Beyond the Future: Papers from the Third Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art

theorist Jean Baudrillard, The Defence of the Real , writes regu larly on Australian art for various magazines and journals and is an art reviewer for The Courier-Mail newspaper in Brisbane. CAI GUO QIANG (p.76) Cai Guo Qiang was born in Quanzhou City, China, in 1 957. He studied at the Fine Art Department, Shanghai Theatrical University, from 1 98 1 -85 and moved to Japan in 1 986. He has received awards from the Cartier Foundation for Contemporary Art, Paris, 1 993, and the Metropol itan Museum of Art in Tokyo, 1 989. He has lived and worked in New York since 1 995. Over the past decade, works by Ca i Guo Qiang have been presented across the globe. Major exhibitions include 'I nside Out: New Chinese Art', at the Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco ( 1 999), the solo exh ibition 'Day dreaming: Cai Guo Qiang' (1 998), and 'Cities on the Move' in Venice, France and London . In 1 995, Cai Guo Qiang was represented in 'Asiana: Contemporary Art from the Far East', and in the 46th and 48th Ven ice Biennales. The artist participated in the Second and Third Asia-Pacific Triennials of Contemporary Art. ALISON CARROLL (pp. 1 34 & 1 62) Al ison Carroll is D irector of the Arts Program , The Asialink Centre, University of Melbourne. She has been a curator for over twenty years and has worked particularly with contemporary Asian art since the early 1 980s. She has been an advisor to the APT since 1 99 1 and has been part of the curatorial teams for The Phil ippines, Vietnam, Korea and Taiwan for the First and Second APTs and for South Asia (with a particular focus on Pakistan) and Crossing Borders for APT3 . CHEN ZHEN (p.1 67) Chen Zhen was born in 1 955 in Shanghai, China and is a participating artist in APT3. He graduated from the Shanghai Institute of Drama (Theatrical Design Department) in 1 982, and later studied at the E cole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris, France and the l nstitut des Hautes E tudes des Arts Plastiques Paris, France. His solo exh ibitions include 'Game & Cult', Art & Public, Geneva, Switzerland ( 1 999); 'Between Therapy and Med itation', Ghislaine Hussenot Gallery, Paris, etc. , France ( 1 998), 'Fu (Fu ) Dao (Dao)', Center for Contemporary Art, Kitakyushu, Japan ( 1 997) and 'Daily I ncantation' , Deitch Projects, New York, USA ( 1 996). In 1 999 his work was included in The 48th Biennale d i Venezia, Italy. Chen Zhen is a Professor at E cole Nationale des Beaux-Arts, Nancy, France. DR JOHN CLARK (p. 141 ) Dr John Clark is Associate Professor at the Un iversity of Sydney where he teaches in the Department of Art H istory & Theory and in the School of Asian Studies . H is publ ications include the edited conference papers Modern ity in Asian Art, Wild Peony Press, Sydney, 1 993; his translation of Kuki ShQzo's An Essay On Japanese Taste: The Structure of ' l ki', Power Publications, Sydney, 1 997 and the summation of his research, Modern Asian Art, Craftsman House, Sydney & University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, 1 998. He is currently recipient of a three-year Australian Research Council Grant for research on new models for modernity in art to be derived from a direct comparison between Chinese and Thai art of the 1 980s and 1 990s. DR SUSAN COCHRANE (p.54) Dr Susan Cochrane is an independent curator and D irector of Pacificlink Arts Consultants . Specialising in contemporary Pacific and Aboriginal art, she has completed her MA (Hons) and PhD degrees i n this field of art history. From 1 996 to 1 999 she held the position of Head of Department, Kanak and Pacific Contemporary Art for the Tj ibaou Cultural Centre of Noumea, New Caledonia, where she established the first major collection of Pacific contemporary art. Susan is the author of Contemporary Art in Papua New Gu inea , Craftsman House Press, Sydney, 1 997 and Beretara : Contemporary Pacific Art. Halstead Press, Sydney, Australia, 2000 . She has also edited a volume of essays on Aborig inal collections in Australian Museums and Art Galleries and written extensively on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander contemporary art. Susan has been the Co-curator for Melanesia and the Pacific for the Second and Th ird Asia-Pacific Triennials. 1 7 1