The Second Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art exhibition catalogue (APT2)

• I ;(•J :I SALE Left and below left Marintan SIRAIT b.1960 Lives and works rn Bandung, Indonesia Membangun rumah (Building ahouse) 1996 Installation compr1srng fluorescent lights, coconut shell ash, newspapers and earth; associated performance involving audience participation 30 minutes, 26 September 1996 Collection: The artist Left ARAHMAIANI b1961 Based in Bandung, Indonesia Handle without care Performance by the artist with audio and video components 11 minutes, 27 and 28 September 1996 Left ARAHMAfANI Nation for sale 1996 Installation comprising photographs, plastic toys, soil, wafer,pills, mirrors, plastic bags, timber, paper, neon, photographs by Marian Drew and Manit Sriwanichpoom Collection:The artist