNAM Australian selector: Ms Alison Carroll. Selection visit: August 1992 - Ms Alison Carroll. Place visited: Hanoi. Acknowledgments: Special thanks to Professor Bach and to the staff from the College of Fine Arts, Hanoi. 7 SELECTION: EAST ASIA CHINA Australian selector: Ms ClareWilliamson. Selection visits: October 1991 - Mr Doug Hall. May 1992- Ms ClareWilliamson. Places visited: Shanghai, Hangzhou. Acknowledgments: Special thanks to Mr Ni Wen Xiang, Vice-Section Chief, Shanghai Foreign Affairs Office, and Mr Zhou Chang­ jiang, Vice-Director, Shanghai Oil Painting and Sculpture Academy. HONG KONG Australian selector: Ms Anne Kirker. Selection visit: May 1991 - Ms Anne Kirker. JAPAN Australian selector: Mr Doug Hall. Selection visits: May 1991 - Ms Anne Kirker. September 1991 and 1992- Mr Doug Hall. Places visited: Tokyo, Kyoto, Saitama, Fukuoka. Acknowledgments: Special thanks to Mr Masayoshi Homma, former Director, Saitama Museum of Modern Art; Mr Toshia Hara, Director, Hara Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo; Mr Takeshi Kanazawa, Chief Curator, Hara Museum of Contemporary Art. SOU TH KOREA Australian selector: Mr Doug Hall. Selection visits: September 1991 and 1992 - Mr Doug Hall. Place visited: Seoul. Acknowledgments: Special thanks to Professor Young Bang Lim, Director, T he National Museum of ContemporaryArt, andMiss Eun­ Ju Choi, Assistant Curator, T he National Museum of Contemporary Art. SELECTION: SOUTH PACIFIC NEW ZEALAND Australian selector: Ms Anne Kirker. Acknowledgments: Special thanks to Mr John Leuthar t of the Queen Elizabeth 11 Arts Council of New Zealand, and MrBill Milbank, Director, Sarjeant Gallery, Wanganui. PAPUA NEWGUINEA Australian selectors: Mr Ross Searle, Mr Greg Roberts. Selection visits: November 1991 - Mr Greg Roberts and Mr Ross Searle. August 1992- Mr Ross Searle. Places visited: Port Moresby, Goroka, Lae, Rabaul, Madang, Mt Hagan, Sogeri. Acknowledgments: Special thanks to Mr Soroi Marepo Eoe, Director, National Museum and Art Gallery, Boroko, and Mr Joe Nalo, artist. AUSTRALIA Australian selector: Mr Doug Hall.