The Second Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art exhibition catalogue (APT2)

Acknowledgments Since the inception of the Triennial a large number of Australian and overseas specialists have shared their knowledge and experience with great generosity. We thank all who have helped realise the Triennials in 1993 and 1996. The Queensland Art Gallery extends its gratitude to the many lenders to this exhibition. National Advisory Committee Doug Hall (Director, Queensland Art Gallery); Caroline Turner (Deputy Director and Manager, International Programs, Queensland Art Gallery); Alison Carroll (Arts Manager, Asialink); Ian Howard (Provost and Director, Queensland College of Art, Griffith University); David Williams (Director, Canberra School of Art, Australian National University); Neil Manton (independent Writer and Adviser); Chris Saines (former Manager, Curatorial and Support Services, Queensland Art Gallery, now Director, Auckland Art Gallery); Margo Neale (Curator, Indigenous Australian Art, Queensland Art Gallery). The Queensland Art Gallery acknowledges the support of the Queensland Government and the Australian Government through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (International Cultural Relations Branch), and Embassies and High Commissions in the Asia-Pacific region. The Queensland Art Gallery wishes to thank the individuals and organisations who have assisted in many ways with the preparation of the Second Asia-Pacific Triennial. These individuals helped in numerous ways, some with the catalogue and some with other aspects of the project, including the Conference and visits by Triennial artists to Australian venues other than Brisbane. It has not been possible to individually name all of those who helped with the project. Queensland Art Gallery Staff All staff at the Queensland Art Gallery have worked on this project but the following deserve special mention for their role: Project Team Rhana Devenport (Senior Project Officer); Christine Clark (Project Officer); Dionissia Giakoumi (Project Officer); Desley Bischoff (Executive Secretary); Andrew Clark (Exhibitions Officer); Celestine Doyle (Promotions Officer); Simon Elliott (Associate Registrar); Elliott Murray (Designer); Melanie Raymond (Publications Assistant); June Baker (Corporate Liaison Officer); Anna Roberts (Corporate Sponsorship); Michael Barnett (Temporary Exhibitions Assistant). Queensland Art Gallery Slaff Selectors David Burnett, Christine Clark, Rhana Devenport,Joe Devilee, Simon Elliott, Dionissia Giakoumi, Anne Kirker, Timothy Morrell, Margo Neale, Dr Caroline Turner. Queensland Art Gallery Staff Acknowledgments Joan Alberts, Chris Anderson, Graeme Archibald, Elizabeth Bates, Mark Bayly, Michael Beckman, Debra Lee Bennet– McLean, Alexandra Black, Helen Bovey, Mervyn Brehmer, Len Clarke, Nicholas Cosgrove, Michelle Crossley, Colin Diachkoff, Andrew Dudley, Moira Duffy, Joanne Duke, Belinda Elks, Fahina Fatafehi, Nicole Feuz, William Fleming, Ray Fulton, Catherine Goodwin, Paul Graham, Judy Gunning, Susan Herbert, Don Heron, Janet Hogan, John Hook, Rodney James, Matthew Kassay, Damian Kelly, Heather Kelly, Bridget Kinnear, Ian Laver, John Lewis, Hilary MacDonald, John Massy, Donna Mcinnes, Linda Mehan, Jim Middleton, Anne Moran, Hana Mrnka, Tiffany Noyce, Gillian Osmond, Len Parry, Catherine Pemble-Smith, Miriam Prystupa, Suhanya Raffel, Robyn Rodda, Kym Rose, Lynne Seear, Jason Smith, Catherine Spedding, Sara Steffen, Bruce Storie, 150 I Ac KNow L ED GMENTs Sarah Tiffin, Jackie Tindill, Donna Urquhart, Warren Watson, Paul Whitley, Alan Wilson, Robyn Ziebell, Robert Zilli, Protection and Services staff at the Queensland Art Gallery, Volunteer Guides, Information Officers, Library Volunteers and Triennial Volunteers, Victoria Clark, Meagon Gaynor and Gordon Craig; and the many students involved. AustralianExternal Selectors/Curators Alison Carroll; Dr Susan Cochrane (Director of Pacificlink); Julie Ewington (Senior Curator, Museum Education,Museum of Contemporary Art); Pat Hoffie (Associate Professor, Queensland College of Art, Griffith University); Prof. Ian Howard; Judy Kean (Northern Territory Museum of Arts and Sciences); Victoria Lynn (Curator, Contemporary Art, The Art Gallery of New South Wales); Neil Manton; Claire Roberts (Curator, Asian Decorative Arts & Design, Powerhouse Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences); Chris Saines; Prof. David Williams; Clare Williamson (Curator, Australian Centre for Contemporary Art); Guan Wei (Artist). General Acknowledgments Australia Michael Aird (Curator, Aboriginal Studies, Queensland Museum); Penelope Aitken (Asialink); Steven Alderton (Director, Bundaberg Arts Centre); Bob Anderson; Greg Andrews (Executive Director, Office of the Arts and Cultural Development); Judy Annear (Independent Curator); John Armstrong (Head of Visual Arts– Academy of the Arts, Queensland University of Technology); David Austin (District Sales Manager, Cargo, Singapore Airlines, Brisbane); Michael Baartz (Community Printmakers Murwillumbah Inc.); Dr Glen Barclay (University of Queensland); Jill Barker (Queensland University of Technology); John Barrett-Lennard; Keith Bimrose (Manager, Transport Planning Metro District, Department of Main Roads, Brisbane); Virginia Birt (Executive Officer, Australia- New Zealand Foundation); Keith Borey; Michael Brand (National Gallery of Australia); Alison Broinowski (Writer); Denis Buchanan (General Manager,The Brisbane Hilton); Professor Sandra Buckley (Department of Japanese Studies, Griffith University); Bureau of Meteorology; Gregory Burke (Arts Adviser, International Cultural Exchange, Arts Council of New Zealand Toi Aotearoa); Patrick Burns (Manager, Promotions Division, South Bank Parklands); Dr Chris Burwell (Queensland Museum); John Butler (Local Controller, State Emergency Service); Vicente Butron (Artist/Curator); Christine Campbell (Executive Officer, Flying Arts Inc., Brisbane); Cliff Campbell; Professor Leon Cantrell (Dean, Faculty of Arts, Southern Cross University); Marion Close; Grace Cochrane (Powerhouse Museum); Ken Crawford (State Manager Queensland, Ansett Australia); Dr Robert Cribb (University of Queensland); CSL Bioplasma, CSL Limited; Fran Cummings (formerly Gold Coast Regional Art Gallery); Dr Alan Dartnall (Coordinator Museum Studies, James Cook University); Graeme Detering (Manager, Maintenance, Queensland Cultural Centre Trust); Rebecca Dezuanni (Tour Program Coordinator, Flying Arts Inc., Brisbane); Phyllis Donovan; Siobhan Dooley (Promotions Coordinator, Ansett Australia); Professor Hugh Dunn (former Australian Ambassador to China); Marney Dunn; Dinah Dysart (former Editor, Art AsiaPacific); Michael Eather (Director, Fireworks Gallery); Peter Ellis (Director-General, Department of the Premier and Cabinet); Hannah Fink (Editor, Art and AsiaPacific); Denise Fisher (North Asia Section, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra); Dona! Fitzpatrick (University of Western Sydney); Lucienne Fontannaz; Steve Fox (Director, 24 Hour Art, NT Centre for Contemporary Art); Dr Amar Galla (University of Canberra); Louise Goodsell (Secretary, Centre for the Study of Australia-Asia Relations, Griffith University);Tim Goulding (SeniorTrade Officer, China Secretariat, Department of Economic Development and Trade, Brisbane); Elizabeth Grant (Australia– China Council Secretariat); Bernie Green (Executive Officer to the Lord Mayor, Office of the Lord Mayor); Marlene Hall (Queensland College of Art, Griffith University); Annette Hamilton (Macquarie University); Judith Hewitson (Documentary script writer); Cathryn Hlavka (Director, Australia-China Council); J. Hocken (Director-General, Department of Emergency Services, Brisbane); Stephen Ph Huang (Director, Australia- Korea Foundation);Terry Hudnutt (25th Anniversary Coordinator, Griffith University); David Hull (Associate Professor, Dean of Faculty, University of Western Sydney); Margaret lselin; Joanna Jordan (Entertainment Development Coordinator, South Bank Parklands);Thia Hui Juat (Manager, Queensland, Singapore Airlines); Tom Kenney (Singapore Airlines Limited); Natalie King (Monash University); Tony King (Queensland Ambulance Service); Deirdre Koster (former Secretary, Centre for the Study of Australia-Asia Relations, Griffith University); Despina Kotzampaltiris (international Freight, DAS Distribution, Brisbane); John Kotzas (Brisbane Festival); Anthony Krimmer (Director-General, Department of Economic Development and Trade, Brisbane); Geoff Lacey and Staff of the Queensland Department of Education; Peter Lancaster (Project Officer, Australia-China Council); Ian Lang (Documentary Director, Queensland College of Art, Griffith University); Suzi Latimer (Linkage/Leakage, Kick Arts Collective Inc., Cairns); Lindy Lee (Artist, Sydney); Bill Lenehan (General Manager, Network Ten); Merv Lewerissa (Singapore Airlines); Peter Liddy (Director, Ipswich Regional Art Gallery); Captain Littleton (Assistant Harbour Master, Department of Transport, Brisbane); Robert Luton (Director, Australia-Indonesia Institute); Geoff Lowe (Artist, Melbourne); Fay Mabb; Colin Mackenzie (International Cultural Relations Branch, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade); Professor Colin Mackerras (Griffith University); George Malouf (District Commander, Queensland Fire Service, Department of Emergency Services); Dr Margaret Maynard (Fine Arts Department, University of Queensland); Frank McBride (Director, City Hall Art Gallery & Museum, Brisbane City Council); Richard McCarthy (Fireworks Gallery); Susan McCulloch (Asian Art News,Victoria); Doreen Mellor (Tandanya, Adelaide); Professor Colin Mercer (QANTM); Russell Milledge (Linkage/Leakage, Kick Arts Collective Inc., Cairns); Minjerribah Moorgumpin Elders-in-Council Aboriginal Corporation; Geoff Montieth (Queensland Museum); Dr Clive Moore (University of Queensland); Barry Muche (Director, Protocol Dept. of the Premier and Cabinet); Kevin Munn (General Manager, Australia Foundation for Culture and the Humanities); Bernice Murphy (Assistant Director/Chief Curator, Museum of Contemporary Art); John Murphy (Executive Officer, Australia-Indonesia Institute); Michael Myer and Anne Gamble Myer; Hanh Ngo; Laurie Nilson (Director, Fireworks Gallery); Eileen O'Loughlin; Michael Otago (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Brisbane); Otis Building Technologies Pty Ltd; Leon Paroissien (Director, Museum of Contemporary Art); Louise Pether (Museum of Contemporary Art); Betsy Pie (Promotions Officer,The Brisbane Hilton); Philip Pike (Senior Policy Adviser to the Deputy Premier,Treasurer and Minister for the Arts); John Powys (Director, Australia-India Council); John Quinn (Assistant Secretary, International Cultural Relations Branch, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra); Paul Reid (Regional Manager, Queensland, Air Niugini); Allyson Reynolds (Director, Doggett Street Studio); Ian Riedel (Managing Director, Australian Pyrotechnic Displays); Royal Brisbane Hospital; Christine Sammers (Director of Arts Funding, Australia Council for the Arts); Ian Scott (Director, Australia-Japan Foundation); Ross Searle (Director, University Art Museum, University of Queensland); Peter Shepherd (Associate Dean, Faculty of Creative Arts, University of Wollongong); Steve Shepherd (Secretary, Australia New Zealand Foundation); Dr Gene Sherman (Director, Sherman Galleries); Tim Smith (Northern Territory University, School of Fine Arts, Darwin); Michael Snelling (Director, Institute of Modern Art); Alderman Jim Soorley (The Right Honorable The Lord Mayor of Brisbane); Spectrum Photographic Colour Services Pty Ltd; Staff of the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service and the Australian Customs Service; John Stafford (Program Manager, Visual Arts Craft & Design, Arts and Cultural Development Branch); Bruce Stewart (Department of Economic Development and Trade, Queensland); Brian Stonier (Executive Chairman, Macmillan Publishers Aust. Pty. Ltd.); Dr Martin Stuart-Fox (University of Queensland); Faye Taiatihi;Willie Taufahema; Inspector Ian Townsley (Queensland Police Service); Madonna Townsley (Arts Queensland); Dr Russell Trood (Director, Centre for the Study of Australia-Asia Relations, Griffith University); Barbara Tuckerman (Acting Director, Griffith Artworks, Griffith University); Debbie Turner (Network Ten); Dr Nancy Underhill (Fine Arts Department, University of Queensland); Lenny Vance (Special Events Coordinator and Tours Supervisor, Brisbane City Council); Dr Adrian Vickers (University of Wollongong); Anna Waldmann (Manager,Visual Arts/Craft, Australia Council for the Arts); Colleen Wall (Arts Queensland); Dr Sue-Ann Wallace (Director, Audience Development and Advocacy, Australia Council for the Arts); Anita Warren (Marketing Manager, ABC Radio); Lilla Watson; Maureen Watson; Professor Roy Webb (Vice-Chancellor, Griffith University); Allan Welch (Director, Administration Services, Dept. of the Premier and Cabinet); Ian Were (C.C.C., Sydney); Scott Whitaker (Director, Doggett Street Studio); MichaelWilson (former Ambassador to Papua New Guinea); David Woodall (Chairman, Queensland-China Council); Dr Maria Wronska-Friend (Lecturer, Material Anthropology, James Cook University); Sang Ye (Writer, Brisbane); Athol Young (Brisbane Festival); John Young (Artist, Sydney); Jay Younger (Griffith University); Des Zagami (Director, Queensland Cultural Centre Trust); Pamela Zeplin (University of Western Sydney); Professor Jenny Zimmer. (Macmillan Publishers Aust. Pty. Ltd). International Acknowledgments The generosity of hundreds of individuals in Asia and the Pacific is acknowledged with gratitude. In particular, all the artists who met with the teams and discussed their work are thanked. East Asia China Wang Youshen (Artist,Writer/Critic, Curatorial Team Member, Beijing); H.E. Mr Ric Smith (Australian Ambassador to the People's Republic of China); Dr Danny Kane (Counsellor-Cultural, Australian Embassy); John MacGregor (Cultural Assistant, Australian Embassy); Dr Richard Rigby (Consul-General, Australian Consulate– General); Dr Mark Napier (Consul, Australian Consulate-General); Anthony Taylor (Consul, Public Affairs, Australian Consulate-General); L.I. Hongwei (Cultural Assistant, Australian Consulate-General); Geremie Barme; Chang Tsong-zung; Peter Coyne; Nicholas Jose; Li Xianting; Liao Wen; Liu Liwen; ShuiTianzhong; Tai Fang; Xu Hong; Zhou Xiaowei Barme. Hong Kong Oscar Ho Hing Kay (Co-curator, Exhibition Director, Hong Kong Arts Centre); Geoff D.H. Walsh (Consul-General, Australian Consulate-