The Second Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art exhibition catalogue (APT2)

Francesca ENRIQUEZ (Keka) 'The World of Interiors' 1995 Oil paint on magazine 28x20.3cm Collection: The artist The house: Everything is every thing 1996 Installation comprising oil paint on plaster casts Dimensions variable Collection: The artist Mark JUSTINIANI Tuloypo Kayo (Welcome) 1994 Mixed media 91.4x61cm Collection: John Batten, Hong Kong Okupado (Occupied) 1994 Part of atriptych Mixed media 112x76.4cm (each) Collection: Rene Guadale Edukado (Educated) 1994 Part of atriptych Mixed media 112x76.4cm (each) Collection: Joven Cuanang Krisliyano (Christian) 1994 Part of atriptych Mixed media 112x76.4cm (each) Collection: The artist Magyabiyak (The other half) 1994 Mixed media 61 x122cm Collection: Didi Dee, Manila Silip-butas (Peephofe) 1995 Mixed media 183x61 cm Collection: The artist Kamin LERTCHAIPRASERT Problem-Wisdom 1995 366 papier-mach~ pieces, cotton fabric 1400x200cm (variable) Collection:The artist MAIAnhDOng 'Ramu'aon' festival 1995 Installation comprising painting (oil on canvas with engraved timber frames). cactus, stones, sand, wooden box Painting: 170x300cm Collection: The artist The night of the high plateau 1995 Oil on canvas with engraved timber frames 135x200cm Collection: The artist Nalini MALANI Bodyas site 1996 Installation comprising 3wall drawings of synthetic polymer paint, chalk and charcoal, and 6works on paper: Woman 1995-96 Synthetic polymer paint, chalk and charcoal on wall 3drawings 180x120cm (each,approx.) Collection:The artist Mutant I-Mutant VI (from 'B Series') 1995-96 Fabric dye, chalk and charcoal on milk carton paper 6 pieces: 180x120cm (each, approx.) Mutanl I: Collection: Sakshi Gallery, Bombay Mutant II-Mutant VI: Collection:The artist Dreamings and def/1/ngs 1991 Accordian book: side 1, reverse painting on mylar; side 2, monotype and watercolour 29.2x304.8cm Collection:The artist Mrinalini MUKHERJEE Kusumbh 1995 Hemp 122x142x142cm Collection: The artist Pushp (The flower) 1993 Hemp 102x125x82cm Collection:The artist Van Shringar (Forest ornament) 1992 Hemp 2pieces: 142x135x77cm; 68x74x53cm Collection: The artist Aranyani(The goddess of wood and forests) 1996 Hemp 142x127x104cm Collection: The artist Fauzan OMAR Luminosity 'Celebration' 1995-96 Synthetic polymer paint, cut canvas and mixed media on canvas 24 panels in 6sets of 4: 245x51 cm (each set) Collection:The artist Chatchai PUIPIA Siamese smile: Siamese intellectual 1995 Oil and synthetic polymer paint on canvas 200x300cm Collection: The artist Siamese smile: Morning evening lovesong 1995 Oil and synthetic polymer paint on canvas 240x220cm Collection: Mr Kris Kasemsarn, Bangkok Siamese smile: May I come in? 1995 Oil, pastel and synthetic polymer paint on canvas 220x200cm Collection: The artist RAJA Shahriman Raja Aziddin Killing tool no.2 1995 Metal 71 x59x31 cm Collection:Valentine Willie Fine Art, Kuala Lumpur Killing tool no.4 1994 Metal 137x49x30cm Collection: Private collection Killing tool no.8 1994 Metal 77x41 x23cm Collection: National Art Gallery, Malaysia Killing tool no. tt 1994 Metal 65x59x40cm Collection: Private collection Navin RAWANCHAIKUL Adialogue with oneself 1996-97 Installation comprising mixed media and found-objects in viewing chamber 340x480x480cm Collection: The artist N. N. RIMZON House of heavens 1995 Resin, fibreglass, aluminium, marble dust 150x220x90cm Collection:The artist Blue shadow 1995 Charcoal, sand and blue pigment on paper 19x44cm Collection: The artist While boat 1995 Charcoal, watercolour, synthetic polymer paint and sand on paper 22x37cm Collection: The artist Burning house 1995 Charcoal and synthetic polymer paint on paper 18x35.5cm Collection:The artist Man near the pond 1994 Charcoal on paper 28x40cm Collection: The artist Memories 1995 Charcoal, synthetic polymer paint and brickdust on paper 36.5x34cm Collection:The artist Wax temple 1995 Charcoal, wax and synthetic polymer paint on paper 36x43cm Collection:The artist Jose Tence RUIZ Pabilin 1996 Installation comprising bamboo grid, fabric, pulley. nylon rope, video monitor, 27 sculptures constructed by Filipino artists in wood, found-objects, resinated fabric, reconstituted plastic, fibreglass Dimensions variable Collection:The artist Hasnul Ja111al SAIDON Kdek, Kdek Ong! 1994 Installation comprising single-channel video/audio component, coconut shells, pedestals, hat, red tape Dimensions variable Collection:The artist SANGGAWA Palo-Sebo 1995 Oil on canvas 197x305cm Collection: Queensland Art Gallery Sinning In the rain 1994 Oil on canvas 198x292cm Nilima SHEIKH Shamiana 1996 Installation comprising hanging scrolls of casein tempera on canvas, canopy of synthetic polymer paint on canvas, steel frame, customwood hexagonal plinth with ramp 6scrolls: 255x180cm (each) Canopy: 540x585cm Collection:The artist Marintan SIRAIT Membangun rumah (Building ahouse) 1996 Installation comprising fluorescent lights, projectors, ash, newspapers, earth, kerosene Dimensions variable Collection: The artist Membangun rumah (Building ahouse) Performance: 26 September 1996 Vivan SUNDARAM Carrier 1996 Installation comprising wooden boat, chairs, oars, brass, found-objects, organic materials, video and audio components Dimensions variable Collection: The artist AgusSUWAGE Oongeng dart bumi yang resah (Tale from aworried earth) 1994 Synthetic polymer paint, gouache, branch, paper, nails and wire constructed in wooden boxes 18 boxes: 39x48x7cm (each) Collection:The artist Pemandangan dun/awl I (Earthly landscape I J 1995 Asphalt, photography, aluminium on wood 190x220cm; artist's frame: 192x222x5 Collection: The artist Suzann VICTOR Tintoretto's Risen Christ, arresting lazy Susan 1996 Installation comprising stiffened organza, salt, sugar, hair, glue, glass sculptures, velvet pillows,wire, revolving platform, free-standing curved walls Dimensions variable Collection:The artist Jakapan VILASINEEKUL Cleaner 1994 Bench, floor and toilet cleaning set, wood, synthetic leather 153x125x75cm Collection: The artist Hope seller 1994 Wood, cement, synthetic rubber 63x84x45cm Collection:The artist Sandal, doormat 1994 Iron, cement 7x230x75cm Collection:The artist VO Din Tan Monsters, devils and angels 1996 Ink, gouache and synthetic polymer paint on recycled cardboard 36 pieces: 30x9x5cm (each, approx.) Collection:The artist Suitcases ofapilgrim 1996 Ink, gouache and synthetic polymer paint on recycled cardboard in wooden and glass boxes 12 boxes: 25x30x5cm (each) Collection:The artist WONG Hay Cheong Marriage ofa rubber tapper to agirl dressed as the Virgin Mary in a school play(from 'Migrants' series) 1994 Charcoal and photostat collage on hanging paper scrolls 180x150cm Collection: National Art Gallery, Malaysia Some dreamt ofMalaya, some dreamt of Great Britain (from 'Migrants' series) 1994 Charcoal and photostat collage on hanging paper scrolls 180x150cm Collection: National Art Gallery, Malaysia She was married al fourteen and had fourteen children (from 'Migrants' series) 1994 Charcoal and photostat collage on hanging paper scrolls 180x150cm Collection: National Art Gallery, Malaysia