Beyond the Future: Papers from the Third Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art

DR JYOTINDRA JAIN (p.80) Dr Jyotindra Jain is the Director of Crafts Museum, New Delhi. He obtained his MA in 1 965 from the University of Bombay, and h is PhD in Anthropology and l ndology from the University of Vienna in 1 972. In 1 975 he was Alexander-van-Humboldt Fellow in Germany, researching folk and tribal rel igions of Western India and between 1 976 and 1 978 set up the Shreyas Fol k Museum of Gujarat in Ahmedabad. In 1 98 1 was awarded the Homi Bhabha Fellowship for research on wall paintings of Gujarat. He was Visiting Professor at Harvard University in 1 989. Among h is several publ ications on fol k and tribal arts of Ind ia, his books: Painted Myths of Creation: Art and Ritual of an Indian Tribe; Ganga Devi: Tradition and Expression in Mithila Painting; Other Masters: Five Contemporary Folk and Tribal Artists of India and Kalighat Paintings: Images from a Changing World have received wide critical acclaim. He has curated exhibitions on various aspects of traditional I nd ian arts in India, Europe, USA and Japan . Dr Jain is a recipient of the Netherlands 1 998 Prince Claus Award for h is initiatives in the field of cultural heritage and development. For APT3, Dr Jain has been h ighly instrumental in the selection and realisation of Sonabai's project. DR KAJRI JAI N (p. 1 42) Dr Kajri Jain has recently completed a PhD on Indian 'calendar art', and is currently teaching at the University of Sydney's Department of Art History and Theory. She has also worked as a graphic designer in New Delhi and Sydney. DR LALEEN JAYAMANNE (p.1 38) Dr Laleen Jayamanne teaches Cinema Stud ies in the Dept. of Art H istory and Theory, University of Sydney. Her publications include the book Towards Cinema and its Double, Cross Cultural Read ings, she has edited the book Kiss Me Deadly; Feminism and Cinema for the Moment and also directed the film A Song of Ceylon ( 1 985). EMMANUEL KASARH E ROU (p.1 57) Emmanuel Kasarherou is Directeur Culture! of the Agence de Developpement de la Culture Kanak at the Centre Culture! Tjibaou , New Caledonia. He was co-curator for New Caledonia and a catalogue writer for the Second APT, and co-curator for the Pacific and a catalogue writer for the Third Trienn ial. ANNE KIRKER (p.39) Anne Kirker has been Curator of Prints, Drawings and Photographs at the Queensland Art Gallery since 1 988. Previously, Anne held similar curatorial positions in Auckland and Wellington, New Zealand. She trained in Fine Arts at the Un iversity of Auckland and gained a Master of Arts (in art history) at the Courtauld Institute of Art, London . She is the author of New Zealand Women Artists: A Survey of 1 50 Years (Craftsman House, 1 993) and has curated exh ibitions including 'Being and Noth ingness: Bea Maddock - Work from Three Decades' ( 1 992) (with Roger Butler of the National Gallery of Australia), 'Instant Imaging: Seven Queensland Artists using Electronic Med ia to Create Works on Paper' ( 1 99 1 ), 'FLUXUS and after . . .' ( 1 993), and The Power to Move: Aspects of Austral ian Photography' (1 996). She was a writer and co-ordinator for the Austral ian and New Zealand entries for the Dictionary of Women Artists published by Fitzroy Dearborn , London ( 1 997). For the First, Second and Third Trienn ials she has been Co-curator for New Zealand , Thailand and South Korea and as a catalogue writer for the Second and Third Triennials. KURODA RAIJ I (p.1 29) Kuroda Raij i is currently Curator in charge of collection and exhibition at the Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, where he has been Curator since 1 985. Kuroda Raij i completed h is Masters Course at Tokyo Un iversity majoring in art h istory in 1 985. He has participated in the curatorial team for FAM's Asian Art Shows since 1 985, and also worked on the The 1 st Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, 1 999. He has curated exh ibitions of postwar avant-garde art in Japan, includ ing 'Group Kyushu-Ha: Anti-Art Project', 1 988 and 'Neo-Dada Witnessed: Photo Document,' 1 993. Kuroda Raiji was comm issioner of Japanese artists for the 5th and 7th Bangladesh Asian Art B iennale, 1 99 1 and 1 995 and is a Member of the Museum City Project. 1 75