Beyond the Future: Papers from the Third Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art

ASSOC. PROFESSOR PATRICK D. FLORES (p.66) Assoc. Professor Patrick D. Flores is Chairperson of the Department of Art Studies of the University of the Phil ippines at Diliman where he received his undergraduate and graduate education in the Humanities and Art History. He is currently completing final requirements for a PhD in Philippine Studies at the same university. He has published books on art education, criticism, and art h istory; and actively contributes essays to local and international publications. He was a Paul Mellon Visiting Senior Fellow (Spring-Summer 1 999) at the Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC. Prof. Flores was a catalogue writer for the Second and Third APTs, and co-curator for the Philippines for APT3. DANA FRIIS-HANSEN (p.1 1 4) Dana Friis-Hansen has recently left h is position as Sen ior Curator at the Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston, Texas to become Chief Curator at Austin Museum of Art, Texas. I n his more than fifteen years of curatorial experience he has worked at the Whitney Museum of American Art, M IT, List Visual Art Center and spent five years in Tokyo with the independent contemporary art advisory office Nanjo and Associates. He has been a guest curator and lecturer on numerous topics, and has written extensively on contemporary art for both exhibition catalogues and art period icals. At the Contemporary Arts Museum he was responsible for all aspects of exhibition planning and coordination . For APT3 Dana is a co­ curator (Crossing Borders) and a catalogue writer. DR CHARLES GREEN (p.1 22) Dr Charles Green is an artist, critic and art historian . He lectures in the School of Art H istory and Theory at the College of Fine Arts, University of New South Wales . He has published articles and reviews regularly in most Austral ian art magazines since the late 1 980s, and is the Australian reviewer for Artforum magazine, New York. In 1 995 he publ ished Peripheral Vision : Contemporary Australian Art 1 970-94 (Sydney: Craftsman House). DR M. A. GREENSTEIN (p.1 59) Dr M. A. Greenstein is a Los Angeles-based art theorist and critic who writes and lectures on (and in precious moments, curates) the idiosyncratic, the beautiful and the grotesque in contemporary world art and performance. With an eye focused on the Asia Pacific art scene, Dr Greenstein has served as a contributing editor to World Art Magazine and writes for Art AsiaPacific, Art & Text, Asia Art News and World Sculpture News. In the last three years, her research studies in India have been supported by faculty enrichment grants from the Art Center College of Design , where she is a member of the fine arts graduate faculty in theory and criticism . At present, Dr Greenstein is a Fulbright-Hays scholar to Taiwan and is a critic in residence at the Graduate Institute of the Arts in Taipei for the 1 999-2000 academic year. WAYNE GOSS (p.23) Wayne Goss, is Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Queensland Art Gallery and is a former Premier of Queensland. He was Premier and Min ister for Economic and Trade Development from 1 989 to 1 996. Mr Goss was also Arts Minister from 1 989 to 1 992 . While Premier, his government developed an extensive engagement with Asia and the Pacific, including in the areas of education and culture. As Min ister for the Arts as well as Premier, he gave strong support to the instigation and development of the Asia-Pacific Trienn ial. DOUG HALL ( p.8) Doug Hall was appointed Director of the Queensland Art Gal lery in 1 987 . He has served on a range of State and Federal Cultural organ isations and has been Chairman of the Visual Arts/Craft Board of the Austral ia Council and a Member of the Austral ia Council 1 994-97; Councillor, Griffith University 1 99 1 -94; a Member of the Commonwealth Taxation Incentives for the Arts Scheme 1 990-94; Board Member of Art Exh ibitions Austral ia Limited , Member of the Queensland Cultural Centre Trust and he was Deputy Chairman of the Commonwealth Government's Visions of Australia Comm ittee. He has served as a j udge and juror on many occasions including the Moet et Chandon Fellowsh ip (Australia), the VI I I India Triennale, New Delh i ( 1 994) and the 1 997 Bonifacio Art Foundation Comm ission , Manila. Under his 1 73